[robocup-humanoid] Today Online HL-SPL Exhibition Match

Zhou Changjiu ZhouCJ at sp.edu.sg
Thu Nov 18 05:13:09 EST 2010

Dear Oskar,

Thanks for sharing this great news.  I very much look forward to watching
the match!

Best regards,


             Oskar von Stryk                                               
             <stryk at sim.tu-dar                                             
             mstadt.de>                                                 To 
             Sent by:                  Humanoid League Mailing List        
             <robocup-humanoid         <robocup-humanoid at cc.gatech.edu>,   
             -bounces at cc.gatec         RoboCup Nao Mailing List            
             h.edu>                    <robocup-nao at cc.gatech.edu>         
             18/11/2010 17:12                                      Subject 
                                       [robocup-humanoid] Today Online     
                                       HL-SPL Exhibition Match             

Dear HL and SPL Teams,

Today, November 18, during the Second International Conference
on Simulation, Modeling and Programming for Autonomous Robots
held in Darmstadt, Germany, there will be an exhibition match
             B-Human (Standard Platform League)
             Darmstadt Dribblers (Humanoid KidSize League).
The game is scheduled to start
between 5:15 and 5:30pm middle European winter time,
(i.e. 11:15/11:30am US Eastern time, 0:15/0:30am Nov 19 Singaporian time).

Both teams will play on a mixed field with mixed rules of both leagues
using the SPL ball.

We plan to make a live stream available at

Best regards,
Oskar von Stryk

Prof. Dr. Oskar von Stryk           E-Mail: stryk(at)sim.tu-darmstadt.de
Simulation, Systems Optimization    Phone:  ++49 (0) 6151-16-2513
and Robotics Group                             Fax:    ++49 (0)
Technische Universitaet Darmstadt   http://www.sim.tu-darmstadt.de
Hochschulstr. 10                    D-64289 Darmstadt, Germany
robocup-humanoid mailing list
robocup-humanoid at cc.gatech.edu

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