[mlpack-svn] r13805 - in mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/bindings/matlab: . gmm kmeans range_search

fastlab-svn at coffeetalk-1.cc.gatech.edu fastlab-svn at coffeetalk-1.cc.gatech.edu
Wed Oct 31 16:54:04 EDT 2012

Author: pmason8
Date: 2012-10-31 16:54:03 -0400 (Wed, 31 Oct 2012)
New Revision: 13805

added range_search and gmm; CMake updates for kmeans

Modified: mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/bindings/matlab/CMakeLists.txt
--- mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/bindings/matlab/CMakeLists.txt	2012-10-31 20:50:28 UTC (rev 13804)
+++ mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/bindings/matlab/CMakeLists.txt	2012-10-31 20:54:03 UTC (rev 13805)
@@ -70,7 +70,11 @@
 # Set MATLAB toolbox install directory.
 # Create a target whose sole purpose is to modify the pathdef.m MATLAB file so
 # that the MLPACK toolbox is added to the MATLAB default path.

Added: mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/bindings/matlab/gmm/CMakeLists.txt
--- mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/bindings/matlab/gmm/CMakeLists.txt	                        (rev 0)
+++ mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/bindings/matlab/gmm/CMakeLists.txt	2012-10-31 20:54:03 UTC (rev 13805)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# Simple rules for building mex file.  The _mex suffix is necessary to avoid
+# target name conflicts, and the mex file must have a different name than the .m
+# file.
+add_library(gmm_mex SHARED
+  gmm.cpp
+  mlpack
+# Installation rule.  Install both the mex and the MATLAB file.
+install(TARGETS gmm_mex
+  gmm.m

Added: mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/bindings/matlab/gmm/Makefile
--- mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/bindings/matlab/gmm/Makefile	                        (rev 0)
+++ mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/bindings/matlab/gmm/Makefile	2012-10-31 20:54:03 UTC (rev 13805)
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+gmm: gmm.o
+	g++ -O -pthread -shared  \
+-Wl,--version-script,/opt/matlab/2010b/extern/lib/glnxa64/mexFunction.map \
+-Wl,--no-undefined -o 'mex_gmm.mexa64' gmm.o \
+-L../../build/lib -lmlpack \
+-Wl,-rpath-link,/opt/matlab/2010b/bin/glnxa64 \
+-L/opt/matlab/2010b/bin/glnxa64 -lmx -lmex -lmat -lm \
+-Wl,-rpath=/net/hu19/pmason8/mlpack/trunk/build/lib \
+-L/usr/lib64 -larmadillo \
+	g++ -c  \
+-I../../build/include \
+-I../../build/include/mlpack/methods/gmm \
+-I/usr/include/libxml2 \
+-I/opt/matlab/2010b/extern/include \
+-ansi -D_GNU_SOURCE -fPIC -fno-omit-frame-pointer -pthread \
+-DMX_COMPAT_32 -O -DNDEBUG 'gmm.cpp'
+	rm -f *.o *.mexa64

Added: mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/bindings/matlab/gmm/gmm.cpp
--- mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/bindings/matlab/gmm/gmm.cpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/bindings/matlab/gmm/gmm.cpp	2012-10-31 20:54:03 UTC (rev 13805)
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+#include "mex.h"
+#include "gmm.hpp"
+#include <iostream>
+using namespace mlpack;
+using namespace mlpack::gmm;
+using namespace mlpack::utilities;
+void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[],
+                 int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
+  // argument checks
+  if (nrhs != 3) 
+  {
+    mexErrMsgTxt("Expecting three inputs.");
+  }
+  if (nlhs != 1) 
+  {
+    mexErrMsgTxt("Output required.");
+  }
+	size_t seed = (size_t) mxGetScalar(prhs[2]);
+  // Check parameters and load data.
+  if (seed != 0)
+    math::RandomSeed(seed);
+  else
+    math::RandomSeed((size_t) std::time(NULL));
+  // loading the data
+  double * mexDataPoints = mxGetPr(prhs[0]);
+  size_t numPoints = mxGetN(prhs[0]);
+  size_t numDimensions = mxGetM(prhs[0]);
+  arma::mat dataPoints(numDimensions, numPoints);
+  for (int i = 0, n = numPoints * numDimensions; i < n; ++i) 
+  {
+    dataPoints(i) = mexDataPoints[i];
+  }
+	int gaussians = (int) mxGetScalar(prhs[1]);
+  if (gaussians <= 0)
+  {
+		std::stringstream ss;
+    ss << "Invalid number of Gaussians (" << gaussians << "); must "
+        "be greater than or equal to 1." << std::endl;
+    mexErrMsgTxt(ss.str().c_str());
+  }
+  // Calculate mixture of Gaussians.
+  GMM<> gmm(size_t(gaussians), dataPoints.n_rows);
+  ////// Computing the parameters of the model using the EM algorithm //////
+  gmm.Estimate(dataPoints);
+  // setting up the matlab structure to be returned
+  mwSize ndim = 1;
+  mwSize dims[1] = {
+    1
+  };
+  const char * fieldNames[3] = {
+    "dimensionality"
+    , "weights"
+    , "gaussians"
+  };
+  plhs[0] =  mxCreateStructArray(ndim, dims, 3, fieldNames);
+	// dimensionality
+  mxArray * field_value;
+	field_value = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1, 1, mxREAL);
+	*mxGetPr(field_value) = numDimensions;
+  mxSetFieldByNumber(plhs[0], 0, 0, field_value);
+	// mixture weights
+	field_value = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(gmm.Weights().size(), 1, mxREAL);
+	double * values = mxGetPr(field_value);
+	for (int i=0; i<gmm.Weights().size(); ++i)
+	{
+		values[i] = gmm.Weights()[i];
+	}
+  mxSetFieldByNumber(plhs[0], 0, 1, field_value);
+	// gaussian mean/variances
+	const char * gaussianNames[2] = {
+    "mean"
+    , "covariance"
+  };
+	ndim = 1;
+  dims[0] = gmm.Gaussians();
+	field_value = mxCreateStructArray(ndim, dims, 2, gaussianNames);
+	for (int i=0; i<gmm.Gaussians(); ++i)
+	{
+		mxArray * tmp;
+		double * values;
+		// setting the mean
+		arma::mat mean = gmm.Means()[i];
+		tmp = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(numDimensions, 1, mxREAL);
+		values = mxGetPr(tmp);
+		for (int j = 0; j < numDimensions; ++j)
+		{
+			values[j] = mean(j);
+		}
+		// note: SetField does not copy the data structure.
+		// mxDuplicateArray does the necessary copying.
+		mxSetFieldByNumber(field_value, i, 0, mxDuplicateArray(tmp));
+		mxDestroyArray(tmp);
+		// setting the covariance matrix
+		arma::mat covariance = gmm.Covariances()[i];
+		tmp = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(numDimensions, numDimensions, mxREAL);
+		values = mxGetPr(tmp);
+		for (int j = 0; j < numDimensions * numDimensions; ++j)
+		{
+			values[j] = covariance(j);
+		}
+		mxSetFieldByNumber(field_value, i, 1, mxDuplicateArray(tmp));
+		mxDestroyArray(tmp);
+	}
+	mxSetFieldByNumber(plhs[0], 0, 2, field_value);

Added: mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/bindings/matlab/gmm/gmm.m
--- mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/bindings/matlab/gmm/gmm.m	                        (rev 0)
+++ mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/bindings/matlab/gmm/gmm.m	2012-10-31 20:54:03 UTC (rev 13805)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+function result = gmm(dataPoints, varargin)
+%Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) Training
+%  This program takes a parametric estimate of a Gaussian mixture model (GMM)
+%  using the EM algorithm to find the maximum likelihood estimate.  The model is
+%  saved to an XML file, which contains information about each Gaussian.
+% dataPoints- (required) Matrix containing the data on which the model will be fit
+% seed      - (optional) Random seed.  If 0, 'std::time(NULL)' is used. 
+%					    Default value is 0.
+% gaussians - (optional) Number of gaussians in the GMM. Default value is 1.
+% a parser for the inputs
+p = inputParser;
+p.addParamValue('gaussians', 1, @isscalar);
+p.addParamValue('seed', 0, @isscalar);
+% parsing the varargin options
+parsed = p.Results;
+% interfacing with mlpack
+result = mex_gmm(dataPoints', parsed.gaussians, parsed.seed);

Added: mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/bindings/matlab/kmeans/CMakeLists.txt
--- mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/bindings/matlab/kmeans/CMakeLists.txt	                        (rev 0)
+++ mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/bindings/matlab/kmeans/CMakeLists.txt	2012-10-31 20:54:03 UTC (rev 13805)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# Simple rules for building mex file.  The _mex suffix is necessary to avoid
+# target name conflicts, and the mex file must have a different name than the .m
+# file.
+add_library(kmeans_mex SHARED
+  kmeans.cpp
+  mlpack
+# Installation rule.  Install both the mex and the MATLAB file.
+install(TARGETS kmeans_mex
+  kmeans.m

Modified: mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/bindings/matlab/kmeans/kmeans.cpp
--- mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/bindings/matlab/kmeans/kmeans.cpp	2012-10-31 20:50:28 UTC (rev 13804)
+++ mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/bindings/matlab/kmeans/kmeans.cpp	2012-10-31 20:54:03 UTC (rev 13805)
@@ -51,12 +51,12 @@
     mexErrMsgTxt("Output required.");
-	size_t seed = (size_t) mxGetScalar(prhs[6]);
+  size_t seed = (size_t) mxGetScalar(prhs[6]);
   // Initialize random seed.
   //if (CLI::GetParam<int>("seed") != 0)
-		//math::RandomSeed((size_t) CLI::GetParam<int>("seed"));
-	if (seed != 0)
+    //math::RandomSeed((size_t) CLI::GetParam<int>("seed"));
+  if (seed != 0)
     math::RandomSeed((size_t) std::time(NULL));
@@ -64,53 +64,53 @@
   // Now do validation of options.
   //string inputFile = CLI::GetParam<string>("inputFile");
   //int clusters = CLI::GetParam<int>("clusters");
-	int clusters = (int) mxGetScalar(prhs[1]);
+  int clusters = (int) mxGetScalar(prhs[1]);
   if (clusters < 1)
-		stringstream ss;
-		ss << "Invalid number of clusters requested (" << clusters << ")! "
+    stringstream ss;
+    ss << "Invalid number of clusters requested (" << clusters << ")! "
         << "Must be greater than or equal to 1.";
-		mexErrMsgTxt(ss.str().c_str());
+    mexErrMsgTxt(ss.str().c_str());
   //int maxIterations = CLI::GetParam<int>("max_iterations");
-	int maxIterations = (int) mxGetScalar(prhs[2]);
+  int maxIterations = (int) mxGetScalar(prhs[2]);
   if (maxIterations < 0)
-		stringstream ss;
+    stringstream ss;
     ss << "Invalid value for maximum iterations (" << maxIterations <<
         ")! Must be greater than or equal to 0.";
-		mexErrMsgTxt(ss.str().c_str());
+    mexErrMsgTxt(ss.str().c_str());
   //double overclustering = CLI::GetParam<double>("overclustering");
-	double overclustering = mxGetScalar(prhs[3]);
+  double overclustering = mxGetScalar(prhs[3]);
   if (overclustering < 1)
-		stringstream ss;
+    stringstream ss;
     ss << "Invalid value for overclustering (" << overclustering <<
         ")! Must be greater than or equal to 1.";
-		mexErrMsgTxt(ss.str().c_str());
+    mexErrMsgTxt(ss.str().c_str());
-	const bool allow_empty_clusters = (mxGetScalar(prhs[4]) == 1.0);
-	const bool fast_kmeans = (mxGetScalar(prhs[5]) == 1.0);
+  const bool allow_empty_clusters = (mxGetScalar(prhs[4]) == 1.0);
+  const bool fast_kmeans = (mxGetScalar(prhs[5]) == 1.0);
-	/*
+  /*
   // Make sure we have an output file if we're not doing the work in-place.
   if (!CLI::HasParam("in_place") && !CLI::HasParam("outputFile"))
     Log::Fatal << "--outputFile not specified (and --in_place not set)."
         << std::endl;
-	*/
+  */
   // Load our dataset.
-	const size_t numPoints = mxGetN(prhs[0]);
+  const size_t numPoints = mxGetN(prhs[0]);
   const size_t numDimensions = mxGetM(prhs[0]);
   arma::mat dataset(numDimensions, numPoints);
-	// setting the values. 
+  // setting the values. 
   double * mexDataPoints = mxGetPr(prhs[0]);
   for (int i = 0, n = numPoints * numDimensions; i < n; ++i) 
@@ -122,13 +122,13 @@
   arma::Col<size_t> assignments;
   //if (CLI::HasParam("allow_empty_clusters"))
-	if (allow_empty_clusters)
+  if (allow_empty_clusters)
     KMeans<metric::SquaredEuclideanDistance, RandomPartition,
         AllowEmptyClusters> k(maxIterations, overclustering);
     //if (CLI::HasParam("fast_kmeans"))
-		if (fast_kmeans)
+    if (fast_kmeans)
       k.FastCluster(dataset, clusters, assignments);
       k.Cluster(dataset, clusters, assignments);
@@ -138,13 +138,13 @@
     KMeans<> k(maxIterations, overclustering);
     //if (CLI::HasParam("fast_kmeans"))
-		if (fast_kmeans)
+    if (fast_kmeans)
       k.FastCluster(dataset, clusters, assignments);
       k.Cluster(dataset, clusters, assignments);
-	/*
+  /*
   // Now figure out what to do with our results.
   if (CLI::HasParam("in_place"))
@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@
       data::Save(outputFile.c_str(), dataset);
-	*/
+  */
   // constructing matrix to return to matlab
   plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(assignments.n_elem, 1, mxREAL);

Added: mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/bindings/matlab/range_search/CMakeLists.txt
--- mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/bindings/matlab/range_search/CMakeLists.txt	                        (rev 0)
+++ mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/bindings/matlab/range_search/CMakeLists.txt	2012-10-31 20:54:03 UTC (rev 13805)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# Simple rules for building mex file.  The _mex suffix is necessary to avoid
+# target name conflicts, and the mex file must have a different name than the .m
+# file.
+add_library(range_search_mex SHARED
+  range_search.cpp
+  mlpack
+# Installation rule.  Install both the mex and the MATLAB file.
+install(TARGETS range_search_mex
+  range_search.m

Added: mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/bindings/matlab/range_search/Makefile
--- mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/bindings/matlab/range_search/Makefile	                        (rev 0)
+++ mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/bindings/matlab/range_search/Makefile	2012-10-31 20:54:03 UTC (rev 13805)
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+range_search: range_search.o
+	g++ -O -pthread -shared  \
+-Wl,--version-script,/opt/matlab/2010b/extern/lib/glnxa64/mexFunction.map \
+-Wl,--no-undefined -o 'mex_range_search.mexa64' range_search.o \
+-L../../build/lib -lmlpack \
+-Wl,-rpath-link,/opt/matlab/2010b/bin/glnxa64 \
+-L/opt/matlab/2010b/bin/glnxa64 -lmx -lmex -lmat -lm \
+-Wl,-rpath=/net/hu19/pmason8/mlpack/trunk/build/lib \
+	g++ -c  \
+-I../../build/include \
+-I../../build/include/mlpack/methods/range_search \
+-I/usr/include/libxml2 \
+-I/opt/matlab/2010b/extern/include \
+-ansi -D_GNU_SOURCE -fPIC -fno-omit-frame-pointer -pthread \
+-DMX_COMPAT_32 -O -DNDEBUG 'range_search.cpp'
+	rm -f *.o *.mexa64

Added: mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/bindings/matlab/range_search/range_search.cpp
--- mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/bindings/matlab/range_search/range_search.cpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/bindings/matlab/range_search/range_search.cpp	2012-10-31 20:54:03 UTC (rev 13805)
@@ -0,0 +1,368 @@
+#include "mex.h"
+#include <mlpack/core.hpp>
+#include <mlpack/core/metrics/lmetric.hpp>
+#include "range_search.hpp"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace mlpack;
+using namespace mlpack::range;
+using namespace mlpack::tree;
+// Information about the program itself.
+PROGRAM_INFO("Range Search",
+    "This program implements range search with a Euclidean distance metric. "
+    "For a given query point, a given range, and a given set of reference "
+    "points, the program will return all of the reference points with distance "
+    "to the query point in the given range.  This is performed for an entire "
+    "set of query points. You may specify a separate set of reference and query"
+    " points, or only a reference set -- which is then used as both the "
+    "reference and query set.  The given range is taken to be inclusive (that "
+    "is, points with a distance exactly equal to the minimum and maximum of the"
+    " range are included in the results)."
+    "\n\n"
+    "For example, the following will calculate the points within the range [2, "
+    "5] of each point in 'input.csv' and store the distances in 'distances.csv'"
+    " and the neighbors in 'neighbors.csv':"
+    "\n\n"
+    "$ range_search --min=2 --max=5 --reference_file=input.csv\n"
+    "  --distances_file=distances.csv --neighbors_file=neighbors.csv"
+    "\n\n"
+    "The output files are organized such that line i corresponds to the points "
+    "found for query point i.  Because sometimes 0 points may be found in the "
+    "given range, lines of the output files may be empty.  The points are not "
+    "ordered in any specific manner."
+    "\n\n"
+    "Because the number of points returned for each query point may differ, the"
+    " resultant CSV-like files may not be loadable by many programs.  However, "
+    "at this time a better way to store this non-square result is not known.  "
+    "As a result, any output files will be written as CSVs in this manner, "
+    "regardless of the given extension.");
+// Define our input parameters that this program will take.
+PARAM_STRING_REQ("reference_file", "File containing the reference dataset.",
+    "r");
+PARAM_STRING_REQ("distances_file", "File to output distances into.", "d");
+PARAM_STRING_REQ("neighbors_file", "File to output neighbors into.", "n");
+PARAM_DOUBLE_REQ("max", "Upper bound in range.", "M");
+PARAM_DOUBLE("min", "Lower bound in range.", "m", 0.0);
+PARAM_STRING("query_file", "File containing query points (optional).", "q", "");
+PARAM_INT("leaf_size", "Leaf size for tree building.", "l", 20);
+PARAM_FLAG("naive", "If true, O(n^2) naive mode is used for computation.", "N");
+PARAM_FLAG("single_mode", "If true, single-tree search is used (as opposed to "
+    "dual-tree search.", "s");
+typedef RangeSearch<metric::SquaredEuclideanDistance,
+    BinarySpaceTree<bound::HRectBound<2>, EmptyStatistic> > RSType;
+// the gateway, required by all mex functions
+void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[],
+                 int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
+  // Give CLI the command line parameters the user passed in.
+  //CLI::ParseCommandLine(argc, argv);
+  // Get all the parameters.
+  //string referenceFile = CLI::GetParam<string>("reference_file");
+  //string distancesFile = CLI::GetParam<string>("distances_file");
+  //string neighborsFile = CLI::GetParam<string>("neighbors_file");
+  //int lsInt = CLI::GetParam<int>("leaf_size");
+  //double max = CLI::GetParam<double>("max");
+  //double min = CLI::GetParam<double>("min");
+  //bool naive = CLI::HasParam("naive");
+  //bool singleMode = CLI::HasParam("single_mode");
+  // argument checks
+  if (nrhs != 7) 
+  {
+    mexErrMsgTxt("Expecting an datapoints matrix, isBoruvka, and leafSize.");
+  }
+  if (nlhs != 1) 
+  {
+    mexErrMsgTxt("Output required.");
+  }
+	double max = mxGetScalar(prhs[1]);
+	double min = mxGetScalar(prhs[2]);
+  int lsInt = (int) mxGetScalar(prhs[4]);
+  bool naive = (mxGetScalar(prhs[5]) == 1.0);
+  bool singleMode = (mxGetScalar(prhs[6]) == 1.0);
+  // checking for query data
+	bool hasQueryData = ((mxGetM(prhs[3]) != 0) && (mxGetN(prhs[3]) != 0)); 
+  arma::mat queryData; 
+	// setting the dataset values. 
+  double * mexDataPoints = mxGetPr(prhs[0]);
+  size_t numPoints = mxGetN(prhs[0]);
+  size_t numDimensions = mxGetM(prhs[0]);
+  arma::mat referenceData(numDimensions, numPoints);
+  for (int i = 0, n = numPoints * numDimensions; i < n; ++i) 
+  {
+    referenceData(i) = mexDataPoints[i];
+  }
+	//if (!data::Load(referenceFile.c_str(), referenceData))
+  //  Log::Fatal << "Reference file " << referenceFile << "not found." << endl;
+  //Log::Info << "Loaded reference data from '" << referenceFile << "'." << endl;
+  // Sanity check on range value: max must be greater than min.
+  if (max <= min)
+  {
+    stringstream ss;
+    ss << "Invalid range: maximum (" << max << ") must be greater than "
+        << "minimum (" << min << ").";
+    mexErrMsgTxt(ss.str().c_str());
+  }
+  // Sanity check on leaf size.
+  if (lsInt < 0)
+  {
+    stringstream ss;
+    ss << "Invalid leaf size: " << lsInt << ".  Must be greater "
+        "than or equal to 0.";
+    mexErrMsgTxt(ss.str().c_str());
+  }
+  size_t leafSize = lsInt;
+  // Naive mode overrides single mode.
+  if (singleMode && naive)
+  {
+    mexWarnMsgTxt("single_mode ignored because naive is present."); 
+  }
+  if (naive)
+    leafSize = referenceData.n_cols;
+  vector<vector<size_t> > neighbors;
+  vector<vector<double> > distances;
+  // Because we may construct it differently, we need a pointer.
+  RSType* rangeSearch = NULL;
+  // Mappings for when we build the tree.
+  vector<size_t> oldFromNewRefs;
+  // Build trees by hand, so we can save memory: if we pass a tree to
+  // NeighborSearch, it does not copy the matrix.
+  //Log::Info << "Building reference tree..." << endl;
+  //Timer::Start("tree_building");
+  BinarySpaceTree<bound::HRectBound<2>, tree::EmptyStatistic>
+      refTree(referenceData, oldFromNewRefs, leafSize);
+  BinarySpaceTree<bound::HRectBound<2>, tree::EmptyStatistic>*
+      queryTree = NULL; // Empty for now.
+  //Timer::Stop("tree_building");
+  std::vector<size_t> oldFromNewQueries;
+  //if (CLI::GetParam<string>("query_file") != "")
+  if (hasQueryData)
+  {
+    //string queryFile = CLI::GetParam<string>("query_file");
+    //if (!data::Load(queryFile.c_str(), queryData))
+    //  Log::Fatal << "Query file " << queryFile << " not found" << endl;
+		// setting the values. 
+  	mexDataPoints = mxGetPr(prhs[3]);
+  	numPoints = mxGetN(prhs[3]);
+  	numDimensions = mxGetM(prhs[3]);
+		queryData = arma::mat(numDimensions, numPoints);
+  	for (int i = 0, n = numPoints * numDimensions; i < n; ++i) 
+  	{
+    	queryData(i) = mexDataPoints[i];
+  	}
+    if (naive && leafSize < queryData.n_cols)
+      leafSize = queryData.n_cols;
+    //Log::Info << "Loaded query data from '" << queryFile << "'." << endl;
+    //Log::Info << "Building query tree..." << endl;
+    // Build trees by hand, so we can save memory: if we pass a tree to
+    // NeighborSearch, it does not copy the matrix.
+    //Timer::Start("tree_building");
+    queryTree = new BinarySpaceTree<bound::HRectBound<2>,
+        tree::EmptyStatistic >(queryData, oldFromNewQueries,
+        leafSize);
+    //Timer::Stop("tree_building");
+    rangeSearch = new RSType(&refTree, queryTree, referenceData, queryData,
+        singleMode);
+    //Log::Info << "Tree built." << endl;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    rangeSearch = new RSType(&refTree, referenceData, singleMode);
+    //Log::Info << "Trees built." << endl;
+  }
+  //Log::Info << "Computing neighbors within range [" << min << ", " << max
+  //    << "]." << endl;
+  math::Range r = math::Range(min, max);
+  rangeSearch->Search(r, neighbors, distances);
+  //Log::Info << "Neighbors computed." << endl;
+  // We have to map back to the original indices from before the tree
+  // construction.
+  //Log::Info << "Re-mapping indices..." << endl;
+  vector<vector<double> > distancesOut;
+  distancesOut.resize(distances.size());
+  vector<vector<size_t> > neighborsOut;
+  neighborsOut.resize(neighbors.size());
+  // Do the actual remapping.
+  //if (CLI::GetParam<string>("query_file") != "")
+  if (hasQueryData)
+  {
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < distances.size(); ++i)
+    {
+      // Map distances (copy a column).
+      distancesOut[oldFromNewQueries[i]] = distances[i];
+      // Map indices of neighbors.
+      neighborsOut[oldFromNewQueries[i]].resize(neighbors[i].size());
+      for (size_t j = 0; j < distances[i].size(); ++j)
+      {
+        neighborsOut[oldFromNewQueries[i]][j] = oldFromNewRefs[neighbors[i][j]];
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < distances.size(); ++i)
+    {
+      // Map distances (copy a column).
+      distancesOut[oldFromNewRefs[i]] = distances[i];
+      // Map indices of neighbors.
+      neighborsOut[oldFromNewRefs[i]].resize(neighbors[i].size());
+      for (size_t j = 0; j < distances[i].size(); ++j)
+      {
+        neighborsOut[oldFromNewRefs[i]][j] = oldFromNewRefs[neighbors[i][j]];
+      }
+    }
+  }
+	// Setting values to be returned to matlab
+	mwSize ndim = 1;
+  mwSize dims[1] = {distancesOut.size()};
+  const char * fieldNames[2] = {
+    "neighbors"
+    , "distances"
+  };
+	plhs[0] = mxCreateStructArray(ndim, dims, 2, fieldNames);
+	// setting the structure elements
+	for (int i=0; i<distancesOut.size(); ++i)
+	{
+		mxArray * tmp;
+		double * values;
+		// settings the neighbors
+		const size_t numElements = distancesOut[i].size();
+		tmp = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1, numElements, mxREAL);
+		values = mxGetPr(tmp);
+		for (int j=0; j<numElements; ++j)
+		{
+			// converting to matlab's index offset
+			values[j] = neighborsOut[i][j] + 1;
+		}
+		// note: SetField does not copy the data structure.
+		// mxDuplicateArray does the necessary copying.
+		mxSetFieldByNumber(plhs[0], i, 0, mxDuplicateArray(tmp));
+		mxDestroyArray(tmp);
+		// setting the distances
+		tmp = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1, numElements, mxREAL);
+		values = mxGetPr(tmp);
+		for (int j=0; j<numElements; ++j)
+		{
+			values[j] = distancesOut[i][j];
+		}
+		mxSetFieldByNumber(plhs[0], i, 1, mxDuplicateArray(tmp));
+		mxDestroyArray(tmp);
+	}
+  // Clean up.
+  if (queryTree)
+    delete queryTree;
+  delete rangeSearch;
+  /*
+  // Save output.  We have to do this by hand.
+  fstream distancesStr(distancesFile.c_str(), fstream::out);
+  if (!distancesStr.is_open())
+  {
+    Log::Warn << "Cannot open file '" << distancesFile << "' to save output "
+        << "distances to!" << endl;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    // Loop over each point.
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < distancesOut.size(); ++i)
+    {
+      // Store the distances of each point.  We may have 0 points to store, so
+      // we must account for that possibility.
+      for (size_t j = 0; j + 1 < distancesOut[i].size(); ++j)
+      {
+        distancesStr << distancesOut[i][j] << ", ";
+      }
+      if (distancesOut[i].size() > 0)
+        distancesStr << distancesOut[i][distancesOut[i].size() - 1];
+      distancesStr << endl;
+    }
+    distancesStr.close();
+  }
+  fstream neighborsStr(neighborsFile.c_str(), fstream::out);
+  if (!neighborsStr.is_open())
+  {
+    Log::Warn << "Cannot open file '" << neighborsFile << "' to save output "
+        << "neighbor indices to!" << endl;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    // Loop over each point.
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < neighborsOut.size(); ++i)
+    {
+      // Store the neighbors of each point.  We may have 0 points to store, so
+      // we must account for that possibility.
+      for (size_t j = 0; j + 1 < neighborsOut[i].size(); ++j)
+      {
+        neighborsStr << neighborsOut[i][j] << ", ";
+      }
+      if (neighborsOut[i].size() > 0)
+        neighborsStr << neighborsOut[i][neighborsOut[i].size() - 1];
+      neighborsStr << endl;
+    }
+    neighborsStr.close();
+  }
+  */

Added: mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/bindings/matlab/range_search/range_search.m
--- mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/bindings/matlab/range_search/range_search.m	                        (rev 0)
+++ mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/bindings/matlab/range_search/range_search.m	2012-10-31 20:54:03 UTC (rev 13805)
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+function result = range_search(dataPoints, maxDistance, varargin)
+%Range Search
+%  This function implements range search with a Euclidean distance metric. For a
+%  given query point, a given range, and a given set of reference points, the
+%  program will return all of the reference points with distance to the query
+%  point in the given range.  This is performed for an entire set of query
+%  points. You may specify a separate set of reference and query points, or only
+%  a reference set -- which is then used as both the reference and query set. 
+%  The given range is taken to be inclusive (that is, points with a distance
+%  exactly equal to the minimum and maximum of the range are included in the
+%  results).
+%  For example, the following will calculate the points within the range [2, 5]
+%  of each point in 'input.csv' and store the distances in 'distances.csv' and
+%  the neighbors in 'neighbors.csv':
+% dataPoints  - (required) Matrix containing the reference dataset.
+% maxDistance - (required) The upper bound of the range.
+% minDistance	- (optional) The lower bound. The default value is zero.
+% queryPoints - (optional) Range search query points.
+% leafSize    - (optional) Leaf size for tree building.  Default value 20.
+% naive			  - (optional) If true, O(n^2) naive mode is used for computation.
+% singleMode  - (optional) If true, single-tree search is used (as opposed to 
+%               dual-tree search.
+% a parser for the inputs
+p = inputParser;
+p.addParamValue('minDistance', 0, @isscalar);
+p.addParamValue('queryPoints', zeros(0), @ismatrix);
+p.addParamValue('leafSize', 20, @isscalar);
+p.addParamValue('naive', false, @(x) (x == true) || (x == false));
+p.addParamValue('singleMode', false, @(x) (x == true) || (x == false));
+% parsing the varargin options
+parsed = p.Results;
+% interfacing with mlpack
+result = mex_range_search(dataPoints', maxDistance, ...
+	parsed.minDistance, parsed.queryPoints', parsed.leafSize, ...
+	parsed.naive, parsed.singleMode);

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