[robocup-msrs] changing the number of Robudog players in the simulator

Andrew Williams jayhawkeye at gmail.com
Wed Jun 20 21:25:16 EDT 2007

How do you change the number of players that are on the playing field of the
simulator? For example, if we only want to run the Blue Team Offensive
player, do we comment out the other players in the manifest and then change
the number of players in the referee manifest to one per team and only list
one team?

Also, not sure how the following works (with the manifest URI?) to get the
role of the player:
if (ServiceInfo.Service.IndexOf("goalkeeper") != -1)
                _state.Role = player.SoccerPlayerRole.GoalKeeper;
                _state.Role = player.SoccerPlayerRole.Offense;

-- Andrew
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