[mlpack-git] master: Add another test. (929a657)

gitdub at big.cc.gt.atl.ga.us gitdub at big.cc.gt.atl.ga.us
Wed Dec 23 11:44:51 EST 2015

Repository : https://github.com/mlpack/mlpack

On branch  : master
Link       : https://github.com/mlpack/mlpack/compare/de9cc4b05069e1fa4793d9355f2f595af5ff45d2...6070527af14296cd99739de6c62666cc5d2a2125


commit 929a6570d3e16a359f259b23bf594e38a6c082e1
Author: ryan <ryan at ratml.org>
Date:   Tue Oct 20 21:55:38 2015 -0400

    Add another test.


 src/mlpack/tests/load_save_test.cpp | 49 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 49 insertions(+)

diff --git a/src/mlpack/tests/load_save_test.cpp b/src/mlpack/tests/load_save_test.cpp
index 60af90b..8b17b83 100644
--- a/src/mlpack/tests/load_save_test.cpp
+++ b/src/mlpack/tests/load_save_test.cpp
@@ -1125,6 +1125,8 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(SimpleARFFTest)
   for (size_t i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
     BOOST_REQUIRE_CLOSE(dataset[i], double(i + 1), 1e-5);
+  remove("test.arff");
@@ -1133,7 +1135,54 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(SimpleARFFTest)
+  fstream f;
+  f.open("test.arff", fstream::out);
+  f << "@relation test" << endl;
+  f << endl;
+  f << "@attribute one STRING" << endl;
+  f << "@attribute two REAL" << endl;
+  f << endl;
+  f << "@attribute three STRING" << endl;
+  f << endl;
+  f << "\% a comment line " << endl;
+  f << endl;
+  f << "@data" << endl;
+  f << "hello, 1, moo" << endl;
+  f << "cheese, 2.34, goodbye" << endl;
+  f << "seven, 1.03e+5, moo" << endl;
+  f << "hello, -1.3, goodbye" << endl;
+  f.close();
+  arma::mat dataset;
+  DatasetInfo info;
+  data::Load("test.arff", dataset, info);
+  BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(info.Dimensionality(), 3);
+  BOOST_REQUIRE(info.Type(0) == Datatype::categorical);
+  BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(info.NumMappings(0), 3);
+  BOOST_REQUIRE(info.Type(1) == Datatype::numeric);
+  BOOST_REQUIRE(info.Type(2) == Datatype::categorical);
+  BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(info.NumMappings(2), 2);
+  BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(dataset.n_rows, 3);
+  BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(dataset.n_cols, 4);
+  // The first dimension must all be different (except the ones that are the
+  // same).
+  BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(dataset(0, 0), dataset(0, 3));
+  BOOST_REQUIRE_NE(dataset(0, 0), dataset(0, 1));
+  BOOST_REQUIRE_NE(dataset(0, 1), dataset(0, 2));
+  BOOST_REQUIRE_NE(dataset(0, 2), dataset(0, 0));
+  BOOST_REQUIRE_CLOSE(dataset(1, 0), 1.0, 1e-5);
+  BOOST_REQUIRE_CLOSE(dataset(1, 1), 2.34, 1e-5);
+  BOOST_REQUIRE_CLOSE(dataset(1, 2), 1.03e5, 1e-5);
+  BOOST_REQUIRE_CLOSE(dataset(1, 3), -1.3, 1e-5);
+  BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(dataset(2, 0), dataset(2, 2));
+  BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(dataset(2, 1), dataset(2, 3));
+  BOOST_REQUIRE_NE(dataset(2, 0), dataset(2, 1));

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