[mlpack-svn] r12552 - mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/core/tree

fastlab-svn at coffeetalk-1.cc.gatech.edu fastlab-svn at coffeetalk-1.cc.gatech.edu
Fri Apr 27 15:51:48 EDT 2012

Author: rcurtin
Date: 2012-04-27 15:51:47 -0400 (Fri, 27 Apr 2012)
New Revision: 12552

An implementation of cover trees.  It is not yet polished, and the debugging
comments are still inside of it (though commented out).  I will be polishing it

Modified: mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/core/tree/CMakeLists.txt
--- mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/core/tree/CMakeLists.txt	2012-04-27 19:31:51 UTC (rev 12551)
+++ mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/core/tree/CMakeLists.txt	2012-04-27 19:51:47 UTC (rev 12552)
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@
+  cover_tree.hpp
+  cover_tree_impl.hpp

Added: mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/core/tree/cover_tree.hpp
--- mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/core/tree/cover_tree.hpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/core/tree/cover_tree.hpp	2012-04-27 19:51:47 UTC (rev 12552)
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+ * @file cover_tree.hpp
+ * @author Ryan Curtin
+ *
+ * Definition of CoverTree, which can be used in place of the BinarySpaceTree.
+ */
+#include <mlpack/core.hpp>
+namespace mlpack {
+namespace tree {
+template<typename StatisticType = EmptyStatistic>
+class CoverTree
+ public:
+  /**
+   * Create the cover tree.
+   */
+  CoverTree(const arma::mat& dataset,
+            const double expansionConstant = 2.0);
+  CoverTree(const arma::mat& dataset,
+            const double expansionConstant,
+            const size_t pointIndex,
+            const int scale,
+            arma::Col<size_t>& indices,
+            arma::vec& distances,
+            size_t nearSetSize,
+            size_t& farSetSize,
+            size_t& usedSetSize);
+  ~CoverTree();
+  //! Get a reference to the dataset.
+  const arma::mat& Dataset() const { return dataset; }
+  //! Get the index of the point which this node represents.
+  size_t Point() const { return point; }
+  //! Get a particular child node.
+  const CoverTree& Child(const size_t index) const { return *children[index]; }
+  //! Modify a particular child node.
+  CoverTree& Child(const size_t index) { return *children[index]; }
+  //! Get the number of children.
+  size_t NumChildren() const { return children.size(); }
+  //! Get the scale of this node.
+  int Scale() const { return scale; }
+  //! Modify the scale of this node.  Be careful...
+  int& Scale() { return scale; }
+  //! Get the expansion constant.
+  double ExpansionConstant() const { return expansionConstant; }
+  //! Modify the expansion constant; don't do this, you'll break everything.
+  double& ExpansionConstant() { return expansionConstant; }
+ private:
+  //! Reference to the matrix which this tree is built on.
+  const arma::mat& dataset;
+  //! Index of the point in the matrix which this node represents.
+  size_t point;
+  //! The distance to the furthest descendant.
+  double furthestDistance; // Better name?
+  //! The distance to the parent.
+  double parentDistance; // Better name?
+  //! The list of children; the first is the "self child" (what is this?).
+  std::vector<CoverTree*> children;
+  //! Depth of the node in terms of scale (in terms of what?).
+//  size_t scaleDepth;
+  //! Scale level of the node.
+  int scale;
+  //! The expansion constant used to construct the tree.
+  double expansionConstant;
+  //! The instantiated statistic.
+  StatisticType stat;
+// Utility functions; these should probably be incorporated into the class
+// itself sometime soon.
+size_t SplitNearFar(arma::Col<size_t>& indices,
+                    arma::vec& distances,
+                    const double bound,
+                    const size_t pointSetSize);
+void BuildDistances(const arma::mat& dataset,
+                    const size_t pointIndex,
+                    const arma::Col<size_t>& indices,
+                    arma::vec& distances,
+                    const size_t pointSetSize);
+size_t SortPointSet(arma::Col<size_t>& indices,
+                    arma::vec& distances,
+                    const size_t childFarSetSize,
+                    const size_t childUsedSetSize,
+                    const size_t farSetSize);
+// Include implementation.
+#include "cover_tree_impl.hpp"

Added: mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/core/tree/cover_tree_impl.hpp
--- mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/core/tree/cover_tree_impl.hpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/core/tree/cover_tree_impl.hpp	2012-04-27 19:51:47 UTC (rev 12552)
@@ -0,0 +1,523 @@
+ * @file cover_tree_impl.hpp
+ * @author Ryan Curtin
+ *
+ * Implementation of CoverTree class.
+ */
+// In case it hasn't already been included.
+#include "cover_tree.hpp"
+namespace mlpack {
+namespace tree {
+// Create the cover tree.
+template<typename StatisticType>
+CoverTree<StatisticType>::CoverTree(const arma::mat& dataset,
+                                    const double expansionConstant) :
+    dataset(dataset),
+    expansionConstant(expansionConstant),
+    point(0)
+  // Kick off the building.  Create the indices array and the distances array.
+  arma::Col<size_t> indices = arma::linspace<arma::Col<size_t> >(1,
+      dataset.n_cols - 1, dataset.n_cols - 1);
+  arma::vec distances(dataset.n_cols - 1);
+  // Build the initial distances.
+  BuildDistances(dataset, 0 /* default */, indices, distances,
+      dataset.n_cols - 1);
+  // Now determine the scale factor of the root node.
+  const double maxDistance = max(distances);
+  scale = (int) ceil(log(maxDistance) / log(expansionConstant));
+  const double bound = pow(expansionConstant, scale - 1);
+  // Unfortunately, we can't call out to other constructors, so we have to copy
+  // a little bit of code from the other constructor.  First we build the self
+  // child.
+  size_t childNearSetSize = SplitNearFar(indices, distances, bound,
+      dataset.n_cols - 1);
+  size_t childFarSetSize = (dataset.n_cols - 1) - childNearSetSize;
+  size_t childUsedSetSize = 0;
+  children.push_back(new CoverTree(dataset, expansionConstant, 0, scale - 1,
+      indices, distances, childNearSetSize, childFarSetSize, childUsedSetSize));
+  size_t nearSetSize = (dataset.n_cols - 1) - childUsedSetSize;
+//  Log::Warn << "before non-self children, near set " << nearSetSize << " and "
+//      << "child used set size " << childUsedSetSize << std::endl;
+  // We have no far set, so the array is organized thusly:
+  // [ near | used ].  No resorting is necessary.
+  // Therefore, go ahead and build the children.
+  arma::Col<size_t> nearSet = indices.rows(0, nearSetSize - 1);
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < nearSet.n_elem; ++i)
+  {
+    // If this point has been used, skip to the next one.
+    if (nearSet[i] == dataset.n_cols)
+      continue;
+    const size_t newPointIndex = nearSet[i]; // nearSet holds indices.
+    // We need to move this point into the used set.  To do this we'll swap it
+    // with the last value in the far set and then increment the counters
+    // accordingly.  We don't have to worry about the fact that the point we
+    // swapped is actually in the far set but grouped with the near set, because
+    // we're about to rebuild that anyway.
+//    Log::Warn << "nearSetSize is AOIAJA " << nearSetSize << std::endl;
+//    Log::Warn << trans(nearSet);
+    size_t setIndex;
+    for (size_t k = 0; k < nearSetSize; ++k)
+      if (indices[k] == newPointIndex)
+        setIndex = k;
+    // Ensure we need to swap.
+    if (setIndex != (nearSetSize - 1))
+    {
+      // Perform the swap.
+      const size_t otherLocation = nearSetSize - 1;
+      const double tmpDist = distances[setIndex];
+      indices[setIndex] = indices[otherLocation];
+      distances[setIndex] = distances[otherLocation];
+      indices[otherLocation] = newPointIndex;
+      distances[otherLocation] = tmpDist;
+    }
+    // Update the near set size.  The used set size is updated by the recursive
+    // child constructor.
+    nearSetSize--;
+    // Rebuild the distances for this point.
+    BuildDistances(dataset, newPointIndex, indices, distances, nearSetSize);
+    // Split into near and far sets for this point.
+    childNearSetSize = SplitNearFar(indices, distances, bound, nearSetSize);
+    // Build this child (recursively).
+    childUsedSetSize = 0;
+    childFarSetSize = (nearSetSize - childNearSetSize);
+    children.push_back(new CoverTree(dataset, expansionConstant, newPointIndex,
+        scale - 1, indices, distances, childNearSetSize, childFarSetSize,
+        childUsedSetSize));
+    // Now the arrays, in memory, look like this:
+    // [ childFar | childUsed | used ]
+    // So we don't really need to do anything to them to get ready for the next
+    // round.  We do need to look at the points that were used and update the
+    // nearSet array.  This double for loop is suboptimal, but the best way I
+    // can think of to do this.
+    for (size_t j = childFarSetSize; j < (childFarSetSize + childUsedSetSize);
+         ++j)
+      for (size_t k = i + 1; k < nearSet.n_elem; ++k)
+        if (indices[j] == nearSet[k])
+          nearSet[k] = dataset.n_cols; // Invalid index to indicate it's used.
+    // Now we update the count of near set points.
+    nearSetSize -= childUsedSetSize;
+  }
+template<typename StatisticType>
+CoverTree<StatisticType>::CoverTree(const arma::mat& dataset,
+                                    const double expansionConstant,
+                                    const size_t pointIndex,
+                                    const int scale,
+                                    arma::Col<size_t>& indices,
+                                    arma::vec& distances,
+                                    size_t nearSetSize,
+                                    size_t& farSetSize,
+                                    size_t& usedSetSize) :
+    dataset(dataset),
+    expansionConstant(expansionConstant),
+    point(pointIndex),
+    scale(scale)
+//  Log::Debug << "Making child.  pointIndex " << pointIndex << ", scale " <<
+//      scale << ", nearSetSize " << nearSetSize << ", farSetSize " << farSetSize
+//      << ", usedSetSize " << usedSetSize << std::endl;
+//  if ((nearSetSize + farSetSize) > 0)
+//    Log::Debug << trans(indices.rows(0, nearSetSize + farSetSize - 1))
+//        << trans(distances.rows(0, nearSetSize + farSetSize - 1)) << std::endl;
+  // If the size of the near set is 0, this is a leaf.
+  if (nearSetSize == 0)
+  {
+    // Make this a leaf...
+//    Log::Warn << "This one is a leaf." << std::endl;
+    return;
+  }
+  // Determine the next scale level.  This should be the first level where there
+  // are any points in the far set.  So, if we know the maximum distance in the
+  // distances array, this will be the largest i such that
+  //   maxDistance > pow(ec, i)
+  // and using this for the scale factor should guarantee we are not creating an
+  // implicit node.  If the maximum distance is 0, every point in the near set
+  // will be created as a leaf, and a child to this node.
+  const double maxDistance = max(distances.rows(0, nearSetSize - 1));
+  if (maxDistance == 0)
+  {
+    // Make the self child at the lowest possible level.
+    // This should not modify farSetSize or usedSetSize.
+    children.push_back(new CoverTree(dataset, expansionConstant, pointIndex,
+        INT_MIN, indices, distances, 0, farSetSize, usedSetSize));
+//    Log::Debug << "Every point in the near set will be a leaf." << std::endl;
+//    Log::Debug << trans(indices.rows(0, (nearSetSize - 1))) << std::endl;
+    // Every point in the near set should be a leaf.
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < nearSetSize; ++i)
+    {
+      // farSetSize and usedSetSize will not be modified.
+      children.push_back(new CoverTree(dataset, expansionConstant, indices[i],
+          INT_MIN, indices, distances, 0, farSetSize, usedSetSize));
+      usedSetSize++;
+    }
+    // Re-sort the dataset.  We have
+    // [ used | far | other used ]
+    // and we want
+    // [ far | all used ].
+//    Log::Debug << "Sorting with usedSetSize " << usedSetSize
+//        << " and farSetSize " << farSetSize << std::endl;
+    SortPointSet(indices, distances, 0, usedSetSize, farSetSize);
+//    Log::Debug << "After sorting: " << std::endl;
+//    Log::Debug << trans(indices.rows(0, nearSetSize + farSetSize - 1))
+//        << trans(distances.rows(0, nearSetSize + farSetSize - 1)) << std::endl;
+    return;
+  }
+  const int nextScale = std::min(scale - 1,
+      (int) ceil(log(maxDistance) / log(expansionConstant)) - 1);
+  const double bound = pow(expansionConstant, nextScale);
+//  Log::Debug << "maxDistance is " << maxDistance << "; nextScale is " <<
+//      nextScale << "; bound is " << bound << std::endl;
+  // This needs to be taken out.  It's a sanity check for now.
+  Log::Assert(nextScale < scale);
+  // First, make the self child.  We must split the given near set into the near
+  // set and far set for the self child.
+  size_t childNearSetSize =
+      SplitNearFar(indices, distances, bound, nearSetSize);
+  // Build the self child (recursively).
+  size_t childFarSetSize = nearSetSize - childNearSetSize;
+  size_t childUsedSetSize = 0;
+  children.push_back(new CoverTree(dataset, expansionConstant, pointIndex,
+      nextScale, indices, distances, childNearSetSize, childFarSetSize,
+      childUsedSetSize));
+  // This will report a used set size which is one too large, because when the
+  // point itself is made into a leaf, it is counted as used (but that point is
+  // not part of the near or far set).  This only needs to be done by the parent
+  // of the self-leaf.
+//  if (children[0]->NumChildren() == 0)
+//    childUsedSetSize--;
+//  Log::Warn << "Back in frame pointIndex " << pointIndex << " scale " <<
+//      scale << std::endl;
+//  Log::Debug << trans(indices.rows(0, nearSetSize + farSetSize - 1))
+//      << trans(distances.rows(0, nearSetSize + farSetSize - 1)) << std::endl;
+//  Log::Debug << "That child used " << childUsedSetSize << " points." <<
+//      std::endl;
+  // Now the arrays, in memory, look like this:
+  // [ childFar | childUsed | far | used ]
+  // but we need to move the used points past our far set:
+  // [ childFar | far | childUsed + used ]
+  // and keeping in mind that childFar = our near set,
+  // [ near | far | childUsed + used ]
+  // is what we are trying to make.
+//  Log::Debug << "Sorting with childFarSetSize " << childFarSetSize << " and "
+//      << "childUsedSetSize " << childUsedSetSize << " and farSetSize " <<
+//      farSetSize << std::endl;
+  SortPointSet(indices, distances, childFarSetSize, childUsedSetSize,
+      farSetSize);
+//  Log::Debug << "After sorting: " << std::endl;
+//  Log::Debug << trans(indices.rows(0, nearSetSize + farSetSize - 1))
+//      << trans(distances.rows(0, nearSetSize + farSetSize - 1)) << std::endl;
+  // The self-child should not have used all the points in the near set.  If it
+  // did, this is an implicit node.
+  Log::Assert(childUsedSetSize < nearSetSize);
+  // Update size of near set and used set.
+  nearSetSize -= childUsedSetSize;
+  usedSetSize += childUsedSetSize;
+//  Log::Debug << "The near set size is " << nearSetSize << "; we will need to "
+//      << "make children until those points are used." << std::endl;
+  // Now for each point in the near set, we need to make children.  To save
+  // computation later, we'll create an array holding the points in the near
+  // set, and then after each run we'll check which of those (if any) were used
+  // and we will remove them.  ...if that's faster.  I think it is.
+  arma::Col<size_t> nearSet = indices.rows(0, nearSetSize - 1);
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < nearSet.n_elem; ++i)
+  {
+    // If this point has been used, skip to the next one.
+    if (nearSet[i] == dataset.n_cols)
+      continue;
+    const size_t newPointIndex = nearSet[i]; // nearSet holds indices.
+    // We need to move this point into the used set.  To do this we'll swap it
+    // with the last value in the far set and then increment the counters
+    // accordingly.  We don't have to worry about the fact that the point we
+    // swapped is actually in the far set but grouped with the near set, because
+    // we're about to rebuild that anyway.
+    size_t setIndex;
+    for (size_t k = 0; k < nearSetSize + farSetSize; ++k)
+      if (indices[k] == newPointIndex)
+        setIndex = k;
+    // Ensure we need to swap.
+    if (setIndex != ((nearSetSize + farSetSize) - 1))
+    {
+      // Perform the swap.
+      const size_t otherLocation = (nearSetSize + farSetSize) - 1;
+      const double tmpDist = distances[setIndex];
+      indices[setIndex] = indices[otherLocation];
+      distances[setIndex] = distances[otherLocation];
+      indices[otherLocation] = newPointIndex;
+      distances[otherLocation] = tmpDist;
+    }
+    // Update the near set size.  The used set size is updated by the recursive
+    // child constructor.
+    nearSetSize--;
+    usedSetSize++;
+//    Log::Debug << "Before rebuild we have farSetSize " << farSetSize
+//        << " nearSetSize " << nearSetSize << " usedSetSize " << usedSetSize
+//        << std::endl;
+    // Rebuild the distances for this point.
+    BuildDistances(dataset, newPointIndex, indices, distances,
+        nearSetSize + farSetSize);
+    // Split into near and far sets for this point.
+    childNearSetSize = SplitNearFar(indices, distances, bound, nearSetSize +
+        farSetSize);
+    // Build this child (recursively).
+    childUsedSetSize = 0;
+    childFarSetSize = ((nearSetSize + farSetSize) - childNearSetSize);
+    children.push_back(new CoverTree(dataset, expansionConstant, newPointIndex,
+        nextScale, indices, distances, childNearSetSize, childFarSetSize,
+        childUsedSetSize));
+//    Log::Warn << "Back in frame pointIndex " << pointIndex << " scale " <<
+//        scale << std::endl;
+//    Log::Debug << "That non-self child used " << childUsedSetSize << " points."
+//        << std::endl;
+//    Log::Debug << "Now we have farSetSize " << farSetSize << " childFarSetSize "
+//        << childFarSetSize << " childUsedSetSize " << childUsedSetSize <<
+//        " usedSetSize " << usedSetSize << std::endl;
+//    Log::Debug << trans(indices.rows(0, nearSetSize + farSetSize - 1))
+//        << trans(distances.rows(0, nearSetSize + farSetSize - 1)) << std::endl;
+    Log::Assert(childUsedSetSize <= (nearSetSize + farSetSize));
+    Log::Assert(childUsedSetSize >= childNearSetSize);
+    // Now the arrays, in memory, look like this:
+    // [ childFar | childUsed | used ]
+    // So we don't really need to do anything to them to get ready for the next
+    // round.  We do need to look at the points that were used and update the
+    // nearSet array.  This double for loop is suboptimal, but the best way I
+    // can think of to do this.
+    size_t usedNearSetPoints = 0;
+    for (size_t j = childFarSetSize; j < (childFarSetSize + childUsedSetSize);
+         ++j)
+    {
+      for (size_t k = i + 1; k < nearSet.n_elem; ++k)
+      {
+        if (indices[j] == nearSet[k])
+        {
+          nearSet[k] = dataset.n_cols; // Invalid index to indicate it's used.
+          usedNearSetPoints++;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    // Now we update the count of far set points and near set points.
+    farSetSize -= (childUsedSetSize - usedNearSetPoints);
+    nearSetSize -= usedNearSetPoints;
+    // Update number of used points.
+    usedSetSize += childUsedSetSize;
+  }
+  // Now that this is all done, our memory looks like this:
+  // [ childFar | childUsed | used ]
+  // We need to rebuild the distances and the set so it looks like this:
+  // [ far | used ]
+  // because all the points in the near set should be used up.
+//  Log::Assert(nearSetSize == 0);
+  farSetSize = childFarSetSize;
+  BuildDistances(dataset, pointIndex, indices, distances, farSetSize);
+  //farSetSize = SortPointSet(indices, distances, childFarSetSize,
+//      childUsedSetSize, farSetSize);
+//  Log::Warn << "Node creation complete; farSetSize " << farSetSize <<
+//      " usedSetSize " << usedSetSize << std::endl;
+template<typename StatisticType>
+  // Delete each child.
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < children.size(); ++i)
+    delete children[i];
+// Needs a better name...
+size_t SplitNearFar(arma::Col<size_t>& indices,
+                    arma::vec& distances,
+                    const double bound,
+                    const size_t pointSetSize)
+  // Sanity check; there is no guarantee that this condition will not be true.
+  // ...or is there?
+  if (pointSetSize <= 1)
+    return 0;
+//  Log::Debug << "Splitting dataset using bound " << bound << " and set size "
+//      << pointSetSize << std::endl;
+  // We'll traverse from both left and right.
+  size_t left = 0;
+  size_t right = pointSetSize - 1;
+  // A modification of quicksort, with the pivot value set to the bound.
+  // Everything on the left of the pivot will be less than or equal to the
+  // bound; everything on the right will be greater than the bound.
+  while ((distances[left] <= bound) && (left != right))
+    ++left;
+  while ((distances[right] > bound) && (left != right))
+    --right;
+  while (left != right)
+  {
+    // Now swap the values and indices.
+    const size_t tempPoint = indices[left];
+    const double tempDist = distances[left];
+    indices[left] = indices[right];
+    distances[left] = distances[right];
+    indices[right] = tempPoint;
+    distances[right] = tempDist;
+    // Traverse the left, seeing how many points are correctly on that side.
+    // When we encounter an incorrect point, stop.  We will switch it later.
+    while ((distances[left] <= bound) && (left != right))
+      ++left;
+    // Traverse the right, seeing how many points are correctly on that side.
+    // When we encounter an incorrect point, stop.  We will switch it with the
+    // wrong point from the left side.
+    while ((distances[right] > bound) && (left != right))
+      --right;
+  }
+  // The final left value is the index of the first far value.
+  return left;
+// Returns the maximum distance between points.
+void BuildDistances(const arma::mat& dataset,
+                    const size_t pointIndex,
+                    const arma::Col<size_t>& indices,
+                    arma::vec& distances,
+                    const size_t pointSetSize)
+  // For each point, rebuild the distances.  The indices do not need to be
+  // modified.
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < pointSetSize; ++i)
+  {
+    distances[i] = metric::LMetric<2>::Evaluate(dataset.col(pointIndex),
+        dataset.col(indices[i]));
+  }
+size_t SortPointSet(arma::Col<size_t>& indices,
+                    arma::vec& distances,
+                    const size_t childFarSetSize,
+                    const size_t childUsedSetSize,
+                    const size_t farSetSize)
+  // We'll use low-level memcpy calls ourselves, just to ensure it's done
+  // quickly and the way we want it to be.  Unfortunately this takes up more
+  // memory than one-element swaps, but there's not a great way around that.
+  const size_t bufferSize = std::min(farSetSize, childUsedSetSize);
+  const size_t bigCopySize = std::max(farSetSize, childUsedSetSize);
+  // Sanity check: there is no need to sort if the buffer size is going to be
+  // zero.
+  if (bufferSize == 0)
+    return (childFarSetSize + farSetSize);
+  size_t* indicesBuffer = new size_t[bufferSize];
+  double* distancesBuffer = new double[bufferSize];
+//  Log::Warn << "buffer size " << bufferSize << " and bigCopySize "
+//      << bigCopySize << std::endl;
+  // The start of the memory region to copy to the buffer.
+  const size_t bufferFromLocation = ((bufferSize == farSetSize) ?
+      (childFarSetSize + childUsedSetSize) : childFarSetSize);
+  // The start of the memory region to move directly to the new place.
+  const size_t directFromLocation = ((bufferSize == farSetSize) ?
+      childFarSetSize : (childFarSetSize + childUsedSetSize));
+  // The destination to copy the buffer back to.
+  const size_t bufferToLocation = ((bufferSize == farSetSize) ?
+      childFarSetSize : (childFarSetSize + farSetSize));
+  // The destination of the directly moved memory region.
+  const size_t directToLocation = ((bufferSize == farSetSize) ?
+      (childFarSetSize + farSetSize) : childFarSetSize);
+//  Log::Warn << "bufferFromLocation " << bufferFromLocation
+//      << " bufferToLocation " << bufferToLocation << " directFromLocation "
+//      << directFromLocation << " directToLocation " << directToLocation
+//      << std::endl;
+  memcpy(indicesBuffer, indices.memptr() + bufferFromLocation,
+      sizeof(size_t) * bufferSize);
+  memcpy(distancesBuffer, distances.memptr() + bufferFromLocation,
+      sizeof(double) * bufferSize);
+  // Now move the other memory.
+  memmove(indices.memptr() + directToLocation,
+      indices.memptr() + directFromLocation, sizeof(size_t) * bigCopySize);
+  memmove(distances.memptr() + directToLocation,
+      distances.memptr() + directFromLocation, sizeof(double) * bigCopySize);
+  // Now copy the temporary memory to the right place.
+  memcpy(indices.memptr() + bufferToLocation, indicesBuffer,
+      sizeof(size_t) * bufferSize);
+  memcpy(distances.memptr() + bufferToLocation, distancesBuffer,
+      sizeof(size_t) * bufferSize);
+  delete[] indicesBuffer;
+  delete[] distancesBuffer;
+  // This returns the complete size of the far set.
+  return (childFarSetSize + farSetSize);
+}; // namespace tree
+}; // namespace mlpack

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