[robocup-humanoid] A doubt about Referee Box (Game Controller)

Dorian Scholz scholz at sim.tu-darmstadt.de
Tue Jun 15 11:14:37 EDT 2010

Dear all,

I have just released a new version of the RoboCup GameController on it's 
SourceForge home page:

As mentioned on the mailinglist the previous version automatically 
switched team color between halftimes.
This behavior now depends on the league: for the SPL the behavior is 
still the same, for Kid/Teen-Size this is no more done automatically.
Instead the switch of team color can be triggered manually.

Please use only this updated version, as it will be the official version 
used at the RoboCup 2010 in Singapore!

Best Regards,
Dorian Scholz

On 06/13/2010 04:52 PM, Hideaki Minakata wrote:
> Hi,
> I think GC doesn't support the following situation.
> So we drove GC as 1st half twice for each game on Japan Open.
> 1st half : normal setting
> 2nd half : 1st half continues, but own goals are switched manually
> Hideaki Minakata (CIT Brains)
> (10.06.12 16:45), Jacky Baltes wrote:
>> In practice, if both teams agree then the change of teams markers is usually
>> omitted to save time during the halft time break.
>> CU,
>>      Jacky
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