[robocup-msrs] Communication between soccer players

Giovanni Lenzi giovanni.lenzi at gmail.com
Tue Jun 5 02:12:48 EDT 2007

Hi all,
I have to implement some sort of communication between robudogs, but I don't
find the right way to proceed ...

How can a redteam player know that there are many others redteam players
beyond himself? How can he know their service names??

1) I tried to query the referee for some sort of global knowledge of players
on each team (i'm actually interested in retrieving the service name of each
service(player) in my team), but it seems that this kind of function is not
offered by the referee. By simply doing an http get to
a browser, i didn't obtain nothing useful except for the number of
players in each team

2) I tried to add partners for every players directly in the
manifest.xmlfile ... For each player, i've specified his teammates as
partners, just
like the referee. But, in this way, I've to modify manually the xml manifest
file before the final challenge, to respect the number of players and the
teamcolor chosen for the challenge, so I think this couldn't be the right
way to proceed

3) Now I'm trying to get service names of teammates by retrieving all the
services localized under /redteam/ folder in the service directory list, but
I need an xml representation of this list and not the html's one displayed
accessing via a browser to localhost:50000/directory

Do you have some idea to retrieve these teammates service names??
I would very appreciate some help!

Thanks in advance,

Giovanni Lenzi
Consulenza, programmazione, siti web.
M: +39 3492236442
E: giovanni.lenzi at gmail.com
W: www.giovannilenzi.it
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