[mlpack] compiling mlpack with MinGW/MSYS

Gilles Barges gbarges at free.fr
Fri Aug 1 03:01:33 EDT 2014

dear list,

I'm trying to compile mlpack 1.0.9 on Windows, using MinGW and MSYS environment

As I'm porting an app from OSX, I choosed this environment because I can compile most librairies I'm using with ./configute and make.

when running:
cmake -G "MSYS Makefiles" -D ARMADILLO_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/local/include ../

it complains :
Could NOT find Armadillo (missing: ARMADILLO_LIBRARY) (found suitable version "4.320.0", required is "3.6.0")

Does mlpack requires this exact 3.6.0 version ? or a 3 major version, excluding 4 ?

I tried to hack the file CMakeListe.txt, replacing the line
find_package(Armadillo 3.6.0 REQUIRED)
find_package(Armadillo 4.320.0 REQUIRED) -> (found suitable version "4.320.0", required is "4.320.0")
or even 
find_package(Armadillo) -> (found suitable version "4.320.0")
with no success.

Gilles Barges.

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