[robocup-legged] [robocup-exec] About AIBO

Daniel Polani d.polani at herts.ac.uk
Fri Jan 27 07:49:00 EST 2006

Dear Masahiro,

first, let me thank Sony and you for the really groundbreaking job of
creating and supporting AIBO - we scientists appreciate the incredibly
useful platform that AIBO has been (a larger number of papers from our
group use AIBO as an ideal platform). As Manuela said, if you believe
there is something that could show Sony how much we appreciate the
AIBO platform and their contribution to robotics, we would be happy to
do so.

Best wishes,

- Daniel

Masahiro FUJITA writes:
 > Dear all,
 > As Asada-san sent the email, Sony announced that Sony discontinues
 > production of AIBO. 
 > Since the beginning, AIBO has grown up with RoboCup. We very much appreciate
 > all of your understanding and support for AIBO and Sony's activities. I know
 > the discussion about a platform in four-legged robot league and appreciate
 > the decision to use AIBO as the platform for RoboCup 2006. I appreciate to
 > it and I regret that Sony made this decision though it is your supports.
 > Personally it is very sad to stop AIBO production, but as Kitano-san
 > mentioned
 > it is a new start for next evolution for RoboCup.
 > I believe your success in RoboCup 2006!!
 > Thank you.
 > ---- Masahiro
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