[robocup-humanoid] RoboCup JapanOpen 2014: Call For Participation

Takeshi OHASHI ohashi at bio.kyutech.ac.jp
Sat Feb 22 08:07:12 EST 2014

++++++++ Apologies for duplicate messages +++++++++

############# Call For Participation ##############

            RoboCup Japan Open 2014

                 May 3-6, 2014


The RoboCup Japan Open 2014 will be held in May 3-6, 2014.
This year, we have separated competitions of Major leagues.

== RoboCup Major Leagues (International teams) ==

Competitions are offered in the following leagues:

- RoboCupRescue Robot League *1
- RoboCupRescue Virtual Robot League *2
- RoboCupRescue Simulation League *2
- RoboCupSoccer Standard Platform League *2
- RoboCupSoccer Humanoid League *2
- RoboCupSoccer Simulation League *2
- RoboCupSoccer Small-size League *2
- RoboCupSoccer Middle-size League *3
- RoboCup at Home League *2

*1 Niigata Institue of Technology,  Kashiwazaki city, Niigata.
*2 Kyushu Institute of Technology, IIzuka city, Fukuoka.
*3 Kitakyushu Science and Research Park Gym, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka.

== Participation ==

All leagues are open to international participants.
Visit http://www.robocup.or.jp/2014JP_OPEN_1/index_eng.htm
to register your RoboCup Major League team.

Please register by internet to japanopen2014 [at] robocup.or.jp
Due date is March 11th.

For Junior, we do not have the open event this year.
(We will have an domestic event for selecting teams for
the world event.)

== Important dates ==

- March 11th Pre-registration deadline RoboCup Major teams
- March 25th Registration deadline
- May 3rd Set-Up day
- May 4th Competition day (open to public)
- May 5th Competition day (open to public)
- May 6th Competition day, finals (open to public)

== Venue ==

- Niigata Institute of Technology
  * Rescue : Roboto League

- Kyushu Institute of Technology (Iizuka, Fukuoka)
   * Soccer : SSL, Humanoid League, Simulation League, SPL
   * Rescue : Simulation League, Virtual Robot League
   * @Home

- Kitakyushu Science and Research Park Gym (Kitakyushu, Fukuoka)
  * Soccer :MSL

Please contact to japanopen2014 [at] robocup.or.jp for any questions.

Regards on behalf of RoboCup JapanOpen 2014 Organizing Committee

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