[mlpack-git] master: Remove unused amf program. (360e78b)

gitdub at big.cc.gt.atl.ga.us gitdub at big.cc.gt.atl.ga.us
Tue Dec 22 17:02:22 EST 2015

Repository : https://github.com/mlpack/mlpack

On branch  : master
Link       : https://github.com/mlpack/mlpack/compare/6ab20afd8adaf9dcb86bc9a8ea98a24dd8b18743...eb41f4bc27b484c347acc006255104e2f8cc4eef


commit 360e78beb8ecade81faae8339350e1382f376d94
Author: ryan <ryan at ratml.org>
Date:   Tue Dec 22 16:46:56 2015 -0500

    Remove unused amf program.


 src/mlpack/methods/amf/amf_main.cpp | 133 ------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 133 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/mlpack/methods/amf/amf_main.cpp b/src/mlpack/methods/amf/amf_main.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index e92787d..0000000
--- a/src/mlpack/methods/amf/amf_main.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-#include <mlpack/core.hpp>
-#include "amf.hpp"
-#include "init_rules/random_init.hpp"
-#include "update_rules/nmf_mult_dist.hpp"
-#include "update_rules/nmf_mult_div.hpp"
-#include "update_rules/nmf_als.hpp"
-#include "termination_policies/simple_residue_termination.hpp"
-using namespace mlpack;
-using namespace mlpack::amf;
-using namespace std;
-// Document program.
-PROGRAM_INFO("Alternating Matrix Factorization", "This program performs "
-    "matrix factorization on the given dataset, storing the "
-    "resulting decomposed matrices in the specified files.  For an input "
-    "dataset V, LMF decomposes V into two matrices W and H such that "
-    "\n\n"
-    "V = W * H"
-    "\n\n"
-    "If V is of size (n x m),"
-    " then W will be of size (n x r) and H will be of size (r x m), where r is "
-    "the rank of the factorization (specified by --rank)."
-    "\n\n"
-    "Optionally, the desired update rules for each AMF iteration can be chosen "
-    "from the following list:"
-    "\n\n"
-    " - multdist: multiplicative distance-based update rules (Lee and Seung "
-    "1999): non-negative matrix factorization. Matrix V should contain\n"
-    "non-negative elements.\n"
-    " - multdiv: multiplicative divergence-based update rules (Lee and Seung "
-    "1999): non-negative matrix factorization. Matrix V should contain\n"
-    "non-negative elements.\n"
-    " - als: alternating least squares update rules (Paatero and Tapper 1994)\n"
-    "non-negative matrix factorization. Matrix V should contain\n"
-    "non-negative elements.\n"
-    "\n"
-    "The maximum number of iterations is specified with --max_iterations, and "
-    "the minimum residue required for algorithm termination is specified with "
-    "--min_residue.");
-// Parameters for program.
-PARAM_STRING_REQ("input_file", "Input dataset to perform AMF on.", "i");
-PARAM_STRING_REQ("w_file", "File to save the calculated W matrix to.", "W");
-PARAM_STRING_REQ("h_file", "File to save the calculated H matrix to.", "H");
-PARAM_INT_REQ("rank", "Rank of the factorization.", "r");
-PARAM_INT("max_iterations", "Number of iterations before NMF terminates (0 runs"
-    " until convergence.", "m", 10000);
-PARAM_INT("seed", "Random seed.  If 0, 'std::time(NULL)' is used.", "s", 0);
-PARAM_DOUBLE("min_residue", "The minimum root mean square residue allowed for "
-    "each iteration, below which the program terminates.", "e", 1e-5);
-PARAM_STRING("update_rules", "Update rules for each iteration; ( multdist | "
-    "multdiv | als ).", "u", "multdist");
-int main(int argc, char** argv)
-  // Parse command line.
-  CLI::ParseCommandLine(argc, argv);
-  // Initialize random seed.
-  if (CLI::GetParam<int>("seed") != 0)
-    math::RandomSeed((size_t) CLI::GetParam<int>("seed"));
-  else
-    math::RandomSeed((size_t) std::time(NULL));
-  // Gather parameters.
-  const string inputFile = CLI::GetParam<string>("input_file");
-  const string hOutputFile = CLI::GetParam<string>("h_file");
-  const string wOutputFile = CLI::GetParam<string>("w_file");
-  const size_t r = CLI::GetParam<int>("rank");
-  const size_t maxIterations = CLI::GetParam<int>("max_iterations");
-  const double minResidue = CLI::GetParam<double>("min_residue");
-  const string updateRules = CLI::GetParam<string>("update_rules");
-  // Validate rank.
-  if (r < 1)
-  {
-    Log::Fatal << "The rank of the factorization cannot be less than 1."
-        << std::endl;
-  }
-  if ((updateRules != "multdist") &&
-      (updateRules != "multdiv") &&
-      (updateRules != "als"))
-  {
-    Log::Fatal << "Invalid update rules ('" << updateRules << "'); must be '"
-        << "multdist', 'multdiv', or 'als'." << std::endl;
-  }
-  // Load input dataset.
-  arma::mat V;
-  data::Load(inputFile, V, true);
-  arma::mat W;
-  arma::mat H;
-  // Perform NMF with the specified update rules.
-  if (updateRules == "multdist")
-  {
-    Log::Info << "Performing AMF with multiplicative distance-based update(Non-negative Matrix Factorization) "
-        << "rules." << std::endl;
-    SimpleResidueTermination srt(minResidue, maxIterations);
-    AMF<> amf(RandomInitialization(), NMFMultiplicativeDistanceUpdate(), srt);
-    amf.Apply(V, r, W, H);
-  }
-  else if (updateRules == "multdiv")
-  {
-    Log::Info << "Performing NMF with multiplicative divergence-based update(Non-negative Matrix Factorization) "
-        << "rules." << std::endl;
-    SimpleResidueTermination srt(minResidue, maxIterations);
-    AMF<RandomInitialization,NMFMultiplicativeDivergenceUpdate>
-            amf(RandomInitialization(), NMFMultiplicativeDivergenceUpdate(), srt);
-    amf.Apply(V, r, W, H);
-  }
-  else if (updateRules == "als")
-  {
-    Log::Info << "Performing NMF with alternating least squared update rules.(Non-negative Matrix Factorization)"
-        << std::endl;
-    SimpleResidueTermination srt(minResidue, maxIterations);
-    AMF<RandomInitialization, NMFALSUpdate>
-            amf(RandomInitialization(), NMFALSUpdate(), srt);
-    amf.Apply(V, r, W, H);
-  }
-  // Save results.
-  data::Save(wOutputFile, W, false);
-  data::Save(hOutputFile, H, false);

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