[robocup-humanoid] Rules

Daniel Seifert dseifert at fumanoids.de
Sat Mar 3 03:26:56 EST 2012


On Sat, Feb 25, 2012 at 15:31, Alejandro J. Malo Tamayo <badalex2 at me.com> wrote:
> Hi
> On 10.4 can you explain the difference between an abandoned match (that is replayed) and a forteited one.

The HL rules try to match the official FIFA rules wherever possible,
cmp. http://www.fifa.com/mm/document/affederation/generic/81/42/36/lawsofthegame_2010_11_e.pdf.
An abandoned match is a match that was stopped by external forces
(emergency) or by the referee (e.g. because of broken equipment).

> On 19.5  "the team may position the robot freely but at least 30cm away from the robot" that is not possible 8-)

You just have to try hard enough :-) But for the sake of the robot
we'll change it to "from the ball".

Best regards


dseifert at fumanoids.de
Phone +49 30 838 75-117 (Office), -125 (Lab)

Freie Universität Berlin
Institut für Informatik
AG Intelligente Systeme und Robotik
Arnimallee 7
14195 Berlin

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