[robocup-msrs] Non deterministic simulation

Giovanni Lenzi giovanni.lenzi at gmail.com
Fri Jun 8 03:11:21 EDT 2007

I was trying debugging the simplerobudogsoccerplayer last release
application ... but I noticed some very strange behaviors...
You can observe it by putting a simple Console.Writeln("abcdefghilmno") in
the IntHandler method just before the branch that leads to the
controlRobudog() call ...
This message should be teorically printed by every robudog service, but if I
execute the application several times, the message isn't printed the same
number of times each time I execute it...

I'm convinced this behavior is determined by the fact services are running
concurrently, but how can we debug an application like this?
If this was the problem, I think the unique solution could be running each
player on a different machine ... but how to separate the referee code from
the players code??
Do you have some other solutions??

Thanks in advance,

Giovanni Lenzi
Consulenza, programmazione, siti web.
M: +39 3492236442
E: giovanni.lenzi at gmail.com
W: www.giovannilenzi.it
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