[mlpack-svn] r16088 - mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/methods/logistic_regression

fastlab-svn at coffeetalk-1.cc.gatech.edu fastlab-svn at coffeetalk-1.cc.gatech.edu
Sat Dec 28 22:43:50 EST 2013

Author: rcurtin
Date: Sat Dec 28 22:43:49 2013
New Revision: 16088

Add main executable for logistic regression.


Modified: mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/methods/logistic_regression/CMakeLists.txt
--- mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/methods/logistic_regression/CMakeLists.txt	(original)
+++ mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/methods/logistic_regression/CMakeLists.txt	Sat Dec 28 22:43:49 2013
@@ -17,10 +17,10 @@
 # the parent scope)
-#  logistic_regression_main.cpp
-#  mlpack
-#install(TARGETS logistic_regression RUNTIME DESTINATION bin)
+  logistic_regression_main.cpp
+  mlpack
+install(TARGETS logistic_regression RUNTIME DESTINATION bin)

Added: mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/methods/logistic_regression/logistic_regression_main.cpp
--- (empty file)
+++ mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/methods/logistic_regression/logistic_regression_main.cpp	Sat Dec 28 22:43:49 2013
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+ * @file logistic_regression_main.cpp
+ * @author Ryan Curtin
+ *
+ * Main executable for logistic regression.
+ */
+#include <mlpack/core.hpp>
+#include "logistic_regression.hpp"
+#include <mlpack/core/optimizers/sgd/sgd.hpp>
+using namespace std;
+using namespace mlpack;
+using namespace mlpack::regression;
+using namespace mlpack::optimization;
+PROGRAM_INFO("L2-regularized Logistic Regression and Prediction",
+    "An implementation of L2-regularized logistic regression using either the "
+    "L-BFGS optimizer or SGD (stochastic gradient descent).  This solves the "
+    "regression problem\n"
+    "\n"
+    "  y = (1 / 1 + e^-(X * b))\n"
+    "\n"
+    "where y takes values 0 or 1.  Training the model is done by giving labeled"
+    " data and iteratively training the parameters vector b.  The matrix of "
+    "predictors (or features) X is specified with the --input_file option, and "
+    "the vector of responses y is either the last column of the matrix given "
+    "with --input_file, or a separate one-column vector given with the "
+    "--input_responses option.  After training, the calculated b is saved to "
+    "the file specified by --output_file.  An initial guess for b can be "
+    "specified when the --model_file parameter is given with --input_file or "
+    "--input_responses.  The tolerance of the optimizer can be set with "
+    "--tolerance; the maximum number of iterations of the optimizer can be set "
+    "with --max_iterations; and the type of the optimizer (SGD / L-BFGS) can be"
+    " set with " "the --optimizer option.  Both the SGD and L-BFGS optimizers "
+    "have more options, but the C++ interface must be used for those.  For the "
+    "SGD optimizer, the --step_size parameter controls the step size taken at "
+    "each iteration by the optimizer.  If the objective function for your data "
+    "is oscillating between Inf and 0, the step size is probably too large.\n"
+    "\n"
+    "This implementation of logistic regression supports L2-regularization, "
+    "which can help the parameter vector b from overfitting.  This parameter "
+    "is specified with the --lambda option; by default, it is 0 (which means "
+    "no regularization is performed).\n"
+    "\n"
+    "Optionally, the calculated value of b is used to predict the responses "
+    "for another matrix of data points, if --test_file is specified.  The "
+    "--test_file option can be specified without --input_file, so long as an "
+    "existing logistic regression model is given with --model_file.  The "
+    "output predictions from the logistic regression model are stored in the "
+    "file given with --output_predictions.\n"
+    "\n"
+    "This implementation of logistic regression does not support the general "
+    "multi-class case but instead only the two-class case.  Any responses must "
+    "be either 0 or 1.");
+PARAM_STRING("input_file", "File containing X (predictors).", "i", "");
+PARAM_STRING("input_responses", "Optional file containing y (responses).  If "
+    "not given, the responses are assumed to be the last column of the input "
+    "file.", "r", "");
+PARAM_STRING("model_file", "File containing existing model (parameters).", "m",
+    "");
+PARAM_STRING("output_file", "File where parameters (b) will be saved.", "o",
+    "");
+PARAM_STRING("test_file", "File containing test dataset.", "t", "");
+PARAM_STRING("output_predictions", "If --test_file is specified, this file is "
+    "where the predicted responses will be saved.", "p", "predictions.csv");
+PARAM_DOUBLE("decision_boundary", "Decision boundary for prediction; if the "
+    "logistic function for a point is less than the boundary, the class is "
+    "taken to be 0; otherwise, the class is 1.", "d", 0.5);
+PARAM_DOUBLE("lambda", "L2-regularization parameter for training.", "l", 0.0);
+PARAM_STRING("optimizer", "Optimizer to use for training ('lbfgs' or 'sgd').",
+    "O", "lbfgs");
+PARAM_DOUBLE("tolerance", "Convergence tolerance for optimizer.", "T", 1e-10);
+PARAM_INT("max_iterations", "Maximum iterations for optimizer (0 indicates no "
+    "limit).", "M", 0);
+PARAM_DOUBLE("step_size", "Step size for SGD optimizer.", "s", 0.01);
+int main(int argc, char** argv)
+  CLI::ParseCommandLine(argc, argv);
+  // Collect command-line options.
+  const string inputFile = CLI::GetParam<string>("input_file");
+  const string inputResponsesFile = CLI::GetParam<string>("input_responses");
+  const string modelFile = CLI::GetParam<string>("model_file");
+  const string outputFile = CLI::GetParam<string>("output_file");
+  const string testFile = CLI::GetParam<string>("test_file");
+  const string outputPredictionsFile =
+      CLI::GetParam<string>("output_predictions");
+  const double lambda = CLI::GetParam<double>("lambda");
+  const string optimizerType = CLI::GetParam<string>("optimizer");
+  const double tolerance = CLI::GetParam<double>("tolerance");
+  const size_t maxIterations = (size_t) CLI::GetParam<int>("max_iterations");
+  const double decisionBoundary = CLI::GetParam<double>("decision_boundary");
+  const double stepSize = CLI::GetParam<double>("step_size");
+  // One of inputFile and modelFile must be specified.
+  if (inputFile.empty() && modelFile.empty())
+    Log::Fatal << "One of --model_file or --input_file must be specified."
+        << endl;
+  // If inputFile is specified, it must also have some responses with it.
+  if (!inputFile.empty() && inputResponsesFile.empty())
+    Log::Fatal << "If --input_file is specified, then --input_responses must "
+        << "also be specified." << endl;
+  // If they want predictions, they should supply a file to save them to.  This
+  // is only a warning because the program can still work.
+  if (!testFile.empty() && outputPredictionsFile.empty())
+    Log::Warn << "--output_predictions not specified; predictions will not be "
+        << "saved." << endl;
+  // If no output file is given, the user should know that the model will not be
+  // saved, but only if a model is being trained.
+  if (outputFile.empty() && !inputFile.empty())
+    Log::Warn << "--output_file not given; trained model will not be saved."
+        << endl;
+  // Tolerance needs to be positive.
+  if (tolerance < 0.0)
+    Log::Fatal << "Tolerance must be positive (received " << tolerance << ")."
+        << endl;
+  // Optimizer has to be L-BFGS or SGD.
+  if (optimizerType != "lbfgs" && optimizerType != "sgd")
+    Log::Fatal << "--optimizer must be 'lbfgs' or 'sgd'." << endl;
+  // Lambda must be positive.
+  if (lambda < 0.0)
+    Log::Fatal << "L2-regularization parameter (--lambda) must be positive ("
+        << "received " << lambda << ")." << endl;
+  // Decision boundary must be between 0 and 1.
+  if (decisionBoundary < 0.0 || decisionBoundary > 1.0)
+    Log::Fatal << "Decision boundary (--decision_boundary) must be between 0.0 "
+        << "and 1.0 (received " << decisionBoundary << ")." << endl;
+  if ((stepSize < 0.0) && (optimizerType == "sgd"))
+    Log::Fatal << "Step size (--step_size) must be positive (received "
+        << stepSize << ")." << endl;
+  // These are the matrices we might use.
+  arma::mat regressors;
+  arma::mat responses;
+  arma::mat model;
+  arma::mat testSet;
+  arma::vec predictions;
+  // Load matrices.
+  if (!inputFile.empty())
+    data::Load(inputFile, regressors, true);
+  if (!inputResponsesFile.empty())
+  {
+    data::Load(inputResponsesFile, responses, true);
+    if (responses.n_rows == 1)
+      responses = responses.t();
+    if (responses.n_rows != regressors.n_cols)
+      Log::Fatal << "The responses (--input_responses) must have the same "
+          << "number of points as the input dataset (--input_file)." << endl;
+  }
+  if (!testFile.empty())
+    data::Load(testFile, testSet, true);
+  if (!modelFile.empty())
+  {
+    data::Load(modelFile, model, true);
+    if (model.n_rows == 1)
+      model = model.t();
+    if ((!regressors.empty()) && (model.n_rows != regressors.n_rows + 1))
+      Log::Fatal << "The model (--model) must have dimensionality of one more "
+          << "than the input dataset (the extra dimension is the intercept)."
+          << endl;
+    if ((!testSet.empty()) && (model.n_rows != testSet.n_rows + 1))
+      Log::Fatal << "The model (--model) must have dimensionality of one more "
+          << "than the test dataset (the extra dimension is the intercept)."
+          << endl;
+  }
+  if (!regressors.empty())
+  {
+    // We need to train the model.  Prepare the optimizers.
+    arma::vec responsesVec = responses.unsafe_col(0);
+    LogisticRegressionFunction lrf(regressors, responsesVec, lambda);
+    // Set the initial point, if necessary.
+    if (!model.empty())
+    {
+      lrf.InitialPoint() = model;
+      Log::Info << "Using model from '" << modelFile << "' as initial model "
+          << "for training." << endl;
+    }
+    if (optimizerType == "lbfgs")
+    {
+      L_BFGS<LogisticRegressionFunction> lbfgsOpt(lrf);
+      lbfgsOpt.MaxIterations() = maxIterations;
+      lbfgsOpt.MinGradientNorm() = tolerance;
+      Log::Info << "Training model with L-BFGS optimizer." << endl;
+      // This will train the model.
+      LogisticRegression<L_BFGS> lr(lbfgsOpt);
+      // Extract the newly trained model.
+      model = lr.Parameters();
+    }
+    else if (optimizerType == "sgd")
+    {
+      SGD<LogisticRegressionFunction> sgdOpt(lrf);
+      sgdOpt.MaxIterations() = maxIterations;
+      sgdOpt.Tolerance() = tolerance;
+      sgdOpt.StepSize() = stepSize;
+      Log::Info << "Training model with SGD optimizer." << endl;
+      // This will train the model.
+      LogisticRegression<SGD> lr(sgdOpt);
+      // Extract the newly trained model.
+      model = lr.Parameters();
+    }
+  }
+  if (!testSet.empty())
+  {
+    // We must perform predictions on the test set.  Training (and the
+    // optimizer) are irrelevant here; we'll pass in the model we have.
+    LogisticRegression<> lr(model);
+    Log::Info << "Predicting classes of points in '" << testFile << "'."
+        << endl;
+    lr.Predict(testSet, predictions, decisionBoundary);
+    // Save the results, if necessary.  Don't transpose.
+    if (!outputPredictionsFile.empty())
+      data::Save(outputPredictionsFile, predictions, false, false);
+  }
+  if (!outputFile.empty())
+  {
+    Log::Info << "Saving model to '" << outputFile << "'." << endl;
+    data::Save(outputFile, model, false);
+  }

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