[mlpack-git] master: Add Trainer class which serves as container to train the networks. (02fb5d4)

gitdub at big.cc.gt.atl.ga.us gitdub at big.cc.gt.atl.ga.us
Thu Mar 5 22:11:34 EST 2015

Repository : https://github.com/mlpack/mlpack

On branch  : master
Link       : https://github.com/mlpack/mlpack/compare/904762495c039e345beba14c1142fd719b3bd50e...f94823c800ad6f7266995c700b1b630d5ffdcf40


commit 02fb5d479b7af1990ddb8bb68b8069f2b5670fde
Author: Marcus Edel <marcus.edel at fu-berlin.de>
Date:   Sat Jan 10 13:31:19 2015 +0100

    Add Trainer class which serves as container to train the networks.


 src/mlpack/methods/ann/ffnn.hpp            |   4 +-
 src/mlpack/methods/ann/trainer/trainer.hpp | 187 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 189 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/mlpack/methods/ann/ffnn.hpp b/src/mlpack/methods/ann/ffnn.hpp
index 9611c85..56c35df 100644
--- a/src/mlpack/methods/ann/ffnn.hpp
+++ b/src/mlpack/methods/ann/ffnn.hpp
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ namespace ann /** Artificial Neural Network. */ {
  * be used to construct the network.
  * @tparam OutputLayerType The outputlayer type used to evaluate the network.
  * @tparam PerformanceFunction Performance strategy used to claculate the error.
- * @tparam MaType of gradients. (arma::mat or arma::sp_mat).
+ * @tparam MaType Type of the gradients. (arma::mat or arma::sp_mat).
 template <
   typename ConnectionTypes,
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ class FFNN
      * input and target vector, updating the resulting error into the error
      * vector.
-     * @param input Input data used to evaluat the network.
+     * @param input Input data used to evaluate the network.
      * @param target Target data used to calculate the network error.
      * @param error The calulated error of the output layer.
      * @tparam VecType Type of data (arma::colvec, arma::mat or arma::sp_mat).
diff --git a/src/mlpack/methods/ann/trainer/trainer.hpp b/src/mlpack/methods/ann/trainer/trainer.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6cee560
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mlpack/methods/ann/trainer/trainer.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+ * @file trainer.hpp
+ * @author Marcus Edel
+ *
+ * Definition and implementation of a trainer that trains the parameters of a
+ * neural network according to a supervised dataset.
+ */
+#include <mlpack/core.hpp>
+#include <mlpack/methods/ann/network_traits.hpp>
+#include <mlpack/methods/ann/layer/layer_traits.hpp>
+#include <mlpack/methods/ann/layer/neuron_layer.hpp>
+namespace mlpack {
+namespace ann /** Artificial Neural Network. */ {
+ * Trainer that trains the parameters of a neural network according to a
+ * supervised dataset.
+ *
+ * @tparam NetworkType The type of network which should be trained and
+ * evaluated.
+ * @tparam MaType Type of the error type (arma::mat or arma::sp_mat).
+ * @tparam VecType Type of error type (arma::colvec, arma::mat or arma::sp_mat).
+ */
+  typename NetworkType,
+  typename MatType = arma::mat,
+  typename VecType = arma::colvec
+class Trainer
+  public:
+    /**
+     * Construct the Trainer object, which will be used to train a neural
+     * network according to a supervised dataset by backpropagating the errors.
+     *
+     * If batchSize is greater 1 the trainer will take a mean gradient step over
+     * this many samples and will update the parameters only at the end of
+     * each epoch (Default 1).
+     *
+     * @param net The network that should be trained.
+     * @param maxEpochs The number of maximal trained iterations.
+     * @param batchSize The batch size used to train the network.
+     * @param convergenceThreshold Train the network until it converges against
+     * the specified threshold.
+     */
+    Trainer(NetworkType& net,
+            const size_t maxEpochs = 0,
+            const size_t batchSize = 1,
+            const double convergenceThreshold  = 0.0001) :
+        net(net),
+        maxEpochs(maxEpochs),
+        batchSize(batchSize),
+        convergenceThreshold(convergenceThreshold)
+    {
+      // Nothing to do here.
+    }
+    /**
+     * Train the network on the given datasets until the network converges. If
+     * maxEpochs is greater than zero that many epochs are maximal trained.
+     *
+     * @param trainingData Data used to train the network.
+     * @param trainingLabels Labels used to train the network.
+     * @param validationData Data used to evaluate the network.
+     * @tparam validationLabels Labels used to evaluate the network.
+     */
+    void Train(MatType& trainingData,
+               MatType& trainingLabels,
+               MatType& validationData,
+               MatType& validationLabels)
+    {
+      // This generates [0 1 2 3 ... (trainingData.n_cols - 1)]. The sequence
+      // will be used to iterate through the training data.
+      index = arma::linspace<arma::Col<size_t> >(0, trainingData.n_cols - 1,
+          trainingData.n_cols);
+      epoch = 0;
+      while(true)
+      {
+        // Randomly shuffle the index sequence.
+        index = arma::shuffle(index);
+        Train(trainingData, trainingLabels);
+        Evaluate(validationData, validationLabels);
+        if (validationError <= convergenceThreshold)
+          break;
+        if (maxEpochs > 0 && ++epoch > maxEpochs)
+          break;
+      }
+    }
+    //! Get the training error.
+    double TrainingError() const { return trainingError; }
+    //! Get the validation error.
+    double ValidationError() const { return validationError; }
+  private:
+    /**
+     * Train the network on the given dataset.
+     *
+     * @param data Data used to train the network.
+     * @param target Labels used to train the network.
+     */
+    void Train(MatType& data, MatType& target)
+    {
+      // Reset the training error.
+      trainingError = 0;
+      for (size_t i = 0; i < data.n_cols; i++)
+      {
+        net.FeedForward(data.unsafe_col(index(i)),
+            target.unsafe_col(index(i)), error);
+        trainingError += net.Error();
+        net.FeedBackward(error);
+        if (((i + 1) % batchSize) == 0)
+          net.ApplyGradients();
+      }
+      if ((data.n_cols % batchSize) != 0)
+        net.ApplyGradients();
+      trainingError /= data.n_cols;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Evaluate the network on the given dataset.
+     *
+     * @param data Data used to train the network.
+     * @param target Labels used to train the network.
+     */
+    void Evaluate(MatType& data, MatType& target)
+    {
+      // Reset the validation error.
+      validationError = 0;
+      for (size_t i = 0; i < data.n_cols; i++)
+      {
+        net.FeedForward(data.unsafe_col(i), target.unsafe_col(i), error);
+        validationError += net.Error();
+      }
+      validationError /= data.n_cols;
+    }
+    //! The network which should be trained and evaluated.
+    NetworkType& net;
+    //! The current network error of a single input.
+    typename std::conditional<NetworkTraits<NetworkType>::IsFNN,
+        VecType, MatType>::type error;
+    //! The current epoch if maxEpochs is set.
+    size_t epoch;
+    //! The maximal epochs that should be used.
+    size_t maxEpochs;
+    //! The size until a update is performed.
+    size_t batchSize;
+    //! Index sequence used to train the network.
+    arma::Col<size_t> index;
+    //! The overall traing error.
+    double trainingError;
+    //! The overall validation error.
+    double validationError;
+    //! The threshold used as convergence.
+    double convergenceThreshold;
+}; // class Trainer
+}; // namespace ann
+}; // namespace mlpack

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