[robocup-humanoid] Open Source Hard- and Software for Humanoid League

Daniel Seifert dseifert at fumanoids.de
Wed May 8 08:51:26 EDT 2013

Dear teams,

the TC wants to create an overview page on the HL homepage for
released open source code and hardware within the HL.

If your team (or company) has released your robots' hardware, source
code, the source code of a tool or other related software that may be
helpful for other teams, please send me an email with the following
- name/title of the release
- name of the team and link to team homepage
- a short description
- an URL to link to (preferably not a downloadable file but a project
or overview page)

This information will be made publicly available at

On behalf of the TC

Daniel Seifert

dseifert at fumanoids.de
Phone +49 30 838 75-117 (Office), -125 (Lab)

Freie Universität Berlin
Institut für Informatik
AG Intelligente Systeme und Robotik
Arnimallee 7
14195 Berlin

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