[robocup-humanoid] Labeled Images of FIFA World Cup ball

Niklas 5fiedler 5fiedler at informatik.uni-hamburg.de
Tue May 8 10:46:37 EDT 2018

Dear all,

a few days ago, the TC announced the new ball which will be used in this
years RoboCup. We quickly purchased it and recorded training images in
our lab. We think that these are probably interesting for you.

We provide:

6700 images containing the ball with exact position labeled
(bitbots-fifa18-davros-01, bitbots-fifa18-high-res-01)

~ 16.000 unlabeled images, most of them containing the ball
(bitbots-fifa18-davros-02, bitbots-fifa18-davros-03,
bitbots-fifa18-davros-04, bitbots-fifa18-davros-05)

You can download these images amongst other training data on our
ImageTagger platform [0] which also provides customizable export
formats. You can find these image sets in the export view [1] or
directly on the page of our team [2].

We also recorded the height and pose of the camera for each image. This
data is not yet directly available on the platform. If you need it we
can send it to you in raw format.

We would appreciate help in labeling the images of the unlabeled sets,
as well as uploading images from your lab environment.

If you have any questions regarding the use of our platform, feel free
to send me an email.

Best regards,

Niklas Fiedler

(for the Hamburg Bit-Bots)

[0] https://imagetagger.bit-bots.de
[1] https://imagetagger.bit-bots.de/images/imageset/explore/
[2] https://imagetagger.bit-bots.de/users/team/1/

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