[mlpack-git] master: Add test cases for the feed forward network. (e9bd340)

gitdub at big.cc.gt.atl.ga.us gitdub at big.cc.gt.atl.ga.us
Mon Jan 19 15:43:15 EST 2015

Repository : https://github.com/mlpack/mlpack

On branch  : master
Link       : https://github.com/mlpack/mlpack/compare/cb4df6fd89c9b2111d4d05633ac8b2c8be4dbeda...e9a2a57c33d1a77ac563e571146d9824b23a52d7


commit e9bd340419133de67ceb3efe78f847b8681941cf
Author: Marcus Edel <marcus.edel at fu-berlin.de>
Date:   Mon Jan 19 21:38:50 2015 +0100

    Add test cases for the feed forward network.


 src/mlpack/tests/feedforward_network_test.cpp | 339 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 339 insertions(+)

diff --git a/src/mlpack/tests/feedforward_network_test.cpp b/src/mlpack/tests/feedforward_network_test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8a61f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mlpack/tests/feedforward_network_test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
+ * @file feedforward_network_test.cpp
+ * @author Marcus Edel
+ *
+ * Tests the feed forward network.
+ */
+#include <mlpack/core.hpp>
+#include <mlpack/methods/ann/activation_functions/logistic_function.hpp>
+#include <mlpack/methods/ann/activation_functions/tanh_function.hpp>
+#include <mlpack/methods/ann/init_rules/random_init.hpp>
+#include <mlpack/methods/ann/layer/neuron_layer.hpp>
+#include <mlpack/methods/ann/layer/bias_layer.hpp>
+#include <mlpack/methods/ann/layer/binary_classification_layer.hpp>
+#include <mlpack/methods/ann/connections/full_connection.hpp>
+#include <mlpack/methods/ann/trainer/trainer.hpp>
+#include <mlpack/methods/ann/ffnn.hpp>
+#include <mlpack/methods/ann/performance_functions/mse_function.hpp>
+#include <mlpack/methods/ann/performance_functions/sse_function.hpp>
+#include <mlpack/methods/ann/performance_functions/cee_function.hpp>
+#include <mlpack/methods/ann/optimizer/steepest_descent.hpp>
+#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
+#include "old_boost_test_definitions.hpp"
+using namespace mlpack;
+using namespace mlpack::ann;
+ * Train and evaluate a vanilla network with the specified structure.
+ */
+template<typename WeightInitRule,
+         typename PerformanceFunction,
+         typename OptimizerType,
+         typename OutputLayerType,
+         typename PerformanceFunctionType,
+         typename MatType = arma::mat,
+         typename VecType = arma::colvec
+void BuildVanillaNetwork(MatType& trainData,
+                         MatType& trainLabels,
+                         MatType& testData,
+                         MatType& testLabels,
+                         size_t hiddenLayerSize,
+                         size_t maxEpochs,
+                         double classificationErrorThreshold,
+                         double ValidationErrorThreshold,
+                         WeightInitRule weightInitRule = WeightInitRule())
+  BiasLayer<> biasLayer0(1);
+  BiasLayer<> biasLayer1(1);
+  NeuronLayer<PerformanceFunction> inputLayer(trainData.n_rows);
+  NeuronLayer<PerformanceFunction> hiddenLayer0(hiddenLayerSize);
+  NeuronLayer<PerformanceFunction> hiddenLayer1(trainLabels.n_rows);
+  OutputLayerType outputLayer;
+  OptimizerType conOptimizer0(trainData.n_rows, hiddenLayerSize);
+  OptimizerType conOptimizer1(1, hiddenLayerSize);
+  OptimizerType conOptimizer2(hiddenLayerSize, trainLabels.n_rows);
+  FullConnection<
+    decltype(inputLayer),
+    decltype(hiddenLayer0),
+    decltype(conOptimizer0),
+    decltype(weightInitRule)>
+    layerCon0(inputLayer, hiddenLayer0, conOptimizer0, weightInitRule);
+  FullConnection<
+    decltype(biasLayer0),
+    decltype(hiddenLayer0),
+    decltype(conOptimizer1),
+    decltype(weightInitRule)>
+    layerCon1(biasLayer0, hiddenLayer0, conOptimizer1, weightInitRule);
+  FullConnection<
+      decltype(hiddenLayer0),
+      decltype(hiddenLayer1),
+      decltype(conOptimizer2),
+      decltype(weightInitRule)>
+      layerCon2(hiddenLayer0, hiddenLayer1, conOptimizer2, weightInitRule);
+  auto module0 = std::tie(layerCon0, layerCon1);
+  auto module1 = std::tie(layerCon2);
+  auto modules = std::tie(module0, module1);
+  FFNN<decltype(modules), decltype(outputLayer), PerformanceFunctionType>
+      net(modules, outputLayer);
+  Trainer<decltype(net)> trainer(net, maxEpochs, 1, 0.001);
+  trainer.Train(trainData, trainLabels, testData, testLabels);
+  VecType prediction;
+  size_t error = 0;
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < testData.n_cols; i++)
+  {
+    net.Predict(testData.unsafe_col(i), prediction);
+    if (arma::sum(prediction - testLabels.unsafe_col(i)) == 0)
+      error++;
+  }
+  double classificationError = 1 - double(error) / testData.n_cols;
+  BOOST_REQUIRE_LE(classificationError, classificationErrorThreshold);
+  BOOST_REQUIRE_LE(trainer.ValidationError(), ValidationErrorThreshold);
+ * Train the vanilla network on a larger dataset.
+ */
+  // Load the dataset.
+  arma::mat dataset;
+  data::Load("thyroid_train.csv", dataset, true);
+  arma::mat trainData = dataset.submat(0, 0, dataset.n_rows - 4,
+      dataset.n_cols - 1);
+  arma::mat trainLabels = dataset.submat(dataset.n_rows - 3, 0,
+      dataset.n_rows - 1, dataset.n_cols - 1);
+  data::Load("thyroid_test.csv", dataset, true);
+  arma::mat testData = dataset.submat(0, 0, dataset.n_rows - 4,
+      dataset.n_cols - 1);
+  arma::mat testLabels = dataset.submat(dataset.n_rows - 3, 0,
+      dataset.n_rows - 1, dataset.n_cols - 1);
+  RandomInitialization<> randInitA(1, 2);
+  // Vanilla neural net with logistic activation function.
+  // Because 92 percent of the patients are not hyperthyroid a the neural
+  // network mst be significant better than 92%.
+  BuildVanillaNetwork<RandomInitialization<>,
+                      LogisticFunction,
+                      SteepestDescent<>,
+                      BinaryClassificationLayer<>,
+                      MeanSquaredErrorFunction<> >
+      (trainData, trainLabels, testData, testLabels, 4, 500,
+          0.3, 60, randInitA);
+  dataset.load("mnist_first250_training_4s_and_9s.arm");
+  RandomInitialization<> randInitB(-0.5, 0.5);
+  // Normalize each point since these are images.
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < dataset.n_cols; ++i)
+    dataset.col(i) /= norm(dataset.col(i), 2);
+  arma::mat labels = arma::zeros(1, dataset.n_cols);
+  labels.submat(0, labels.n_cols / 2, 0, labels.n_cols - 1).fill(1);
+  // Vanilla neural net with logistic activation function.
+  BuildVanillaNetwork<RandomInitialization<>,
+                      LogisticFunction,
+                      SteepestDescent<>,
+                      BinaryClassificationLayer<>,
+                      MeanSquaredErrorFunction<> >
+      (dataset, labels, dataset, labels, 100, 450, 0.6, 90, randInitB);
+  // Vanilla neural net with tanh activation function.
+  BuildVanillaNetwork<RandomInitialization<>,
+                    TanhFunction,
+                    SteepestDescent<>,
+                    BinaryClassificationLayer<>,
+                    MeanSquaredErrorFunction<> >
+    (dataset, labels, dataset, labels, 40, 450, 0.6, 90, randInitB);
+ * Train the network until the validation error converge.
+ */
+  arma::mat input;
+  arma::mat labels;
+  RandomInitialization<> randInit(0.5, 1);
+  // Test on a non-linearly separable dataset (XOR).
+  input << 0 << 1 << 1 << 0 << arma::endr
+        << 1 << 0 << 1 << 0 << arma::endr;
+  labels << 0 << 0 << 1 << 1;
+  // Vanilla neural net with logistic activation function.
+  BuildVanillaNetwork<RandomInitialization<>,
+                      LogisticFunction,
+                      SteepestDescent<>,
+                      BinaryClassificationLayer<>,
+                      MeanSquaredErrorFunction<> >
+      (input, labels, input, labels, 4, 0, 0, 0.01, randInit);
+  // Vanilla neural net with tanh activation function.
+  BuildVanillaNetwork<RandomInitialization<>,
+                      TanhFunction,
+                      SteepestDescent<>,
+                      BinaryClassificationLayer<>,
+                      MeanSquaredErrorFunction<> >
+      (input, labels, input, labels, 4, 0, 0, 0.01, randInit);
+  // Test on a linearly separable dataset (AND).
+  input << 0 << 1 << 1 << 0 << arma::endr
+        << 1 << 0 << 1 << 0 << arma::endr;
+  labels << 0 << 0 << 1 << 0;
+  // vanilla neural net with sigmoid activation function.
+  BuildVanillaNetwork<RandomInitialization<>,
+                    LogisticFunction,
+                    SteepestDescent<>,
+                    BinaryClassificationLayer<>,
+                    MeanSquaredErrorFunction<> >
+    (input, labels, input, labels, 4, 0, 0, 0.01, randInit);
+  // Vanilla neural net with tanh activation function.
+  BuildVanillaNetwork<RandomInitialization<>,
+                      TanhFunction,
+                      SteepestDescent<>,
+                      BinaryClassificationLayer<>,
+                      MeanSquaredErrorFunction<> >
+      (input, labels, input, labels, 4, 0, 0, 0.01, randInit);
+ * Train a vanilla network with the specified structure step by step and
+ * evaluate the network.
+ */
+template<typename WeightInitRule,
+         typename PerformanceFunction,
+         typename OptimizerType,
+         typename OutputLayerType,
+         typename PerformanceFunctionType,
+         typename MatType = arma::mat,
+         typename VecType = arma::colvec
+void BuildNetworkOptimzer(MatType& trainData,
+                          MatType& trainLabels,
+                          MatType& testData,
+                          MatType& testLabels,
+                          size_t hiddenLayerSize,
+                          size_t epochs,
+                          WeightInitRule weightInitRule = WeightInitRule())
+  BiasLayer<> biasLayer0(1);
+  BiasLayer<> biasLayer1(1);
+  NeuronLayer<PerformanceFunction> inputLayer(trainData.n_rows);
+  NeuronLayer<PerformanceFunction> hiddenLayer0(hiddenLayerSize);
+  NeuronLayer<PerformanceFunction> hiddenLayer1(trainLabels.n_rows);
+  OutputLayerType outputLayer;
+  OptimizerType conOptimizer0(trainData.n_rows, hiddenLayerSize);
+  OptimizerType conOptimizer1(1, hiddenLayerSize);
+  OptimizerType conOptimizer2(hiddenLayerSize, trainLabels.n_rows);
+  FullConnection<
+    decltype(inputLayer),
+    decltype(hiddenLayer0),
+    decltype(conOptimizer0),
+    decltype(weightInitRule)>
+    layerCon0(inputLayer, hiddenLayer0, conOptimizer0, weightInitRule);
+  FullConnection<
+    decltype(biasLayer0),
+    decltype(hiddenLayer0),
+    decltype(conOptimizer1),
+    decltype(weightInitRule)>
+    layerCon1(biasLayer0, hiddenLayer0, conOptimizer1, weightInitRule);
+  FullConnection<
+      decltype(hiddenLayer0),
+      decltype(hiddenLayer1),
+      decltype(conOptimizer2),
+      decltype(weightInitRule)>
+      layerCon2(hiddenLayer0, hiddenLayer1, conOptimizer2, weightInitRule);
+  auto module0 = std::tie(layerCon0, layerCon1);
+  auto module1 = std::tie(layerCon2);
+  auto modules = std::tie(module0, module1);
+  FFNN<decltype(modules), decltype(outputLayer), PerformanceFunctionType>
+      net(modules, outputLayer);
+  Trainer<decltype(net)> trainer(net, epochs, 1);
+  double error = DBL_MAX;
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < 5; i++)
+  {
+    trainer.Train(trainData, trainLabels, testData, testLabels);
+    double validationError = trainer.ValidationError();
+    bool b = validationError < error || validationError == 0;
+    error = validationError;
+  }
+ * Train the network with different optimzer and check if the error decreases
+ * over time.
+ */
+  arma::mat dataset;
+  dataset.load("mnist_first250_training_4s_and_9s.arm");
+  RandomInitialization<> randInitB(-0.5, 0.5);
+  // Normalize each point since these are images.
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < dataset.n_cols; ++i)
+    dataset.col(i) /= norm(dataset.col(i), 2);
+  arma::mat labels = arma::zeros(1, dataset.n_cols);
+  labels.submat(0, labels.n_cols / 2, 0, labels.n_cols - 1) += 1;
+  // Vanilla neural net with logistic activation function.
+  BuildNetworkOptimzer<RandomInitialization<>,
+                       LogisticFunction,
+                       SteepestDescent<>,
+                       BinaryClassificationLayer<>,
+                       MeanSquaredErrorFunction<> >
+      (dataset, labels, dataset, labels, 100, 50, randInitB);

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