[mlpack-svn] r15415 - mlpack/conf/jenkins-conf/benchmark/methods/matlab

fastlab-svn at coffeetalk-1.cc.gatech.edu fastlab-svn at coffeetalk-1.cc.gatech.edu
Fri Jul 5 07:27:18 EDT 2013

Author: marcus
Date: Fri Jul  5 07:27:18 2013
New Revision: 15415

Add matlab nmf method and nmf benchmark script.


Added: mlpack/conf/jenkins-conf/benchmark/methods/matlab/NMF.m
--- (empty file)
+++ mlpack/conf/jenkins-conf/benchmark/methods/matlab/NMF.m	Fri Jul  5 07:27:18 2013
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+% @file NMF.m
+% @author Marcus Edel
+% Non-negative Matrix Factorization with matlab.
+function nmf(cmd)
+% This program performs non-negative matrix factorization on the given 
+% dataset, storing the resulting decomposed matrices in the specified 
+% files. For an input dataset V, NMF decomposes V into two matrices W and H
+% such that
+%  V = W * H
+%  where all elements in W and H are non-negative.
+% Required options:
+%     (-i) [string]    Input dataset to perform NMF on.
+%     (-r) [int]       Rank of the factorization.
+% Options:
+%  (-m) [int]          Number of iterations before NMF terminates (0) runs 
+%                      until convergence. Default value 10000.
+%  (-e) [double]       The minimum root mean square residue allowed for 
+%                      each iteration, below which the program terminates.
+%                      Default value 1e-05.
+%  (-s) [int]          Random seed.
+%  (-u) [string]       Update rules for each iteration; ( multdist | als ).
+%                      Default value 'multdist'.
+% Load input dataset.
+inputFile = regexp(cmd, '.*?-i ([^\s]+)', 'tokens', 'once');
+X = csvread(inputFile{:});
+total_time = tic;
+% Gather parameters.
+rank = str2double(regexp(cmd,'.* -r (\d+)','tokens','once'));
+seed = str2double(regexp(cmd,'.* -s (\d+)','tokens','once'));
+maxIterations = str2double(regexp(cmd,'.* -m (\d+)','tokens','once'));
+minResidue = str2double(regexp(cmd, '.*?-e ([^\s]+)', 'tokens', 'once'));
+updateRule = regexp(cmd, '.*?-u ([^\s]+)', 'tokens', 'once');
+% Validate parameters.
+if isempty(maxIterations)
+  m = 10000;
+  if maxIterations == 0
+    m = inf;
+  else
+    m = maxIterations;
+  end
+if isempty(minResidue)
+  e = 1e-05;
+  e = minResidue; 
+if ~isempty(seed)
+  s = RandStream('mt19937ar','Seed', seed);
+  RandStream.setGlobalStream(s);
+if isempty(rank) || rank < 1
+   disp('[Fatal] The rank of the factorization cannot be less than 1.')
+   return
+if ~strcmp(updateRule, 'multdist') && ~strcmp(updateRule, 'als')
+  msg = [...
+      '[Fatal] Invalid update rules ("%s") must be "multdist" or "als"'];
+  disp(sprintf(msg, updateRule{:}))
+  return
+% Perform NMF with the specified update rules and parameters.
+opt = statset('MaxIter', m, 'TolFun', e, 'TolX', e);
+if strcmp(updateRule, 'multdist') || ~strcmp(updateRule, 'als')
+  nnmf(X, rank, 'options', opt, 'algorithm', 'mult');
+  disp(sprintf('[INFO ]   total_time: %fs', toc(total_time)))
+elseif strcmp(updateRule, 'als')
+  nnmf(X, rank, 'options', opt, 'algorithm', 'als');
+  disp(sprintf('[INFO ]   total_time: %fs', toc(total_time)))

Added: mlpack/conf/jenkins-conf/benchmark/methods/matlab/nmf.py
--- (empty file)
+++ mlpack/conf/jenkins-conf/benchmark/methods/matlab/nmf.py	Fri Jul  5 07:27:18 2013
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+  @file nmf.py
+  @author Marcus Edel
+  Class to benchmark the matlab Non-negative Matrix Factorization method.
+import os
+import sys
+import inspect
+# Import the util path, this method even works if the path contains symlinks to
+# modules.
+cmd_subfolder = os.path.realpath(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(
+	os.path.split(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe()))[0], "../../util")))
+if cmd_subfolder not in sys.path:
+	sys.path.insert(0, cmd_subfolder)
+from log import *
+from profiler import *
+import shlex
+import subprocess
+import re
+import collections
+This class implements the Non-negative Matrix Factorization benchmark.
+class NMF(object):
+	''' 
+	Create the Non-negative Matrix Factorization benchmark instance.
+  @param dataset - Input dataset to perform NMF on.
+  @param path - Path to the mlpack executable.
+  @param verbose - Display informational messages.
+	'''
+	def __init__(self, dataset, path="/opt/matlab/bin/", verbose=True): 
+		self.verbose = verbose
+		self.dataset = dataset
+		self.path = path
+	'''
+	Destructor to clean up at the end.
+	'''
+	def __del__(self):		
+		pass	
+	'''
+  Non-negative Matrix Factorization. If the method has been successfully 
+  completed return the elapsed time in seconds.
+  @param options - Extra options for the method.
+  @return - Elapsed time in seconds or -1 if the method was not successful.
+  '''
+	def RunMethod(self, options):
+		Log.Info("Perform NMF.", self.verbose)
+		inputCmd = "-i " + self.dataset + " " + options
+		# Split the command using shell-like syntax.
+		cmd = shlex.split(self.path + "matlab -nodisplay -nosplash -r \"try, NMF('" 
+				+ inputCmd + "'), catch, exit(1), end, exit(0)\"")
+		# Run command with the nessecary arguments and return its output as a byte
+		# string. We have untrusted input so we disables all shell based features.
+		try:
+			s = subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=False)		
+		except Exception:
+			Log.Fatal("Could not execute command: " + str(cmd))
+			return -1
+		# Return the elapsed time.
+		timer = self.parseTimer(s)
+		if not timer:
+			Log.Fatal("Can't parse the timer")
+			return -1
+		else:
+			time = self.GetTime(timer)
+			Log.Info(("total time: %fs" % time), self.verbose)
+			return time
+	'''
+	Parse the timer data form a given string.
+	@param data - String to parse timer data from.
+	@return - Namedtuple that contains the timer data.
+	'''
+	def parseTimer(self, data):
+		# Compile the regular expression pattern into a regular expression object to
+		# parse the timer data.
+		pattern = re.compile(r"""
+				.*?total_time: (?P<total_time>.*?)s.*?
+				""", re.VERBOSE|re.MULTILINE|re.DOTALL)
+		match = pattern.match(data)
+		if not match:
+			Log.Fatal("Can't parse the data: wrong format")
+			return -1
+		else:
+			# Create a namedtuple and return the timer data.
+			timer = collections.namedtuple("timer", ["total_time"])
+			return timer(float(match.group("total_time")))
+	'''
+	Return the elapsed time in seconds.
+	@param timer - Namedtuple that contains the timer data.
+	@return Elapsed time in seconds.
+	'''
+	def GetTime(self, timer):
+		time = timer.total_time
+		return time

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