[mlpack-git] master: Refactor main executable. Allow saving models. (88d5114)

gitdub at big.cc.gt.atl.ga.us gitdub at big.cc.gt.atl.ga.us
Fri Dec 11 12:46:52 EST 2015

Repository : https://github.com/mlpack/mlpack

On branch  : master
Link       : https://github.com/mlpack/mlpack/compare/dd7c8b93fe5f299cb534cda70c1c786456f9a78f...3b926fd86ab143eb8af7327b9fb89fead7538df0


commit 88d5114434cbe614315f82763ea46f41e253a550
Author: Ryan Curtin <ryan at ratml.org>
Date:   Fri Dec 11 02:52:09 2015 +0000

    Refactor main executable.  Allow saving models.


 src/mlpack/methods/adaboost/adaboost_main.cpp | 430 +++++++++++++++++++-------
 1 file changed, 325 insertions(+), 105 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/mlpack/methods/adaboost/adaboost_main.cpp b/src/mlpack/methods/adaboost/adaboost_main.cpp
index f456d84..1ba8e0c 100644
--- a/src/mlpack/methods/adaboost/adaboost_main.cpp
+++ b/src/mlpack/methods/adaboost/adaboost_main.cpp
@@ -2,31 +2,29 @@
  * @file: adaboost_main.cpp
  * @author: Udit Saxena
- * Implementation of the AdaBoost main file
- *
- *  @code
- *  @article{Schapire:1999:IBA:337859.337870,
- *  author = {Schapire, Robert E. and Singer, Yoram},
- *  title = {Improved Boosting Algorithms Using Confidence-rated Predictions},
- *  journal = {Mach. Learn.},
- *  issue_date = {Dec. 1999},
- *  volume = {37},
- *  number = {3},
- *  month = dec,
- *  year = {1999},
- *  issn = {0885-6125},
- *  pages = {297--336},
- *  numpages = {40},
- *  url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1023/A:1007614523901},
- *  doi = {10.1023/A:1007614523901},
- *  acmid = {337870},
- *  publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers},
- *  address = {Hingham, MA, USA},
- *  keywords = {boosting algorithms, decision trees, multiclass classification,
- *  output coding
- *  }
- *  @endcode
+ * Implementation of the AdaBoost main program.
+ * @code
+ * @article{Schapire:1999:IBA:337859.337870,
+ *   author = {Schapire, Robert E. and Singer, Yoram},
+ *   title = {Improved Boosting Algorithms Using Confidence-rated Predictions},
+ *   journal = {Machine Learning},
+ *   issue_date = {Dec. 1999},
+ *   volume = {37},
+ *   number = {3},
+ *   month = dec,
+ *   year = {1999},
+ *   issn = {0885-6125},
+ *   pages = {297--336},
+ *   numpages = {40},
+ *   url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1023/A:1007614523901},
+ *   doi = {10.1023/A:1007614523901},
+ *   acmid = {337870},
+ *   publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers},
+ *   address = {Hingham, MA, USA},
+ *   keywords = {boosting algorithms, decision trees, multiclass classification,
+ *   output coding}
+ * @endcode
 #include <mlpack/core.hpp>
@@ -36,111 +34,333 @@ using namespace mlpack;
 using namespace std;
 using namespace arma;
 using namespace mlpack::adaboost;
+using namespace mlpack::decision_stump;
+using namespace mlpack::perceptron;
+PROGRAM_INFO("AdaBoost", "This program implements the AdaBoost (or Adaptive "
+    "Boosting) algorithm. The variant of AdaBoost implemented here is "
+    "AdaBoost.MH. It uses a weak learner, either decision stumps or "
+    "perceptrons, and over many iterations, creates a strong learner that is a "
+    "weighted ensemble of weak learners. It runs these iterations until a "
+    "tolerance value is crossed for change in the value of the weighted "
+    "training error."
+    "\n\n"
+    "For more information about the algorithm, see the paper \"Improved "
+    "Boosting Algorithms Using Confidence-Rated Predictions\", by R.E. Schapire"
+    " and Y. Singer."
+    "\n\n"
+    "This program allows training of an AdaBoost model, and then application of"
+    " that model to a test dataset.  To train a model, a dataset must be passed"
+    " with the --training_file (-t) option.  Labels can be given with the "
+    "--labels_file (-l) option; if no labels file is specified, the labels will"
+    " be assumed to be the last column of the input dataset.  Alternately, an "
+    "AdaBoost model may be loaded with the --input_model_file (-m) option."
+    "\n\n"
+    "Once a model is trained or loaded, it may be used to provide class "
+    "predictions for a given test dataset.  A test dataset may be specified "
+    "with the --test_file (-T) parameter.  The predicted classes for each point"
+    " in the test dataset will be saved into the file specified by the "
+    "--output_file (-o) parameter.  The AdaBoost model itself may be saved to "
+    "a file specified by the --output_model_file (-M) parameter.");
+// Input for training.
+PARAM_STRING("training_file", "A file containing the training set.", "t", "");
+PARAM_STRING("labels_file", "A file containing labels for the training set.",
+  "l", "");
+// Loading/saving of a model.
+PARAM_STRING("input_model_file", "File containing input AdaBoost model.", "m",
+    "");
+PARAM_STRING("output_model_file", "File to save trained AdaBoost model to.",
+    "M", "");
+// Classification options.
+PARAM_STRING("test_file", "A file containing the test set.", "T", "");
+PARAM_STRING("output_file", "The file in which the predicted labels for the "
+    "test set will be written.", "o", "");
+// Training options.
+PARAM_INT("iterations", "The maximum number of boosting iterations to be run. "
+    "(0 will run until convergence.)", "i", 1000);
+PARAM_DOUBLE("tolerance", "The tolerance for change in values of the weighted "
+    "error during training.", "e", 1e-10);
+PARAM_STRING("weak_learner", "The type of weak learner to use: "
+    "'decision_stump', or 'perceptron'.", "w", "decision_stump");
+ * The model to save to disk.
+ */
+class AdaBoostModel
+ public:
+  enum WeakLearnerTypes
+  {
+  };
+ private:
+  //! The mappings for the labels.
+  Col<size_t> mappings;
+  //! The type of weak learner.
+  size_t weakLearnerType;
+  //! Non-NULL if using decision stumps.
+  AdaBoost<DecisionStump<>>* dsBoost;
+  //! Non-NULL if using perceptrons.
+  AdaBoost<Perceptron<>>* pBoost;
+  //! Number of dimensions in training data.
+  size_t dimensionality;
+ public:
+  //! Create an empty AdaBoost model.
+  AdaBoostModel() : dsBoost(NULL), pBoost(NULL), dimensionality(0) { }
+  //! Create the AdaBoost model with the given mappings and type.
+  AdaBoostModel(const Col<size_t>& mappings, const size_t weakLearnerType) :
+      mappings(mappings),
+      weakLearnerType(weakLearnerType),
+      dsBoost(NULL),
+      pBoost(NULL),
+      dimensionality(0)
+  {
+    // Nothing to do.
+  }
+  ~AdaBoostModel()
+  {
+    if (dsBoost)
+      delete dsBoost;
+    if (pBoost)
+      delete pBoost;
+  }
-PROGRAM_INFO("AdaBoost","This program implements the AdaBoost (or Adaptive Boost)"
- " algorithm. The variant of AdaBoost implemented here is AdaBoost.mh. It uses a"
- " weak learner, either of Decision Stumps or a Perceptron, and over many"
- " iterations, creates a strong learner. It runs these iterations till a tolerance"
- " value is crossed for change in the value of rt."
- "\n"
- "This program allows training of a adaboost object, and then application of "
- "the strong learner to a test dataset.  To train "
- "a training dataset must be passed to --train_file (-t).  Labels can either"
- " be present as the last dimension of the training dataset, or given "
- "explicitly with the --labels_file (-l) parameter.\n"
- "\n"
- "A test file is given through the --test_file (-T) parameter.  The "
- "predicted labels for the test set will be stored in the file specified by "
- "the --output_file (-o) parameter.");
-//necessary parameters
-PARAM_STRING_REQ("train_file", "A file containing the training set.", "t");
-PARAM_STRING_REQ("labels_file", "A file containing labels for the training set.",
-  "l");
-PARAM_STRING_REQ("test_file", "A file containing the test set.", "T");
-//optional parameters.
-PARAM_STRING("output", "The file in which the predicted labels for the test set"
-    " will be written.", "o", "output.csv");
-PARAM_INT("iterations","The maximum number of boosting iterations "
-  "to be run", "i", 1000);
-PARAM_DOUBLE("tolerance","The tolerance for change in values of rt","e",1e-10);
+  //! Get the mappings.
+  const Col<size_t>& Mappings() const { return mappings; }
+  //! Modify the mappings.
+  Col<size_t>& Mappings() { return mappings; }
+  //! Get the weak learner type.
+  size_t WeakLearnerType() const { return weakLearnerType; }
+  //! Modify the weak learner type.
+  size_t& WeakLearnerType() { return weakLearnerType; }
+  //! Get the dimensionality of the model.
+  size_t Dimensionality() const { return dimensionality; }
+  //! Modify the dimensionality of the model.
+  size_t& Dimensionality() { return dimensionality; }
+  //! Train the model.
+  void Train(const mat& data,
+             const Row<size_t>& labels,
+             const size_t iterations,
+             const double tolerance)
+  {
+    dimensionality = data.n_rows;
+    if (weakLearnerType == WeakLearnerTypes::DECISION_STUMP)
+    {
+      if (dsBoost)
+        delete dsBoost;
+      DecisionStump<> ds;
+      dsBoost = new AdaBoost<DecisionStump<>>(data, labels, ds, iterations,
+          tolerance);
+    }
+    else if (weakLearnerType == WeakLearnerTypes::PERCEPTRON)
+    {
+      Perceptron<> p;
+      pBoost = new AdaBoost<Perceptron<>>(data, labels, p, iterations,
+          tolerance);
+    }
+  }
+  //! Classify test points.
+  void Classify(const mat& testData, Row<size_t>& predictions)
+  {
+    if (weakLearnerType == WeakLearnerTypes::DECISION_STUMP)
+      dsBoost->Classify(testData, predictions);
+    else if (weakLearnerType == WeakLearnerTypes::PERCEPTRON)
+      pBoost->Classify(testData, predictions);
+  }
+  //! Serialize the model.
+  template<typename Archive>
+  void Serialize(Archive& ar, const unsigned int /* version */)
+  {
+    if (Archive::is_loading::value)
+    {
+      if (dsBoost)
+        delete dsBoost;
+      if (pBoost)
+        delete pBoost;
+      dsBoost = NULL;
+      pBoost = NULL;
+    }
+    ar & data::CreateNVP(mappings, "mappings");
+    ar & data::CreateNVP(weakLearnerType, "weakLearnerType");
+    if (weakLearnerType == WeakLearnerTypes::DECISION_STUMP)
+      ar & data::CreateNVP(dsBoost, "adaboost_ds");
+    else if (weakLearnerType == WeakLearnerTypes::PERCEPTRON)
+      ar & data::CreateNVP(pBoost, "adaboost_p");
+    ar & data::CreateNVP(dimensionality, "dimensionality");
+  }
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
   CLI::ParseCommandLine(argc, argv);
-  const string trainingDataFilename = CLI::GetParam<string>("train_file");
-  mat trainingData;
-  data::Load(trainingDataFilename, trainingData, true);
+  // Check input parameters and issue warnings/errors as necessary.
-  const string labelsFilename = CLI::GetParam<string>("labels_file");
-  // Load labels.
-  mat labelsIn;
-  // data::Load(labelsFilename, labelsIn, true);
+  // The user cannot specify both a training file and an input model file.
+  if (CLI::HasParam("training_file") && CLI::HasParam("input_model_file"))
+  {
+    Log::Fatal << "Only one of --training_file or --input_model_file may be "
+        << "specified!" << endl;
+  }
-  if (CLI::HasParam("labels_file"))
+  // The user must specify either a training file or an input model file.
+  if (!CLI::HasParam("training_file") && !CLI::HasParam("input_model_file"))
-    const string labelsFilename = CLI::GetParam<string>("labels_file");
-    // Load labels.
-    data::Load(labelsFilename, labelsIn, true);
+    Log::Fatal << "Either --training_file or --input_model_file must be "
+        << "specified!" << endl;
+  }
-    // Do the labels need to be transposed?
-    if (labelsIn.n_rows == 1)
-      labelsIn = labelsIn.t();
+  // The weak learner must make sense.
+  if (CLI::GetParam<string>("weak_learner") != "decision_stump" &&
+      CLI::GetParam<string>("weak_learner") != "perceptron")
+  {
+    Log::Fatal << "Unknown weak learner type '"
+        << CLI::GetParam<string>("weak_learner")
+        << "'; must be 'decision_stump' or 'perceptron'." << endl;
-  else
+  // --labels_file can't be specified without --training_file.
+  if (CLI::HasParam("labels_file") && !CLI::HasParam("training_file"))
+    Log::Warn << "--labels_file ignored, because --training_file was not "
+        << "passed." << endl;
+  // Sanity check on iterations.
+  int iterInt = CLI::GetParam<int>("iterations");
+  if (iterInt < 0)
+  {
+    Log::Fatal << "Invalid number of iterations (" << iterInt << ") specified! "
+        << "Must be greater than 0." << endl;
+  }
+  // If a weak learner is specified with a model, it will be ignored.
+  if (CLI::HasParam("input_model_file") && CLI::HasParam("weak_learner"))
+  {
+    Log::Warn << "--weak_learner ignored because --input_model_file is "
+        << "specified." << endl;
+  }
+  // Training parameters are ignored if no training file is given.
+  if (CLI::HasParam("tolerance") && !CLI::HasParam("training_file"))
+  {
+    Log::Warn << "--tolerance ignored, because --training_file was not "
+        << "passed." << endl;
+  }
+  if (CLI::HasParam("iterations") && !CLI::HasParam("training_file"))
-    // Extract the labels as the last
-    Log::Info << "Using the last dimension of training set as labels." << endl;
+    Log::Warn << "--iterations ignored, because --training_file was not "
+        << "passed." << endl;
+  }
-    labelsIn = trainingData.row(trainingData.n_rows - 1).t();
-    trainingData.shed_row(trainingData.n_rows - 1);
+  if (!CLI::HasParam("output_model_file") && !CLI::HasParam("output_file"))
+  {
+    Log::Warn << "Neither --output_model_file nor --output_file are specified; "
+        << "no results will be saved." << endl;
-  // helpers for normalizing the labels
-  Col<size_t> labels;
-  vec mappings;
+  AdaBoostModel m;
+  if (CLI::HasParam("training_file"))
+  {
+    const string trainingDataFilename = CLI::GetParam<string>("training_file");
+    mat trainingData;
+    data::Load(trainingDataFilename, trainingData, true);
-  // Do the labels need to be transposed?
-  if (labelsIn.n_rows == 1)
-    labelsIn = labelsIn.t();
+    const string labelsFilename = CLI::GetParam<string>("labels_file");
+    // Load labels.
+    Mat<size_t> labelsIn;
-  // normalize the labels
-  data::NormalizeLabels(labelsIn.unsafe_col(0), labels, mappings);
+    if (CLI::HasParam("labels_file"))
+    {
+      const string labelsFilename = CLI::GetParam<string>("labels_file");
+      // Load labels.
+      data::Load(labelsFilename, labelsIn, true);
-  const string testingDataFilename = CLI::GetParam<string>("test_file");
-  mat testingData;
-  data::Load(testingDataFilename, testingData, true);
+      // Do the labels need to be transposed?
+      if (labelsIn.n_cols == 1)
+        labelsIn = labelsIn.t();
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      // Extract the labels as the last dimension of the training data.
+      Log::Info << "Using the last dimension of training set as labels."
+          << endl;
+      labelsIn = conv_to<Mat<size_t>>::from(
+          trainingData.row(trainingData.n_rows - 1)).t();
+      trainingData.shed_row(trainingData.n_rows - 1);
+    }
-  const double tolerance = CLI::GetParam<double>("tolerance");
+    // Helpers for normalizing the labels.
+    Row<size_t> labels;
+    vec mappings;
-  if (testingData.n_rows != trainingData.n_rows)
-    Log::Fatal << "Test data dimensionality (" << testingData.n_rows << ") "
-        << "must be the same as training data (" << trainingData.n_rows - 1
-        << ")!" << std::endl;
-  size_t iterations = (size_t) CLI::GetParam<int>("iterations");
+    // Do the labels need to be transposed?
+    if (labelsIn.n_rows == 1)
+      labelsIn = labelsIn.t();
-  // define your own weak learner, perceptron in this case.
-  // defining the number of iterations of the perceptron.
-  size_t iter = 400;
+    // Normalize the labels.
+    data::NormalizeLabels(labelsIn.row(0), labels, mappings);
-  perceptron::Perceptron<> p(trainingData, labels.t(), max(labels) + 1, iter);
+    // Get other training parameters.
+    const double tolerance = CLI::GetParam<double>("tolerance");
+    const size_t iterations = (size_t) CLI::GetParam<int>("iterations");
+    const string weakLearner = CLI::GetParam<string>("weak_learner");
+    if (weakLearner == "decision_stump")
+      m.WeakLearnerType() = AdaBoostModel::WeakLearnerTypes::DECISION_STUMP;
+    else if (weakLearner == "perceptron")
+      m.WeakLearnerType() = AdaBoostModel::WeakLearnerTypes::PERCEPTRON;
-  Timer::Start("Training");
-  AdaBoost<> a(trainingData, labels.t(), p, iterations, tolerance);
-  Timer::Stop("Training");
+    Timer::Start("adaboost_training");
+    m.Train(trainingData, labels, iterations, tolerance);
+    Timer::Stop("adaboost_training");
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    // We have a specified input model file.
+    const string inputModelFile = CLI::GetParam<string>("input_model_file");
+    data::Load(inputModelFile, "adaboost_model", m, true); // Fatal on failure.
+  }
+  // Perform classification, if desired.
+  if (CLI::HasParam("test_file"))
+  {
+    const string testingDataFilename = CLI::GetParam<string>("test_file");
+    mat testingData;
+    data::Load(testingDataFilename, testingData, true);
+    if (testingData.n_rows != m.Dimensionality())
+      Log::Fatal << "Test data dimensionality (" << testingData.n_rows << ") "
+          << "must be the same as the model dimensionality ("
+          << m.Dimensionality() << ")!" << endl;
-  Row<size_t> predictedLabels(testingData.n_cols);
-  Timer::Start("testing");
-  a.Classify(testingData, predictedLabels);
-  Timer::Stop("testing");
+    Row<size_t> predictedLabels(testingData.n_cols);
+    Timer::Start("adaboost_classification");
+    m.Classify(testingData, predictedLabels);
+    Timer::Stop("adaboost_classification");
-  vec results;
-  data::RevertLabels(predictedLabels.t(), mappings, results);
+    Row<size_t> results;
+    data::RevertLabels(predictedLabels, m.Mappings(), results);
+    if (CLI::HasParam("output_file"))
+      data::Save(CLI::GetParam<string>("output_file"), results, true, false);
+  }
-  // Save the predicted labels in a transposed form as output.
-  const string outputFilename = CLI::GetParam<string>("output_file");
-  data::Save(outputFilename, results, true, false);
-  return 0;
+  // Should we save the model, too?
+  if (CLI::HasParam("output_model_file"))
+    data::Save(CLI::GetParam<string>("output_model_file"), "adaboost_model", m);

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