<div dir="ltr">Hello marcus ,<br>
I'm a third year engineering student at TocH Institute of Science and
Technology. I'm really excited to apply for gsoc this year and i'm very
much intrested in neuroevolution. I'm thinking of implementing NEAT as a
starter using mlpack . I'm also having a mini project this year at
college , so i'm thinking of implementing other algorithms too using
mlpack as a part of the mini project.I've successfully build and
installed mlpack and the emulator module(and communicated with the
emulator). What will be your advise on implementing NEAT as the starter
for the GSOC program?<br>
Thankyou <br>
Christie J P<br>
<a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/christie-jacob-248603103?trk=hp-identity-name">https://www.linkedin.com/in/christie-jacob-248603103?trk=hp-identity-name</a><br>