[mlpack-git] [mlpack] det compiled with debugging issue (#464)

Jerone Andrews notifications at github.com
Mon Oct 26 17:15:48 EDT 2015

Hi, I am having problems with mlpack det and I have no idea what the issue is. Here is a copy of my terminal output:

Jerones-iMac:build Jerone$ det -t train5.csv -T test5.csv -v -L leafclass.txt -I -E test.txt

[DEBUG] Compiled with debugging symbols.
[INFO ] Loading 'train5.csv' as CSV data.  Size is 1024 x 196.
[INFO ] Performing 10-fold cross validation.
[INFO ] 32 leaf nodes in the tree using full dataset; minimum alpha: -0.865823.
[DEBUG] [bt]: (1) 1   libmlpack.1.dylib                   0x000000010311f152 _ZN6mlpack3det7TrainerERN4arma3MatIdEEmbmmNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS5_11char_traitsIcEENS5_9allocatorIcEEEE + 6066
[DEBUG] [bt]: (2) 2   det                                 0x0000000102ee64f7 main + 2439
[DEBUG] [bt]: (3) 3   det                                 0x0000000102ee5b29 _start + 247
[DEBUG] [bt]: (4) 4   det                                 0x0000000102ee5a31 start + 33
[DEBUG] [bt]: (5) 5   ???                                 0x000000000000000b 0x0 + 11
[DEBUG] Assert Failed.
[INFO ] 
[INFO ] Execution parameters:
[INFO ]   folds: 10
[INFO ]   help: false
[INFO ]   info: ""
[INFO ]   labels_file: ""
[INFO ]   leaf_class_table_file: leafclass.txt
[INFO ]   max_leaf_size: 10
[INFO ]   min_leaf_size: 5
[INFO ]   print_tree: false
[INFO ]   print_vi: true
[INFO ]   test_file: test5.csv
[INFO ]   test_set_estimates_file: test.txt
[INFO ]   train_file: train5.csv
[INFO ]   training_set_estimates_file: ""
[INFO ]   tree_file: ""
[INFO ]   unpruned_tree_estimates_file: ""
[INFO ]   verbose: true
[INFO ]   version: false
[INFO ]   vi_file: ""
[INFO ] 
[INFO ] Program timers:
[INFO ]   det_training: 476.220395s (7 mins, 56.2secs)
[INFO ]   loading_data: 0.951319s
[INFO ]   total_time: 1.262997s

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