[mlpack-svn] r15433 - mlpack/conf/jenkins-conf/benchmark/methods/mlpack/src

fastlab-svn at coffeetalk-1.cc.gatech.edu fastlab-svn at coffeetalk-1.cc.gatech.edu
Mon Jul 8 12:13:44 EDT 2013

Author: marcus
Date: Mon Jul  8 12:13:41 2013
New Revision: 15433

K-Means (mlpack) with initial centroids option.


Added: mlpack/conf/jenkins-conf/benchmark/methods/mlpack/src/kmeans_main.cpp
--- (empty file)
+++ mlpack/conf/jenkins-conf/benchmark/methods/mlpack/src/kmeans_main.cpp	Mon Jul  8 12:13:41 2013
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+ * @file kmeans_main.cpp
+ * @author Ryan Curtin
+ *
+ * Executable for running K-Means.
+ */
+#include <mlpack/core.hpp>
+#include "kmeans.hpp"
+#include "allow_empty_clusters.hpp"
+#include "refined_start.hpp"
+using namespace mlpack;
+using namespace mlpack::kmeans;
+using namespace std;
+// Define parameters for the executable.
+PROGRAM_INFO("K-Means Clustering", "This program performs K-Means clustering "
+             "on the given dataset, storing the learned cluster assignments either as "
+             "a column of labels in the file containing the input dataset or in a "
+             "separate file.  Empty clusters are not allowed by default; when a cluster "
+             "becomes empty, the point furthest from the centroid of the cluster with "
+             "maximum variance is taken to fill that cluster."
+             "\n\n"
+             "Optionally, the Bradley and Fayyad approach (\"Refining initial points for"
+             " k-means clustering\", 1998) can be used to select initial points by "
+             "specifying the --refined_start (-r) option.  This approach works by taking"
+             " random samples of the dataset; to specify the number of samples, the "
+             "--samples parameter is used, and to specify the percentage of the dataset "
+             "to be used in each sample, the --percentage parameter is used (it should "
+             "be a value between 0.0 and 1.0)."
+             "\n\n"
+             "If you want to specify your own initial cluster assignments or initial "
+             "cluster centroids, this functionality is available in the C++ interface. "
+             "Alternately, file a bug (well, a feature request) on the mlpack bug "
+             "tracker.");
+// Required options.
+PARAM_STRING_REQ("inputFile", "Input dataset to perform clustering on.", "i");
+PARAM_INT_REQ("clusters", "Number of clusters to find.", "c");
+// Output options.
+PARAM_FLAG("in_place", "If specified, a column of the learned cluster "
+           "assignments will be added to the input dataset file.  In this case, "
+           "--outputFile is not necessary.", "p");
+PARAM_STRING("output_file", "File to write output labels or labeled data to.",
+             "o", "output.csv");
+PARAM_STRING("centroid_file", "If specified, the centroids of each cluster will"
+             " be written to the given file.", "C", "");
+// k-means configuration options.
+PARAM_FLAG("allow_empty_clusters", "Allow empty clusters to be created.", "e");
+PARAM_FLAG("labels_only", "Only output labels into output file.", "l");
+PARAM_DOUBLE("overclustering", "Finds (overclustering * clusters) clusters, "
+             "then merges them together until only the desired number of clusters are "
+             "left.", "O", 1.0);
+PARAM_INT("max_iterations", "Maximum number of iterations before K-Means "
+          "terminates.", "m", 1000);
+PARAM_INT("seed", "Random seed.  If 0, 'std::time(NULL)' is used.", "s", 0);
+PARAM_STRING("initial_centroid", "Start with the initial centroids.",
+             "I", "");
+// This is known to not work (#251).
+//PARAM_FLAG("fast_kmeans", "Use the experimental fast k-means algorithm by "
+//    "Pelleg and Moore.", "f");
+// Parameters for "refined start" k-means.
+PARAM_FLAG("refined_start", "Use the refined initial point strategy by Bradley "
+           "and Fayyad to choose initial points.", "r");
+PARAM_INT("samplings", "Number of samplings to perform for refined start (use "
+          "when --refined_start is specified).", "S", 100);
+PARAM_DOUBLE("percentage", "Percentage of dataset to use for each refined start"
+             " sampling (use when --refined_start is specified).", "p", 0.02);
+int main(int argc, char** argv)
+  CLI::ParseCommandLine(argc, argv);
+  // Initialize random seed.
+  if (CLI::GetParam<int>("seed") != 0)
+    math::RandomSeed((size_t) CLI::GetParam<int>("seed"));
+  else
+    math::RandomSeed((size_t) std::time(NULL));
+  // Now do validation of options.
+  string inputFile = CLI::GetParam<string>("inputFile");
+  int clusters = CLI::GetParam<int>("clusters");
+  if (clusters < 1)
+  {
+    Log::Fatal << "Invalid number of clusters requested (" << clusters << ")! "
+    << "Must be greater than or equal to 1." << std::endl;
+  }
+  int maxIterations = CLI::GetParam<int>("max_iterations");
+  if (maxIterations < 0)
+  {
+    Log::Fatal << "Invalid value for maximum iterations (" << maxIterations <<
+    ")! Must be greater than or equal to 0." << std::endl;
+  }
+  double overclustering = CLI::GetParam<double>("overclustering");
+  if (overclustering < 1)
+  {
+    Log::Fatal << "Invalid value for overclustering (" << overclustering <<
+    ")! Must be greater than or equal to 1." << std::endl;
+  }
+  // Make sure we have an output file if we're not doing the work in-place.
+  if (!CLI::HasParam("in_place") && !CLI::HasParam("output_file"))
+  {
+    Log::Fatal << "--outputFile not specified (and --in_place not set)."
+    << std::endl;
+  }
+  // Load our dataset.
+  arma::mat dataset;
+  data::Load(inputFile.c_str(), dataset, true); // Fatal upon failure.
+  // Now create the KMeans object.  Because we could be using different types,
+  // it gets a little weird...
+  arma::Col<size_t> assignments;
+  arma::mat centroids;
+  bool initialCentroidGuess = CLI::HasParam("initial_centroid");
+  if (initialCentroidGuess)
+  {
+    string initialCentroidsFile = CLI::GetParam<string>("initial_centroid");
+    data::Load(initialCentroidsFile.c_str(), centroids, true);
+  }
+  if (CLI::HasParam("allow_empty_clusters"))
+  {
+    if (CLI::HasParam("refined_start"))
+    {
+      const int samplings = CLI::GetParam<int>("samplings");
+      const double percentage = CLI::GetParam<int>("percentage");
+      if (samplings < 0)
+        Log::Fatal << "Number of samplings (" << samplings << ") must be "
+        << "greater than 0!" << std::endl;
+      if (percentage <= 0.0 || percentage > 1.0)
+        Log::Fatal << "Percentage for sampling (" << percentage << ") must be "
+        << "greater than 0.0 and less than or equal to 1.0!" << std::endl;
+      KMeans<metric::SquaredEuclideanDistance, RefinedStart, AllowEmptyClusters>
+      k(maxIterations, overclustering, metric::SquaredEuclideanDistance(),
+        RefinedStart(samplings, percentage));
+      Timer::Start("clustering");
+      //      if (CLI::HasParam("fast_kmeans"))
+      //        k.FastCluster(dataset, clusters, assignments);
+      //      else
+      k.Cluster(dataset, clusters, assignments, centroids);
+      Timer::Stop("clustering");
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      KMeans<metric::SquaredEuclideanDistance, RandomPartition,
+      AllowEmptyClusters> k(maxIterations, overclustering);
+      Timer::Start("clustering");
+      //      if (CLI::HasParam("fast_kmeans"))
+      //        k.FastCluster(dataset, clusters, assignments);
+      //      else
+      k.Cluster(dataset, clusters, assignments, centroids, false,
+                initialCentroidGuess);
+      Timer::Stop("clustering");
+    }
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    if (CLI::HasParam("refined_start"))
+    {
+      const int samplings = CLI::GetParam<int>("samplings");
+      const double percentage = CLI::GetParam<int>("percentage");
+      if (samplings < 0)
+        Log::Fatal << "Number of samplings (" << samplings << ") must be "
+        << "greater than 0!" << std::endl;
+      if (percentage <= 0.0 || percentage > 1.0)
+        Log::Fatal << "Percentage for sampling (" << percentage << ") must be "
+        << "greater than 0.0 and less than or equal to 1.0!" << std::endl;
+      KMeans<metric::SquaredEuclideanDistance, RefinedStart, AllowEmptyClusters>
+      k(maxIterations, overclustering, metric::SquaredEuclideanDistance(),
+        RefinedStart(samplings, percentage));
+      Timer::Start("clustering");
+      //      if (CLI::HasParam("fast_kmeans"))
+      //        k.FastCluster(dataset, clusters, assignments);
+      //      else
+      k.Cluster(dataset, clusters, assignments, centroids);
+      Timer::Stop("clustering");
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      KMeans<> k(maxIterations, overclustering);
+      Timer::Start("clustering");
+      //      if (CLI::HasParam("fast_kmeans"))
+      //        k.FastCluster(dataset, clusters, assignments);
+      //      else
+      k.Cluster(dataset, clusters, assignments, centroids, false,
+                initialCentroidGuess);
+      Timer::Stop("clustering");
+    }
+  }
+  // Now figure out what to do with our results.
+  if (CLI::HasParam("in_place"))
+  {
+    // Add the column of assignments to the dataset; but we have to convert them
+    // to type double first.
+    arma::vec converted(assignments.n_elem);
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < assignments.n_elem; i++)
+      converted(i) = (double) assignments(i);
+    dataset.insert_rows(dataset.n_rows, trans(converted));
+    // Save the dataset.
+    data::Save(inputFile, dataset);
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    if (CLI::HasParam("labels_only"))
+    {
+      // Save only the labels.
+      string outputFile = CLI::GetParam<string>("output_file");
+      arma::Mat<size_t> output = trans(assignments);
+      data::Save(outputFile, output);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      // Convert the assignments to doubles.
+      arma::vec converted(assignments.n_elem);
+      for (size_t i = 0; i < assignments.n_elem; i++)
+        converted(i) = (double) assignments(i);
+      dataset.insert_rows(dataset.n_rows, trans(converted));
+      // Now save, in the different file.
+      string outputFile = CLI::GetParam<string>("output_file");
+      data::Save(outputFile, dataset);
+    }
+  }
+  // Should we write the centroids to a file?
+  if (CLI::HasParam("centroid_file"))
+    data::Save(CLI::GetParam<std::string>("centroid_file"), centroids);

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