[mlpack-svn] r10041 - mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/methods/fastica

fastlab-svn at coffeetalk-1.cc.gatech.edu fastlab-svn at coffeetalk-1.cc.gatech.edu
Wed Oct 26 12:48:27 EDT 2011

Author: jcline3
Date: 2011-10-26 12:48:26 -0400 (Wed, 26 Oct 2011)
New Revision: 10041

Move fastica -> hpp, cpp file extensions
Update #ifndef, #defines

Modified: mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/methods/fastica/CMakeLists.txt
--- mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/methods/fastica/CMakeLists.txt	2011-10-26 16:48:06 UTC (rev 10040)
+++ mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/methods/fastica/CMakeLists.txt	2011-10-26 16:48:26 UTC (rev 10041)
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
 # Define the files we need to compile.
 # Anything not in this list will not be compiled into MLPACK.
-   fastica.h
-   lin_alg.h
+   fastica.hpp
+   lin_alg.hpp
 # Add directory name to sources.
@@ -17,16 +17,16 @@
-  fastica_main.cc
-  lin_alg.h
+  fastica_main.cpp
+  lin_alg.hpp
-  lin_alg.h
-  lin_alg_test.cc
+  lin_alg.hpp
+  lin_alg_test.cpp

Deleted: mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/methods/fastica/fastica.h
--- mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/methods/fastica/fastica.h	2011-10-26 16:48:06 UTC (rev 10040)
+++ mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/methods/fastica/fastica.h	2011-10-26 16:48:26 UTC (rev 10041)
@@ -1,1179 +0,0 @@
- * @file fastica.h
- *
- * FastICA Algorithm
- *
- * Implements the FastICA Algorithm for Independent Component Analysis using
- * fixed-point optimization with various independence-minded contrast
- * functions. For sample usage, see accompanying file fastica_main.cc
- *
- * @see fastica_main.cc
- *
- * @author Nishant Mehta
- */
-#ifndef FASTICA_H
-#define FASTICA_H
-#include <mlpack/core.h>
-#include "lin_alg.h"
-namespace mlpack {
-namespace fastica {
-#define LOGCOSH 0
-#define GAUSS 10
-#define KURTOSIS 20
-#define SKEW 30
-#define SYMMETRIC 0
-#define DEFLATCLIN 1
- * Parameters for FastICA.
- */
-PARAM_INT("seed", "Seed for the random number generator.", "fastica", 0);
-    "Independent component recovery approach: 'deflation' or 'symmetric'.",
-    "fastica", "deflation");
-    "Nonlinear function to use: 'logcosh', 'gause', 'kurtosis', or 'skew'.",
-    "fastica", "logcosh");
-    "Number of independent components to find: integer between 1 and dimensionality of data.",
-    "fastica", 1);
-PARAM_FLAG("fine_tune", "Enable fine tuning.", "fastica");
-    "Maximum number of iterations of fixed-point iterations.", "fastica", 1000);
-PARAM_INT("max_fine_tune", "Maximum number of fine-tuning iterations.", "fastica", 5);
-PARAM(double, "a1", "Numeric constant for logcosh nonlinearity",
-            "fastica", 1.0, false);
-PARAM(double, "a2", "Numeric constant for gauss nonlinearity",
-            "fastica", 1.0, false);
-PARAM(double, "mu", "Numeric constant for fine-tuning Newton-Raphson method.",
-            "fastica", 1.0, false);
-PARAM_FLAG("stabilization", "Use stabilization.", "fastica");
-PARAM(double, "epsilon", "Threshold for convergence.", "fastica", 0.0001, false);
-PARAM(double, "percent_cut",
-    "Number in [0,1] indicating percent data to use in stabilization updates.",
-    "fastica", 1.0, false);
-PARAM_MODULE("fastica", "Performs fastica operations.");
-using namespace linalg__private;
-using namespace mlpack;
- * Class for running FastICA Algorithm
- *
- * This class takes in a D by N data matrix and runs FastICA, for number
- * of dimensions D and number of samples N
- */
-class FastICA {
- private:
-  /** Module used to pass parameters into the FastICA object */
-  struct datanode* module_;
-  /** data */
-  arma::mat X;
-  /** Optimization approach to use (deflation vs symmetric) */
-  size_t approach_;
-  /** Nonlinearity (contrast function) to use for evaluating independence */
-  size_t nonlinearity_;
-  //const size_t first_eig;
-  //const size_t last_eig;
-  /** number of independent components to find */
-  size_t num_of_IC_;
-  /** whether to enable fine tuning */
-  bool fine_tune_;
-  /** constant used for log cosh nonlinearity */
-  double a1_;
-  /** constant used for Gauss nonlinearity */
-  double a2_;
-  /** constant used for fine tuning */
-  double mu_;
-  /** whether to enable stabilization */
-  bool stabilization_;
-  /** threshold for convergence */
-  double epsilon_;
-  /** maximum number of iterations beore giving up */
-  size_t max_num_iterations_;
-  /** maximum number of times to fine tune */
-  size_t max_fine_tune_;
-  /** for stabilization, percent of data to include in random draw */
-  double percent_cut_;
-  /**
-   * Symmetric Newton-Raphson using log cosh contrast function
-   */
-  void SymmetricLogCoshUpdate_(const size_t n, const arma::mat& X, arma::mat& B) {
-    arma::mat hyp_tan, col_vector, msum;
-    hyp_tan = trans(X) * B;
-    // elementwise tanh()
-    for(size_t i = 0; i < hyp_tan.n_elem; i++)
-      hyp_tan[i] = tanh(a1_ * hyp_tan[i]);
-    col_vector.set_size(d);
-    col_vector.fill(a1_);
-    // take the squared L2 norm of the hyp_tan matrix rows (sum each squared
-    // element) and subtract n
-    msum = sum(pow(hyp_tan, 2), 1) - n;
-    B %= col_vector * msum; // % is the schur product (elementwise multiply)
-    B += (X * hyp_tan);
-    B /= (1 / (double) n); // scale
-  }
-  /**
-   * Fine-tuned Symmetric Newton-Raphson using log cosh contrast
-   * function
-   */
-  void SymmetricLogCoshFineTuningUpdate_(size_t n, const arma::mat& X, arma::mat& B) {
-    arma::mat Y, hyp_tan, Beta, Beta_Diag, D, msum;
-    Y = trans(X) * B;
-    hyp_tan.set_size(Y.n_rows, Y.n_cols);
-    // elementwise tanh()
-    for(size_t i = 0; i < hyp_tan.n_elem; i++)
-      hyp_tan[i] = tanh(a1_ * Y[i]);
-    Beta = sum(Y % hyp_tan, 1); // sum columns of elementwise multiplication
-    // take squared L2 norm of hyp_tan matrix rows and subtract n
-    msum = sum(pow(hyp_tan, 2), 1) - n;
-    msum *= a1_; // scale
-    msum += Beta; // elementwise addition
-    D.zeros(msum.n_elem, msum.n_elem);
-    D.diag() = pow(msum, -1);
-    Beta_Diag.zeros(Beta.n_elem, Beta.n_elem);
-    Beta_Diag.diag() = Beta;
-    B += mu_ * ((B * ((trans(Y) * hyp_tan) - Beta_Diag)) * D);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Symmetric Newton-Raphson using Gaussian contrast function
-   */
-  void SymmetricGaussUpdate_(size_t n, const arma::mat& X, arma::mat& B) {
-    arma::mat U, U_squared, ex, col_vector;
-    U = trans(X) * B;
-    U_squared = -a2_ * pow(U, 2); // scale components
-    ex = exp(U_squared / 2);
-    U %= ex; // U is gauss
-    ex += (U_squared % ex); // ex is dGauss
-    col_vector.set_size(d);
-    col_vector.fill(a2_);
-    B = (X * U) - (B % col_vector * sum(ex, 1));
-    B *= (1 / (double) n);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Fine-tuned Symmetric Newton-Raphson using Gaussian contrast function
-   */
-  void SymmetricGaussFineTuningUpdate_(size_t n, const arma::mat X, arma::mat& B) {
-    arma::mat Y, Y_squared_a2, ex, gauss, D, Beta;
-    arma::vec Beta_vector, sum_vector;
-    Y = trans(X) * B;
-    Y_squared_a2 = pow(Y, 2) * a2_;
-    ex = exp(Y_squared_a2 / 2);
-    gauss = Y % ex;
-    Beta_vector.set_size(d);
-    Beta_vector = sum(Y % gauss, 1);
-    sum_vector.set_size(d);
-    sum_vector = sum((Y_squared_a2 - 1) % ex, 1);
-    //D = diag(1 ./ (Beta + sum((Y_squared_a2 - 1) .* ex)))
-    D.zeros(d, d);
-    D.diag() = 1 / (Beta_vector + sum_vector);
-    Beta.zeros(d, d);
-    Beta.diag() = Beta_vector;
-    //B = B + myy * B * (Y' * gauss - diag(Beta)) * D;
-    B += mu_ * ((B * (trans(Y) * gauss - Beta)) * D);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Symmetric Newton-Raphson using kurtosis contrast function
-   */
-  void SymmetricKurtosisUpdate_(size_t n, const arma::mat X, arma::mat& B) {
-    B *= -3;
-    B += (X * pow(trans(X) * B, 3)) / (double) n;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Fine-tuned Symmetric Newton-Raphson using kurtosis contrast function
-   */
-  void SymmetricKurtosisFineTuningUpdate_(size_t n, const arma::mat& X, arma::mat& B) {
-    arma::mat Y, G_pow_3, Beta_Diag, D, temp1, temp2, temp3;
-    arma::vec Beta, D_vector;
-    Y = trans(X) * B;
-    G_pow_3 = pow(Y, 3);
-    Beta = Y.diag() % G_pow_3.diag();
-    D_vector = 1 / (Beta - (3 * n));
-    D.zeros(D_vector.n_elem, D_vector.n_elem);
-    D.diag() = D_vector;
-    Beta_Diag.zeros(Beta.n_elem, Beta.n_elem);
-    Beta_Diag.diag() = Beta;
-    B += mu_ * ((B * ((trans(Y) * G_pow_3) - Beta_Diag)) * D);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Symmetric Newton-Raphson using skew contrast function
-   */
-  void SymmetricSkewUpdate_(size_t n, const arma::mat& X, arma::mat& B) {
-    B = X * pow((trans(X) * B), 2);
-    B /= (double) n;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Fine-tuned Symmetric Newton-Raphson using skew contrast function
-   */
-  void SymmetricSkewFineTuningUpdate_(size_t n, const arma::mat& X, arma::mat& B) {
-    arma::mat Y, G_skew, Beta_Diag, D_vector, D, temp1, temp2, temp3;
-    arma::vec Beta;
-    Y = trans(X) * B;
-    G_skew = pow(Y, 2);
-    Beta = sum(Y % G_skew, 1);
-    D.zeros(Beta.n_elem, Beta.n_elem);
-    D.diag() = (1 / Beta);
-    Beta_Diag.zeros(Beta.n_elem, Beta.n_elem);
-    Beta_Diag.diag() = Beta;
-    B = mu_ * ((B * ((trans(Y) * G_skew) - Beta)) * D);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Deflation Newton-Raphson using log cosh contrast function
-   */
-  void DeflationLogCoshUpdate_(size_t n, const arma::mat& X, arma::vec& w) {
-    arma::vec hyp_tan, temp1;
-    hyp_tan = trans(X) * w;
-    for(size_t i = 0; i < hyp_tan.n_elem; i++)
-      hyp_tan[i] = tanh(a1_ * hyp_tan[i]);
-    w *= a1_ * (accu(pow(hyp_tan, 2)) - n);
-    w += (X * hyp_tan);
-    w /= (double) n;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Fine-tuned Deflation Newton-Raphson using log cosh contrast function
-   */
-  void DeflationLogCoshFineTuningUpdate_(size_t n, const arma::mat& X, arma::vec& w) {
-    arma::vec hyp_tan, X_hyp_tan;
-    hyp_tan = trans(X) * w;
-    for(size_t i = 0; i < hyp_tan.n_elem; i++)
-      hyp_tan[i] = tanh(a1_ * hyp_tan[i]);
-    X_hyp_tan = X * hyp_tan;
-    double beta = dot(X_hyp_tan, w);
-    double scale = (1 / (a1_ * (accu(pow(hyp_tan, 2)) - n) + beta));
-    w += mu_ * scale * (X_hyp_tan - (beta * w));
-  }
-  /**
-   * Deflation Newton-Raphson using Gaussian contrast function
-   */
-  void DeflationGaussUpdate_(size_t n, const arma::mat& X, arma::vec& w) {
-    arma::vec u, u_sq, u_sq_a, ex;
-    u = trans(X) * w;
-    u_sq = pow(u, 2);
-    u_sq_a = -a2_ * u_sq;
-    // u is gauss
-    ex = exp(u_sq_a / 2.0);
-    u = (ex % u);
-    ex += (ex % u_sq_a);
-    // ex is dGauss
-    w *= -accu(ex);
-    w += (X * u);
-    w /= (double) n;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Fine-tuned Deflation Newton-Raphson using Gaussian contrast function
-   */
-  void DeflationGaussFineTuningUpdate_(size_t n, const arma::mat& X, arma::vec& w) {
-    arma::vec u, u_sq, u_sq_a, ex, x_gauss;
-    u = trans(X) * w;
-    u_sq = pow(u, 2);
-    u_sq_a = -a2_ * u_sq;
-    ex = exp(u_sq_a / 2.0);
-    u = (ex % u);
-    // u is gauss
-    ex += (u_sq_a % ex);
-    // ex is dGauss
-    x_gauss = X * u;
-    double beta = dot(x_gauss, w);
-    double scale = 1 / (beta - accu(ex));
-    w += mu_ * scale * (x_gauss - (beta * w));
-  }
-  /**
-   * Deflation Newton-Raphson using kurtosis contrast function
-   */
-  void DeflationKurtosisUpdate_(size_t n, const arma::mat& X, arma::vec& w) {
-    arma::vec temp1, temp2;
-    w *= -3;
-    w += (X * pow(trans(X) * w, 3)) / (double) n;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Fine-tuned Deflation Newton-Raphson using kurtosis contrast function
-   */
-  void DeflationKurtosisFineTuningUpdate_(size_t n, const arma::mat& X, arma::vec& w) {
-    arma::vec EXG_pow_3, Beta_w, temp1;
-    EXG_pow_3 = (X * pow(trans(X) * w, 3)) / (double) n;
-    double beta = dot(w, EXG_pow_3);
-    w += (mu_ / (beta - 3)) * ((beta * w) - EXG_pow_3);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Deflation Newton-Raphson using skew contrast function
-   */
-  void DeflationSkewUpdate_(size_t n, const arma::mat& X, arma::vec& w) {
-    arma::vec temp1;
-    w = X * pow(trans(X) * w, 2);
-    w /= (double) n;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Fine-tuned Deflation Newton-Raphson using skew contrast function
-   */
-  void DeflationSkewFineTuningUpdate_(size_t n, const arma::mat& X, arma::vec& w) {
-    arma::vec EXG_skew;
-    EXG_skew = X * pow(trans(X) * w, 2);
-    EXG_skew /= (double) n;
-    double beta = dot(w, EXG_skew);
-    w += (mu_ / beta) * ((beta * w) - EXG_skew);
-  }
- public:
-  /** number of dimensions (components) in original data */
-  size_t d;
-  /** number of samples of original data */
-  size_t n;
-  /**
-   * Default constructor does nothing special
-   */
-  FastICA() { }
-  /**
-   * Initializes the FastICA object by obtaining everything the algorithm needs
-   */
-  size_t Init(arma::mat& X_in) {
-    X = X_in;
-    d = X.n_rows;
-    n = X.n_cols;
-    long seed = mlpack::CLI::GetParam<int>("fastica/seed") + clock() + time(0);
-    srand48(seed);
-    const char* string_approach =
-      mlpack::CLI::GetParam<std::string>("fastica/approach").c_str();
-    if(strcasecmp(string_approach, "deflation") == 0) {
-      mlpack::Log::Info << "Using Deflation approach ";
-      approach_ = DEFLATCLIN;
-    }
-    else if(strcasecmp(string_approach, "symmetric") == 0) {
-      mlpack::Log::Info << "Using Symmetric approach ";
-      approach_ = SYMMETRIC;
-    }
-    else {
-      mlpack::Log::Fatal << "Approach must be 'deflation' or 'symmetric'!" <<
-          std::endl;
-    }
-    const char* string_nonlinearity =
-      mlpack::CLI::GetParam<std::string>("fastica/nonlinearity").c_str();
-    if(strcasecmp(string_nonlinearity, "logcosh") == 0) {
-      mlpack::Log::Info << "with log cosh nonlinearity." << std::endl;
-      nonlinearity_ = LOGCOSH;
-    }
-    else if(strcasecmp(string_nonlinearity, "gauss") == 0) {
-      mlpack::Log::Info << "with Gaussian nonlinearity." << std::endl;
-      nonlinearity_ = GAUSS;
-    }
-    else if(strcasecmp(string_nonlinearity, "kurtosis") == 0) {
-      mlpack::Log::Info << "with kurtosis nonlinearity." << std::endl;
-      nonlinearity_ = KURTOSIS;
-    }
-    else if(strcasecmp(string_nonlinearity, "skew") == 0) {
-      mlpack::Log::Info << "with skew nonlinearity." << std::endl;
-      nonlinearity_ = SKEW;
-    }
-    else {
-      mlpack::Log::Fatal << "Nonlinearity is not one of {logcosh, gauss, "
-          "kurtosis, skew}!" << std::endl;
-    }
-    //const size_t first_eig_ = fx_param_int(module_, "first_eig", 1);
-    // for now, the last eig must be d, and num_of IC must be d, until I have time to incorporate PCA into this code
-    //const size_t last_eig_ = fx_param_int(module_, "last_eig", d);
-    num_of_IC_ = mlpack::CLI::GetParam<int>("fastica/num_of_IC");
-    if(num_of_IC_ < 1 || num_of_IC_ > d) {
-      mlpack::Log::Fatal << "ERROR: num_of_IC = " << num_of_IC_ <<
-          " must be >= 1 and <= dimensionality of data" << std::endl;
-      return false;
-    }
-    fine_tune_ = mlpack::CLI::GetParam<bool>("fastica/fine_tune");
-    a1_ = mlpack::CLI::GetParam<double>("fastica/a1");
-    a2_ = mlpack::CLI::GetParam<double>("fastica/a2");
-    mu_ = mlpack::CLI::GetParam<double>("fastica/mu");
-    stabilization_ = mlpack::CLI::GetParam<bool>("fastica/stabilization");
-    epsilon_ = mlpack::CLI::GetParam<double>("fastica/epsilon");
-    size_t int_max_num_iterations =
-      mlpack::CLI::GetParam<int>("fastica/max_num_iterations");
-    if(int_max_num_iterations < 0) {
-      mlpack::Log::Fatal << "max_num_iterations (" << int_max_num_iterations
-          << ") must be greater than or equal to 0!" << std::endl;
-    }
-    max_num_iterations_ = (size_t) int_max_num_iterations;
-    size_t int_max_fine_tune = mlpack::CLI::GetParam<int>("fastica/max_fine_tune");
-    if(int_max_fine_tune < 0) {
-      mlpack::Log::Fatal << "max_fine_tune (" << int_max_fine_tune
-          << ") must be greater than or equal to 0!" << std::endl;
-    }
-    max_fine_tune_ = (size_t) int_max_fine_tune;
-    percent_cut_ = mlpack::CLI::GetParam<double>("fastica/percent_cut");
-    if((percent_cut_ < 0) || (percent_cut_ > 1)) {
-      mlpack::Log::Fatal << "percent_cut (" << percent_cut_ << ") must be "
-          "between 0 and 1!" << std::endl;
-    }
-    return true;
-  }
-  // NOTE: these functions currently are public because some of them can
-  //       serve as utilities that actually should be moved to lin_alg.h
-  /**
-   * Return Select indices < max according to probability equal to parameter
-   * percentage, and return indices in a Vector
-   */
-  size_t RandomSubMatrix(size_t n, double percent_cut, const arma::mat& X, arma::mat& X_sub) {
-    std::vector<size_t> colnums;
-    for(size_t i = 0; i < X.n_cols; i++) {
-      if(drand48() <= percent_cut) // add column
-        colnums.push_back(i);
-    }
-    // now that we have all the column numbers we want, assemble the random
-    // submatrix
-    X_sub.set_size(X.n_rows, colnums.size());
-    for(size_t i = 0; i < colnums.size(); i++)
-      X_sub.col(i) = X.col(colnums[i]);
-    return colnums.size();
-  }
-  /**
-   * Run FastICA using Symmetric approach
-   */
-  size_t SymmetricFixedPointICA(bool stabilization_enabled,
-			     bool fine_tuning_enabled,
-			     double mu_orig, double mu_k, size_t failure_limit,
-			     size_t used_nonlinearity, size_t g_fine, double stroke,
-			     bool not_fine, bool taking_long,
-			     size_t initial_state_mode,
-			     const arma::mat& X, arma::mat& B, arma::mat& W,
-			     arma::mat& whitening_matrix) {
-    if(initial_state_mode == 0) {
-      //generate random B
-      B.set_size(d, num_of_IC_);
-      for(size_t i = 0; i < num_of_IC_; i++) {
-        arma::vec temp_fail = B.col(i);
-	RandVector(temp_fail);
-        B.col(i) = temp_fail; // slow slow slow: TODO
-      }
-    }
-    arma::mat B_old, B_old2;
-    B_old.zeros(d, num_of_IC_);
-    B_old2.zeros(d, num_of_IC_);
-    // Main algorithm: iterate until convergence (or maximum iterations)
-    for(size_t round = 1; round <= max_num_iterations_; round++) {
-      Orthogonalize(B);
-      arma::mat B_delta_cov;
-      B_delta_cov = trans(B) * B_old;
-      double min_abs_cos = DBL_MAX;
-      for(size_t i = 0; i < d; i++) {
-	double current_cos = fabs(B_delta_cov(i, i));
-	if(current_cos < min_abs_cos)
-	  min_abs_cos = current_cos;
-      }
-      mlpack::Log::Debug << "delta = " << (1 - min_abs_cos) << std::endl;
-      if(1 - min_abs_cos < epsilon_) {
-	if(fine_tuning_enabled && not_fine) {
-	  not_fine = false;
-	  used_nonlinearity = g_fine;
-	  mu_ = mu_k * mu_orig;
-	  B_old.zeros(d, num_of_IC_);
-	  B_old2.zeros(d, num_of_IC_);
-	}
-	else {
-          W = trans(B) * whitening_matrix;
-	  return true;
-	}
-      }
-      else if(stabilization_enabled) {
-	arma::mat B_delta_cov2;
-        B_delta_cov2 = trans(B) * B_old2;
-	double min_abs_cos2 = DBL_MAX;
-	for(size_t i = 0; i < d; i++) {
-	  double current_cos2 = fabs(B_delta_cov2(i, i));
-	  if(current_cos2 < min_abs_cos2) {
-	    min_abs_cos2 = current_cos2;
-	  }
-	}
-        mlpack::Log::Debug << "stabilization delta = " << (1 - min_abs_cos2) <<
-            std::endl;
-	if((stroke == 0) && (1 - min_abs_cos2 < epsilon_)) {
-	  stroke = mu_;
-	  mu_ *= .5;
-	  if((used_nonlinearity % 2) == 0) {
-	    used_nonlinearity += 1;
-	  }
-	}
-	else if(stroke > 0) {
-	  mu_ = stroke;
-	  stroke = 0;
-	  if((mu_ == 1) && ((used_nonlinearity % 2) != 0)) {
-	    used_nonlinearity -= 1;
-	  }
-	}
-	else if((!taking_long) &&
-		(round > ((double) max_num_iterations_ / 2))) {
-	  taking_long = true;
-	  mu_ *= .5;
-	  if((used_nonlinearity % 2) == 0) {
-	    used_nonlinearity += 1;
-	  }
-	}
-      }
-      B_old2 = B_old;
-      B_old = B;
-      // show progress here, (the lack of code means no progress shown for now)
-      // use Newton-Raphson method to update B
-      switch(used_nonlinearity) {
-      case LOGCOSH: {
-	SymmetricLogCoshUpdate_(n, X, B);
-	break;
-      }
-      case LOGCOSH + 1: {
-	SymmetricLogCoshFineTuningUpdate_(n, X, B);
-	break;
-      }
-      case LOGCOSH + 2: {
-	arma::mat X_sub;
-	size_t num_selected = RandomSubMatrix(n, percent_cut_, X, X_sub);
-	SymmetricLogCoshUpdate_(num_selected, X_sub, B);
-	break;
-      }
-      case LOGCOSH + 3: {
-        arma::mat X_sub;
-	size_t num_selected = RandomSubMatrix(n, percent_cut_, X, X_sub);
-	SymmetricLogCoshFineTuningUpdate_(num_selected, X_sub, B);
-	break;
-      }
-      case GAUSS: {
-	SymmetricGaussUpdate_(n, X, B);
-	break;
-      }
-      case GAUSS + 1: {
-	SymmetricGaussFineTuningUpdate_(n, X, B);
-	break;
-      }
-      case GAUSS + 2: {
-	arma::mat X_sub;
-	size_t num_selected = RandomSubMatrix(n, percent_cut_, X, X_sub);
-	SymmetricGaussUpdate_(num_selected, X_sub, B);
-	break;
-      }
-      case GAUSS + 3: {
-	arma::mat X_sub;
-	size_t num_selected = RandomSubMatrix(n, percent_cut_, X, X_sub);
-	SymmetricGaussFineTuningUpdate_(num_selected, X_sub, B);
-	break;
-      }
-      case KURTOSIS: {
-	SymmetricKurtosisUpdate_(n, X, B);
-	break;
-      }
-      case KURTOSIS + 1: {
-	SymmetricKurtosisFineTuningUpdate_(n, X, B);
-	break;
-      }
-      case KURTOSIS + 2: {
-	arma::mat X_sub;
-	size_t num_selected = RandomSubMatrix(n, percent_cut_, X, X_sub);
-	SymmetricKurtosisUpdate_(num_selected, X_sub, B);
-	break;
-      }
-      case KURTOSIS + 3: {
-	arma::mat X_sub;
-	size_t num_selected = RandomSubMatrix(n, percent_cut_, X, X_sub);
-	SymmetricKurtosisFineTuningUpdate_(num_selected, X_sub, B);
-	break;
-      }
-      case SKEW: {
-	SymmetricSkewUpdate_(n, X, B);
-	break;
-      }
-      case SKEW + 1: {
-	SymmetricSkewFineTuningUpdate_(n, X, B);
-	break;
-      }
-      case SKEW + 2: {
-	arma::mat X_sub;
-	size_t num_selected = RandomSubMatrix(n, percent_cut_, X, X_sub);
-	SymmetricSkewUpdate_(num_selected, X_sub, B);
-	break;
-      }
-      case SKEW + 3: {
-	arma::mat X_sub;
-	size_t num_selected = RandomSubMatrix(n, percent_cut_, X, X_sub);
-	SymmetricSkewFineTuningUpdate_(num_selected, X_sub, B);
-	break;
-      }
-      default:
-        mlpack::Log::Fatal << "Invalid contrast function: used_nonlinearity = "
-            << used_nonlinearity << "." << std::endl;
-	exit(false);
-      }
-    }
-    mlpack::Log::Warn << "No convergence after " << max_num_iterations_
-        << " steps." << std::endl;
-    // orthogonalize B via: newB = B * (B' * B) ^ -.5;
-    Orthogonalize(B);
-    W = trans(whitening_matrix) * B;
-    return true;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Run FastICA using Deflation approach
-   */
-  size_t DeflationFixedPointICA(bool stabilization_enabled,
- 			     bool fine_tuning_enabled,
-			     double mu_orig, double mu_k, size_t failure_limit,
-			     size_t used_nonlinearity, size_t g_orig, size_t g_fine,
-			     double stroke, bool not_fine, bool taking_long,
-			     size_t initial_state_mode,
-			     const arma::mat& X, arma::mat& B, arma::mat& W,
-			     arma::mat& whitening_matrix) {
-    B.zeros(d, d);
-    size_t round = 0;
-    size_t num_failures = 0;
-    while(round < num_of_IC_) {
-      mlpack::Log::Info << "Estimating IC " << (round + 1) << std::endl;
-      mu_ = mu_orig;
-      used_nonlinearity = g_orig;
-      stroke = 0;
-      not_fine = true;
-      taking_long = false;
-      size_t end_fine_tuning = 0;
-      arma::vec w(d);
-      if(initial_state_mode == 0)
-	RandVector(w);
-      for(size_t i = 0; i < round; i++)
-        w -= dot(B.col(i), w) * B.col(i);
-      w /= sqrt(dot(w, w)); // normalize
-      arma::vec w_old, w_old2;
-      w_old.zeros(d);
-      w_old2.zeros(d);
-      size_t i = 1;
-      size_t gabba = 1;
-      while(i <= max_num_iterations_ + gabba) {
-	for(size_t j = 0; j < round; j++)
-          w -= dot(B.col(j), w) * B.col(j);
-	w /= sqrt(dot(w, w)); // normalize
-	if(not_fine) {
-	  if(i == (max_num_iterations_ + 1)) {
-	    round++;
-	    num_failures++;
-	    if(num_failures > failure_limit) {
-              mlpack::Log::Warn << "Too many failures to converge (" << num_failures <<
-                  ").  Giving up." << std::endl;
-	      return false;
-	    }
-	    break;
-	  }
-	}
-	else {
-	  if(i >= end_fine_tuning) {
-	    w_old = w;
-	  }
-	}
-	// check for convergence
-	bool converged = false;
-	arma::vec w_diff = w_old - w;
-	double delta1 = dot(w_diff, w_diff);
-	double delta2 = DBL_MAX;
-	if(delta1 < epsilon_) {
-	  converged = true;
-	} else {
-          w_diff = w_old + w;
-	  delta2 = dot(w_diff, w_diff);
-	  if(delta2 < epsilon_)
-	    converged = true;
-	}
-        mlpack::Log::Debug << "delta = " << std::min(delta1, delta2) << std::endl;
-	if(converged) {
-	  if(fine_tuning_enabled & not_fine) {
-	    not_fine = false;
-	    gabba = max_fine_tune_;
-	    w_old.zeros();
-	    w_old2.zeros();
-	    used_nonlinearity = g_fine;
-	    mu_ = mu_k * mu_orig;
-	    end_fine_tuning = max_fine_tune_ + i;
-	  }
-	  else {
-	    num_failures = 0;
-	    B.col(round) = w;
-            W.col(round) = trans(whitening_matrix) * w;
-	    break; // this line is intended to take us to the next IC
-	  }
-	}
-	else if(stabilization_enabled) {
-	  converged = false;
-          w_diff = w_old2 - w;
-	  if(dot(w_diff, w_diff) < epsilon_) {
-	    converged = true;
-	  } else {
-            w_diff = w_old2 + w;
-	    if(dot(w_diff, w_diff) < epsilon_) {
-	      converged = true;
-	    }
-	  }
-	  if((stroke == 0) && converged) {
-	    stroke = mu_;
-	    mu_ *= .5;
-	    if((used_nonlinearity % 2) == 0) {
-	      used_nonlinearity++;
-	    }
-	  }
-	  else if(stroke != 0) {
-	    mu_ = stroke;
-	    stroke = 0;
-	    if((mu_ == 1) && ((used_nonlinearity % 2) != 0)) {
-	      used_nonlinearity--;
-	    }
-	  }
-	  else if(not_fine && (!taking_long) &&
-		  (i > ((double) max_num_iterations_ / 2))) {
-	    taking_long = true;
-	    mu_ *= .5;
-	    if((used_nonlinearity % 2) == 0) {
-	      used_nonlinearity++;
-	    }
-	  }
-	}
-	w_old2 = w_old;
-	w_old = w;
-	switch(used_nonlinearity) {
-	case LOGCOSH: {
-	  DeflationLogCoshUpdate_(n, X, w);
-	  break;
-	}
-	case LOGCOSH + 1: {
-	  DeflationLogCoshFineTuningUpdate_(n, X, w);
-	  break;
-	}
-	case LOGCOSH + 2: {
-	  arma::mat X_sub;
-	  size_t num_selected = RandomSubMatrix(n, percent_cut_, X, X_sub);
-	  DeflationLogCoshUpdate_(num_selected, X_sub, w);
-	  break;
-	}
-	case LOGCOSH + 3: {
-	  arma::mat X_sub;
-	  size_t num_selected = RandomSubMatrix(n, percent_cut_, X, X_sub);
-	  DeflationLogCoshFineTuningUpdate_(num_selected, X_sub, w);
-	  break;
-	}
-	case GAUSS: {
-	  DeflationGaussUpdate_(n, X, w);
-	  break;
-	}
-	case GAUSS + 1: {
-	  DeflationGaussFineTuningUpdate_(n, X, w);
-	  break;
-	}
-	case GAUSS + 2: {
-	  arma::mat X_sub;
-	  size_t num_selected = RandomSubMatrix(n, percent_cut_, X, X_sub);
-	  DeflationGaussUpdate_(num_selected, X_sub, w);
-	  break;
-	}
-	case GAUSS + 3: {
-	  arma::mat X_sub;
-	  size_t num_selected = RandomSubMatrix(n, percent_cut_, X, X_sub);
-	  DeflationGaussFineTuningUpdate_(num_selected, X_sub, w);
-	  break;
-	}
-	case KURTOSIS: {
-	  DeflationKurtosisUpdate_(n, X, w);
-	  break;
-	}
-	case KURTOSIS + 1: {
-	  DeflationKurtosisFineTuningUpdate_(n, X, w);
-	  break;
-	}
-	case KURTOSIS + 2: {
-	  arma::mat X_sub;
-	  size_t num_selected = RandomSubMatrix(n, percent_cut_, X, X_sub);
-	  DeflationKurtosisUpdate_(num_selected, X_sub, w);
-	  break;
-	}
-	case KURTOSIS + 3: {
-	  arma::mat X_sub;
-	  size_t num_selected = RandomSubMatrix(n, percent_cut_, X, X_sub);
-	  DeflationKurtosisFineTuningUpdate_(num_selected, X_sub, w);
-	  break;
-	}
-	case SKEW: {
-	  DeflationSkewUpdate_(n, X, w);
-	  break;
-	}
-	case SKEW + 1: {
-	  DeflationSkewFineTuningUpdate_(n, X, w);
-	  break;
-	}
-	case SKEW + 2: {
-	  arma::mat X_sub;
-	  size_t num_selected = RandomSubMatrix(n, percent_cut_, X, X_sub);
-	  DeflationSkewUpdate_(num_selected, X_sub, w);
-	  break;
-	}
-	case SKEW + 3: {
-	  arma::mat X_sub;
-	  size_t num_selected = RandomSubMatrix(n, percent_cut_, X, X_sub);
-	  DeflationSkewFineTuningUpdate_(num_selected, X_sub, w);
-	  break;
-	}
-	default:
-          mlpack::Log::Fatal << "Invalid contrast function: used_nonlinearity = " <<
-              used_nonlinearity << "." << std::endl;
-	}
-        w /= sqrt(dot(w, w)); // normalize
-	i++;
-      }
-      round++;
-    }
-    return true;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Verify the validity of some settings, set some parameters needed by
-   * the algorithm, and run the fixed-point FastICA algorithm using either
-   * the specified approach
-   * @pre{ X is a d by n data matrix, for d dimensions and n samples}
-   */
-  size_t FixedPointICA(const arma::mat& X, arma::mat& whitening_matrix, arma::mat& W) {
-    // ensure default values are passed into this function if the user doesn't care about certain parameters
-    if(d < num_of_IC_) {
-      mlpack::Log::Warn << "Must have num_of_IC <= dimension!" << std::endl;
-      W.set_size(0);
-      return false;
-    }
-    W.set_size(d, num_of_IC_);
-    if((percent_cut_ > 1) || (percent_cut_ < 0)) {
-      percent_cut_ = 1;
-      mlpack::Log::Info << "Setting percent_cut to 1." << std::endl;
-    }
-    else if(percent_cut_ < 1) {
-      if((percent_cut_ * n) < 1000) {
-	percent_cut_ = std::min(1000 / (double) n, (double) 1);
-        mlpack::Log::Warn << "Setting percent_cut to " << std::setw(4) << percent_cut_
-            << " (" << (size_t) floor(percent_cut_ * n) << " samples)."
-            << std::endl;
-      }
-    }
-    size_t g_orig = nonlinearity_;
-    if(percent_cut_ != 1) {
-      g_orig += 2;
-    }
-    if(mu_ != 1) {
-      g_orig += 1;
-    }
-    bool fine_tuning_enabled = true;
-    size_t g_fine;
-    if(fine_tune_) {
-      g_fine = nonlinearity_ + 1;
-    } else {
-      if(mu_ != 1)
-	g_fine = g_orig;
-      else
-	g_fine = g_orig + 1;
-      fine_tuning_enabled = false;
-    }
-    bool stabilization_enabled;
-    if(stabilization_) {
-      stabilization_enabled = true;
-    } else {
-      if(mu_ != 1)
-	stabilization_enabled = true;
-      else
-	stabilization_enabled = false;
-    }
-    double mu_orig = mu_;
-    double mu_k = 0.01;
-    size_t failure_limit = 5;
-    size_t used_nonlinearity = g_orig;
-    double stroke = 0;
-    bool not_fine = true;
-    bool taking_long = false;
-    // currently we don't allow for guesses for the initial unmixing matrix B
-    size_t initial_state_mode = 0;
-    arma::mat B;
-    size_t ret_val = false;
-    if(approach_ == SYMMETRIC) {
-      ret_val =
-	SymmetricFixedPointICA(stabilization_enabled, fine_tuning_enabled,
-			       mu_orig, mu_k, failure_limit,
-			       used_nonlinearity, g_fine, stroke,
-			       not_fine, taking_long, initial_state_mode,
-			       X, B, W,
-			       whitening_matrix);
-    }
-    else if(approach_ == DEFLATCLIN) {
-      ret_val =
-	DeflationFixedPointICA(stabilization_enabled, fine_tuning_enabled,
-			       mu_orig, mu_k, failure_limit,
-			       used_nonlinearity, g_orig, g_fine,
-			       stroke, not_fine, taking_long, initial_state_mode,
-			       X, B, W,
-			       whitening_matrix);
-    }
-    return ret_val;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Runs FastICA Algorithm on matrix X and sets W to unmixing matrix and Y to
-   * independent components matrix, such that \f$ X = W * Y \f$
-   */
-  size_t DoFastICA(arma::mat& W, arma::mat& Y) {
-    arma::mat X_centered, X_whitened, whitening_matrix;
-    Center(X, X_centered);
-    WhitenUsingEig(X_centered, X_whitened, whitening_matrix);
-    // X_whitened is equal to the original implementation, but the rows are
-    // permuted (apparently somewhat randomly) likely to due the ordering of
-    // eigenvalues.  Signs may be different too (whitening_matrix reflects these
-    // changes also).
-    // by-hand changes to emulate old version's matrix ordering
-    // row 4 = -row 1
-    // row 5 = -row 2
-    // row 3 = row 3
-    // row 2 = row 4
-    // row 1 = row 5
-    /*arma::mat tmp(X_whitened.n_rows, X_whitened.n_cols);
-    tmp.row(0) = X_whitened.row(4);
-    tmp.row(1) = X_whitened.row(3);
-    tmp.row(2) = X_whitened.row(2);
-    tmp.row(3) = -X_whitened.row(0);
-    tmp.row(4) = -X_whitened.row(1);
-    X_whitened = tmp;
-    arma::mat tmpw(whitening_matrix.n_rows, whitening_matrix.n_cols);
-    tmpw.row(0) = whitening_matrix.row(4);
-    tmpw.row(1) = whitening_matrix.row(3);
-    tmpw.row(2) = whitening_matrix.row(2);
-    tmpw.row(3) = -whitening_matrix.row(0);
-    tmpw.row(4) = -whitening_matrix.row(1);
-    whitening_matrix = tmpw;*/
-    size_t ret_val =
-      FixedPointICA(X_whitened, whitening_matrix, W);
-    if(ret_val == true) {
-      Y = trans(W) * X;
-    }
-    else {
-      Y.set_size(0);
-    }
-    return ret_val;
-  }
-}; /* class FastICA */
-}; // namespace fastica
-}; // namespace mlpack
-#endif /* FASTICA_H */

Copied: mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/methods/fastica/fastica.hpp (from rev 10030, mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/methods/fastica/fastica.h)
--- mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/methods/fastica/fastica.hpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/methods/fastica/fastica.hpp	2011-10-26 16:48:26 UTC (rev 10041)
@@ -0,0 +1,1179 @@
+ * @file fastica.h
+ *
+ * FastICA Algorithm
+ *
+ * Implements the FastICA Algorithm for Independent Component Analysis using
+ * fixed-point optimization with various independence-minded contrast
+ * functions. For sample usage, see accompanying file fastica_main.cc
+ *
+ * @see fastica_main.cc
+ *
+ * @author Nishant Mehta
+ */
+#include <mlpack/core.h>
+#include "lin_alg.hpp"
+namespace mlpack {
+namespace fastica {
+#define LOGCOSH 0
+#define GAUSS 10
+#define KURTOSIS 20
+#define SKEW 30
+#define SYMMETRIC 0
+#define DEFLATCLIN 1
+ * Parameters for FastICA.
+ */
+PARAM_INT("seed", "Seed for the random number generator.", "fastica", 0);
+    "Independent component recovery approach: 'deflation' or 'symmetric'.",
+    "fastica", "deflation");
+    "Nonlinear function to use: 'logcosh', 'gause', 'kurtosis', or 'skew'.",
+    "fastica", "logcosh");
+    "Number of independent components to find: integer between 1 and dimensionality of data.",
+    "fastica", 1);
+PARAM_FLAG("fine_tune", "Enable fine tuning.", "fastica");
+    "Maximum number of iterations of fixed-point iterations.", "fastica", 1000);
+PARAM_INT("max_fine_tune", "Maximum number of fine-tuning iterations.", "fastica", 5);
+PARAM(double, "a1", "Numeric constant for logcosh nonlinearity",
+            "fastica", 1.0, false);
+PARAM(double, "a2", "Numeric constant for gauss nonlinearity",
+            "fastica", 1.0, false);
+PARAM(double, "mu", "Numeric constant for fine-tuning Newton-Raphson method.",
+            "fastica", 1.0, false);
+PARAM_FLAG("stabilization", "Use stabilization.", "fastica");
+PARAM(double, "epsilon", "Threshold for convergence.", "fastica", 0.0001, false);
+PARAM(double, "percent_cut",
+    "Number in [0,1] indicating percent data to use in stabilization updates.",
+    "fastica", 1.0, false);
+PARAM_MODULE("fastica", "Performs fastica operations.");
+using namespace linalg__private;
+using namespace mlpack;
+ * Class for running FastICA Algorithm
+ *
+ * This class takes in a D by N data matrix and runs FastICA, for number
+ * of dimensions D and number of samples N
+ */
+class FastICA {
+ private:
+  /** Module used to pass parameters into the FastICA object */
+  struct datanode* module_;
+  /** data */
+  arma::mat X;
+  /** Optimization approach to use (deflation vs symmetric) */
+  size_t approach_;
+  /** Nonlinearity (contrast function) to use for evaluating independence */
+  size_t nonlinearity_;
+  //const size_t first_eig;
+  //const size_t last_eig;
+  /** number of independent components to find */
+  size_t num_of_IC_;
+  /** whether to enable fine tuning */
+  bool fine_tune_;
+  /** constant used for log cosh nonlinearity */
+  double a1_;
+  /** constant used for Gauss nonlinearity */
+  double a2_;
+  /** constant used for fine tuning */
+  double mu_;
+  /** whether to enable stabilization */
+  bool stabilization_;
+  /** threshold for convergence */
+  double epsilon_;
+  /** maximum number of iterations beore giving up */
+  size_t max_num_iterations_;
+  /** maximum number of times to fine tune */
+  size_t max_fine_tune_;
+  /** for stabilization, percent of data to include in random draw */
+  double percent_cut_;
+  /**
+   * Symmetric Newton-Raphson using log cosh contrast function
+   */
+  void SymmetricLogCoshUpdate_(const size_t n, const arma::mat& X, arma::mat& B) {
+    arma::mat hyp_tan, col_vector, msum;
+    hyp_tan = trans(X) * B;
+    // elementwise tanh()
+    for(size_t i = 0; i < hyp_tan.n_elem; i++)
+      hyp_tan[i] = tanh(a1_ * hyp_tan[i]);
+    col_vector.set_size(d);
+    col_vector.fill(a1_);
+    // take the squared L2 norm of the hyp_tan matrix rows (sum each squared
+    // element) and subtract n
+    msum = sum(pow(hyp_tan, 2), 1) - n;
+    B %= col_vector * msum; // % is the schur product (elementwise multiply)
+    B += (X * hyp_tan);
+    B /= (1 / (double) n); // scale
+  }
+  /**
+   * Fine-tuned Symmetric Newton-Raphson using log cosh contrast
+   * function
+   */
+  void SymmetricLogCoshFineTuningUpdate_(size_t n, const arma::mat& X, arma::mat& B) {
+    arma::mat Y, hyp_tan, Beta, Beta_Diag, D, msum;
+    Y = trans(X) * B;
+    hyp_tan.set_size(Y.n_rows, Y.n_cols);
+    // elementwise tanh()
+    for(size_t i = 0; i < hyp_tan.n_elem; i++)
+      hyp_tan[i] = tanh(a1_ * Y[i]);
+    Beta = sum(Y % hyp_tan, 1); // sum columns of elementwise multiplication
+    // take squared L2 norm of hyp_tan matrix rows and subtract n
+    msum = sum(pow(hyp_tan, 2), 1) - n;
+    msum *= a1_; // scale
+    msum += Beta; // elementwise addition
+    D.zeros(msum.n_elem, msum.n_elem);
+    D.diag() = pow(msum, -1);
+    Beta_Diag.zeros(Beta.n_elem, Beta.n_elem);
+    Beta_Diag.diag() = Beta;
+    B += mu_ * ((B * ((trans(Y) * hyp_tan) - Beta_Diag)) * D);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Symmetric Newton-Raphson using Gaussian contrast function
+   */
+  void SymmetricGaussUpdate_(size_t n, const arma::mat& X, arma::mat& B) {
+    arma::mat U, U_squared, ex, col_vector;
+    U = trans(X) * B;
+    U_squared = -a2_ * pow(U, 2); // scale components
+    ex = exp(U_squared / 2);
+    U %= ex; // U is gauss
+    ex += (U_squared % ex); // ex is dGauss
+    col_vector.set_size(d);
+    col_vector.fill(a2_);
+    B = (X * U) - (B % col_vector * sum(ex, 1));
+    B *= (1 / (double) n);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Fine-tuned Symmetric Newton-Raphson using Gaussian contrast function
+   */
+  void SymmetricGaussFineTuningUpdate_(size_t n, const arma::mat X, arma::mat& B) {
+    arma::mat Y, Y_squared_a2, ex, gauss, D, Beta;
+    arma::vec Beta_vector, sum_vector;
+    Y = trans(X) * B;
+    Y_squared_a2 = pow(Y, 2) * a2_;
+    ex = exp(Y_squared_a2 / 2);
+    gauss = Y % ex;
+    Beta_vector.set_size(d);
+    Beta_vector = sum(Y % gauss, 1);
+    sum_vector.set_size(d);
+    sum_vector = sum((Y_squared_a2 - 1) % ex, 1);
+    //D = diag(1 ./ (Beta + sum((Y_squared_a2 - 1) .* ex)))
+    D.zeros(d, d);
+    D.diag() = 1 / (Beta_vector + sum_vector);
+    Beta.zeros(d, d);
+    Beta.diag() = Beta_vector;
+    //B = B + myy * B * (Y' * gauss - diag(Beta)) * D;
+    B += mu_ * ((B * (trans(Y) * gauss - Beta)) * D);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Symmetric Newton-Raphson using kurtosis contrast function
+   */
+  void SymmetricKurtosisUpdate_(size_t n, const arma::mat X, arma::mat& B) {
+    B *= -3;
+    B += (X * pow(trans(X) * B, 3)) / (double) n;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Fine-tuned Symmetric Newton-Raphson using kurtosis contrast function
+   */
+  void SymmetricKurtosisFineTuningUpdate_(size_t n, const arma::mat& X, arma::mat& B) {
+    arma::mat Y, G_pow_3, Beta_Diag, D, temp1, temp2, temp3;
+    arma::vec Beta, D_vector;
+    Y = trans(X) * B;
+    G_pow_3 = pow(Y, 3);
+    Beta = Y.diag() % G_pow_3.diag();
+    D_vector = 1 / (Beta - (3 * n));
+    D.zeros(D_vector.n_elem, D_vector.n_elem);
+    D.diag() = D_vector;
+    Beta_Diag.zeros(Beta.n_elem, Beta.n_elem);
+    Beta_Diag.diag() = Beta;
+    B += mu_ * ((B * ((trans(Y) * G_pow_3) - Beta_Diag)) * D);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Symmetric Newton-Raphson using skew contrast function
+   */
+  void SymmetricSkewUpdate_(size_t n, const arma::mat& X, arma::mat& B) {
+    B = X * pow((trans(X) * B), 2);
+    B /= (double) n;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Fine-tuned Symmetric Newton-Raphson using skew contrast function
+   */
+  void SymmetricSkewFineTuningUpdate_(size_t n, const arma::mat& X, arma::mat& B) {
+    arma::mat Y, G_skew, Beta_Diag, D_vector, D, temp1, temp2, temp3;
+    arma::vec Beta;
+    Y = trans(X) * B;
+    G_skew = pow(Y, 2);
+    Beta = sum(Y % G_skew, 1);
+    D.zeros(Beta.n_elem, Beta.n_elem);
+    D.diag() = (1 / Beta);
+    Beta_Diag.zeros(Beta.n_elem, Beta.n_elem);
+    Beta_Diag.diag() = Beta;
+    B = mu_ * ((B * ((trans(Y) * G_skew) - Beta)) * D);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Deflation Newton-Raphson using log cosh contrast function
+   */
+  void DeflationLogCoshUpdate_(size_t n, const arma::mat& X, arma::vec& w) {
+    arma::vec hyp_tan, temp1;
+    hyp_tan = trans(X) * w;
+    for(size_t i = 0; i < hyp_tan.n_elem; i++)
+      hyp_tan[i] = tanh(a1_ * hyp_tan[i]);
+    w *= a1_ * (accu(pow(hyp_tan, 2)) - n);
+    w += (X * hyp_tan);
+    w /= (double) n;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Fine-tuned Deflation Newton-Raphson using log cosh contrast function
+   */
+  void DeflationLogCoshFineTuningUpdate_(size_t n, const arma::mat& X, arma::vec& w) {
+    arma::vec hyp_tan, X_hyp_tan;
+    hyp_tan = trans(X) * w;
+    for(size_t i = 0; i < hyp_tan.n_elem; i++)
+      hyp_tan[i] = tanh(a1_ * hyp_tan[i]);
+    X_hyp_tan = X * hyp_tan;
+    double beta = dot(X_hyp_tan, w);
+    double scale = (1 / (a1_ * (accu(pow(hyp_tan, 2)) - n) + beta));
+    w += mu_ * scale * (X_hyp_tan - (beta * w));
+  }
+  /**
+   * Deflation Newton-Raphson using Gaussian contrast function
+   */
+  void DeflationGaussUpdate_(size_t n, const arma::mat& X, arma::vec& w) {
+    arma::vec u, u_sq, u_sq_a, ex;
+    u = trans(X) * w;
+    u_sq = pow(u, 2);
+    u_sq_a = -a2_ * u_sq;
+    // u is gauss
+    ex = exp(u_sq_a / 2.0);
+    u = (ex % u);
+    ex += (ex % u_sq_a);
+    // ex is dGauss
+    w *= -accu(ex);
+    w += (X * u);
+    w /= (double) n;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Fine-tuned Deflation Newton-Raphson using Gaussian contrast function
+   */
+  void DeflationGaussFineTuningUpdate_(size_t n, const arma::mat& X, arma::vec& w) {
+    arma::vec u, u_sq, u_sq_a, ex, x_gauss;
+    u = trans(X) * w;
+    u_sq = pow(u, 2);
+    u_sq_a = -a2_ * u_sq;
+    ex = exp(u_sq_a / 2.0);
+    u = (ex % u);
+    // u is gauss
+    ex += (u_sq_a % ex);
+    // ex is dGauss
+    x_gauss = X * u;
+    double beta = dot(x_gauss, w);
+    double scale = 1 / (beta - accu(ex));
+    w += mu_ * scale * (x_gauss - (beta * w));
+  }
+  /**
+   * Deflation Newton-Raphson using kurtosis contrast function
+   */
+  void DeflationKurtosisUpdate_(size_t n, const arma::mat& X, arma::vec& w) {
+    arma::vec temp1, temp2;
+    w *= -3;
+    w += (X * pow(trans(X) * w, 3)) / (double) n;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Fine-tuned Deflation Newton-Raphson using kurtosis contrast function
+   */
+  void DeflationKurtosisFineTuningUpdate_(size_t n, const arma::mat& X, arma::vec& w) {
+    arma::vec EXG_pow_3, Beta_w, temp1;
+    EXG_pow_3 = (X * pow(trans(X) * w, 3)) / (double) n;
+    double beta = dot(w, EXG_pow_3);
+    w += (mu_ / (beta - 3)) * ((beta * w) - EXG_pow_3);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Deflation Newton-Raphson using skew contrast function
+   */
+  void DeflationSkewUpdate_(size_t n, const arma::mat& X, arma::vec& w) {
+    arma::vec temp1;
+    w = X * pow(trans(X) * w, 2);
+    w /= (double) n;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Fine-tuned Deflation Newton-Raphson using skew contrast function
+   */
+  void DeflationSkewFineTuningUpdate_(size_t n, const arma::mat& X, arma::vec& w) {
+    arma::vec EXG_skew;
+    EXG_skew = X * pow(trans(X) * w, 2);
+    EXG_skew /= (double) n;
+    double beta = dot(w, EXG_skew);
+    w += (mu_ / beta) * ((beta * w) - EXG_skew);
+  }
+ public:
+  /** number of dimensions (components) in original data */
+  size_t d;
+  /** number of samples of original data */
+  size_t n;
+  /**
+   * Default constructor does nothing special
+   */
+  FastICA() { }
+  /**
+   * Initializes the FastICA object by obtaining everything the algorithm needs
+   */
+  size_t Init(arma::mat& X_in) {
+    X = X_in;
+    d = X.n_rows;
+    n = X.n_cols;
+    long seed = mlpack::CLI::GetParam<int>("fastica/seed") + clock() + time(0);
+    srand48(seed);
+    const char* string_approach =
+      mlpack::CLI::GetParam<std::string>("fastica/approach").c_str();
+    if(strcasecmp(string_approach, "deflation") == 0) {
+      mlpack::Log::Info << "Using Deflation approach ";
+      approach_ = DEFLATCLIN;
+    }
+    else if(strcasecmp(string_approach, "symmetric") == 0) {
+      mlpack::Log::Info << "Using Symmetric approach ";
+      approach_ = SYMMETRIC;
+    }
+    else {
+      mlpack::Log::Fatal << "Approach must be 'deflation' or 'symmetric'!" <<
+          std::endl;
+    }
+    const char* string_nonlinearity =
+      mlpack::CLI::GetParam<std::string>("fastica/nonlinearity").c_str();
+    if(strcasecmp(string_nonlinearity, "logcosh") == 0) {
+      mlpack::Log::Info << "with log cosh nonlinearity." << std::endl;
+      nonlinearity_ = LOGCOSH;
+    }
+    else if(strcasecmp(string_nonlinearity, "gauss") == 0) {
+      mlpack::Log::Info << "with Gaussian nonlinearity." << std::endl;
+      nonlinearity_ = GAUSS;
+    }
+    else if(strcasecmp(string_nonlinearity, "kurtosis") == 0) {
+      mlpack::Log::Info << "with kurtosis nonlinearity." << std::endl;
+      nonlinearity_ = KURTOSIS;
+    }
+    else if(strcasecmp(string_nonlinearity, "skew") == 0) {
+      mlpack::Log::Info << "with skew nonlinearity." << std::endl;
+      nonlinearity_ = SKEW;
+    }
+    else {
+      mlpack::Log::Fatal << "Nonlinearity is not one of {logcosh, gauss, "
+          "kurtosis, skew}!" << std::endl;
+    }
+    //const size_t first_eig_ = fx_param_int(module_, "first_eig", 1);
+    // for now, the last eig must be d, and num_of IC must be d, until I have time to incorporate PCA into this code
+    //const size_t last_eig_ = fx_param_int(module_, "last_eig", d);
+    num_of_IC_ = mlpack::CLI::GetParam<int>("fastica/num_of_IC");
+    if(num_of_IC_ < 1 || num_of_IC_ > d) {
+      mlpack::Log::Fatal << "ERROR: num_of_IC = " << num_of_IC_ <<
+          " must be >= 1 and <= dimensionality of data" << std::endl;
+      return false;
+    }
+    fine_tune_ = mlpack::CLI::GetParam<bool>("fastica/fine_tune");
+    a1_ = mlpack::CLI::GetParam<double>("fastica/a1");
+    a2_ = mlpack::CLI::GetParam<double>("fastica/a2");
+    mu_ = mlpack::CLI::GetParam<double>("fastica/mu");
+    stabilization_ = mlpack::CLI::GetParam<bool>("fastica/stabilization");
+    epsilon_ = mlpack::CLI::GetParam<double>("fastica/epsilon");
+    size_t int_max_num_iterations =
+      mlpack::CLI::GetParam<int>("fastica/max_num_iterations");
+    if(int_max_num_iterations < 0) {
+      mlpack::Log::Fatal << "max_num_iterations (" << int_max_num_iterations
+          << ") must be greater than or equal to 0!" << std::endl;
+    }
+    max_num_iterations_ = (size_t) int_max_num_iterations;
+    size_t int_max_fine_tune = mlpack::CLI::GetParam<int>("fastica/max_fine_tune");
+    if(int_max_fine_tune < 0) {
+      mlpack::Log::Fatal << "max_fine_tune (" << int_max_fine_tune
+          << ") must be greater than or equal to 0!" << std::endl;
+    }
+    max_fine_tune_ = (size_t) int_max_fine_tune;
+    percent_cut_ = mlpack::CLI::GetParam<double>("fastica/percent_cut");
+    if((percent_cut_ < 0) || (percent_cut_ > 1)) {
+      mlpack::Log::Fatal << "percent_cut (" << percent_cut_ << ") must be "
+          "between 0 and 1!" << std::endl;
+    }
+    return true;
+  }
+  // NOTE: these functions currently are public because some of them can
+  //       serve as utilities that actually should be moved to lin_alg.h
+  /**
+   * Return Select indices < max according to probability equal to parameter
+   * percentage, and return indices in a Vector
+   */
+  size_t RandomSubMatrix(size_t n, double percent_cut, const arma::mat& X, arma::mat& X_sub) {
+    std::vector<size_t> colnums;
+    for(size_t i = 0; i < X.n_cols; i++) {
+      if(drand48() <= percent_cut) // add column
+        colnums.push_back(i);
+    }
+    // now that we have all the column numbers we want, assemble the random
+    // submatrix
+    X_sub.set_size(X.n_rows, colnums.size());
+    for(size_t i = 0; i < colnums.size(); i++)
+      X_sub.col(i) = X.col(colnums[i]);
+    return colnums.size();
+  }
+  /**
+   * Run FastICA using Symmetric approach
+   */
+  size_t SymmetricFixedPointICA(bool stabilization_enabled,
+			     bool fine_tuning_enabled,
+			     double mu_orig, double mu_k, size_t failure_limit,
+			     size_t used_nonlinearity, size_t g_fine, double stroke,
+			     bool not_fine, bool taking_long,
+			     size_t initial_state_mode,
+			     const arma::mat& X, arma::mat& B, arma::mat& W,
+			     arma::mat& whitening_matrix) {
+    if(initial_state_mode == 0) {
+      //generate random B
+      B.set_size(d, num_of_IC_);
+      for(size_t i = 0; i < num_of_IC_; i++) {
+        arma::vec temp_fail = B.col(i);
+	RandVector(temp_fail);
+        B.col(i) = temp_fail; // slow slow slow: TODO
+      }
+    }
+    arma::mat B_old, B_old2;
+    B_old.zeros(d, num_of_IC_);
+    B_old2.zeros(d, num_of_IC_);
+    // Main algorithm: iterate until convergence (or maximum iterations)
+    for(size_t round = 1; round <= max_num_iterations_; round++) {
+      Orthogonalize(B);
+      arma::mat B_delta_cov;
+      B_delta_cov = trans(B) * B_old;
+      double min_abs_cos = DBL_MAX;
+      for(size_t i = 0; i < d; i++) {
+	double current_cos = fabs(B_delta_cov(i, i));
+	if(current_cos < min_abs_cos)
+	  min_abs_cos = current_cos;
+      }
+      mlpack::Log::Debug << "delta = " << (1 - min_abs_cos) << std::endl;
+      if(1 - min_abs_cos < epsilon_) {
+	if(fine_tuning_enabled && not_fine) {
+	  not_fine = false;
+	  used_nonlinearity = g_fine;
+	  mu_ = mu_k * mu_orig;
+	  B_old.zeros(d, num_of_IC_);
+	  B_old2.zeros(d, num_of_IC_);
+	}
+	else {
+          W = trans(B) * whitening_matrix;
+	  return true;
+	}
+      }
+      else if(stabilization_enabled) {
+	arma::mat B_delta_cov2;
+        B_delta_cov2 = trans(B) * B_old2;
+	double min_abs_cos2 = DBL_MAX;
+	for(size_t i = 0; i < d; i++) {
+	  double current_cos2 = fabs(B_delta_cov2(i, i));
+	  if(current_cos2 < min_abs_cos2) {
+	    min_abs_cos2 = current_cos2;
+	  }
+	}
+        mlpack::Log::Debug << "stabilization delta = " << (1 - min_abs_cos2) <<
+            std::endl;
+	if((stroke == 0) && (1 - min_abs_cos2 < epsilon_)) {
+	  stroke = mu_;
+	  mu_ *= .5;
+	  if((used_nonlinearity % 2) == 0) {
+	    used_nonlinearity += 1;
+	  }
+	}
+	else if(stroke > 0) {
+	  mu_ = stroke;
+	  stroke = 0;
+	  if((mu_ == 1) && ((used_nonlinearity % 2) != 0)) {
+	    used_nonlinearity -= 1;
+	  }
+	}
+	else if((!taking_long) &&
+		(round > ((double) max_num_iterations_ / 2))) {
+	  taking_long = true;
+	  mu_ *= .5;
+	  if((used_nonlinearity % 2) == 0) {
+	    used_nonlinearity += 1;
+	  }
+	}
+      }
+      B_old2 = B_old;
+      B_old = B;
+      // show progress here, (the lack of code means no progress shown for now)
+      // use Newton-Raphson method to update B
+      switch(used_nonlinearity) {
+      case LOGCOSH: {
+	SymmetricLogCoshUpdate_(n, X, B);
+	break;
+      }
+      case LOGCOSH + 1: {
+	SymmetricLogCoshFineTuningUpdate_(n, X, B);
+	break;
+      }
+      case LOGCOSH + 2: {
+	arma::mat X_sub;
+	size_t num_selected = RandomSubMatrix(n, percent_cut_, X, X_sub);
+	SymmetricLogCoshUpdate_(num_selected, X_sub, B);
+	break;
+      }
+      case LOGCOSH + 3: {
+        arma::mat X_sub;
+	size_t num_selected = RandomSubMatrix(n, percent_cut_, X, X_sub);
+	SymmetricLogCoshFineTuningUpdate_(num_selected, X_sub, B);
+	break;
+      }
+      case GAUSS: {
+	SymmetricGaussUpdate_(n, X, B);
+	break;
+      }
+      case GAUSS + 1: {
+	SymmetricGaussFineTuningUpdate_(n, X, B);
+	break;
+      }
+      case GAUSS + 2: {
+	arma::mat X_sub;
+	size_t num_selected = RandomSubMatrix(n, percent_cut_, X, X_sub);
+	SymmetricGaussUpdate_(num_selected, X_sub, B);
+	break;
+      }
+      case GAUSS + 3: {
+	arma::mat X_sub;
+	size_t num_selected = RandomSubMatrix(n, percent_cut_, X, X_sub);
+	SymmetricGaussFineTuningUpdate_(num_selected, X_sub, B);
+	break;
+      }
+      case KURTOSIS: {
+	SymmetricKurtosisUpdate_(n, X, B);
+	break;
+      }
+      case KURTOSIS + 1: {
+	SymmetricKurtosisFineTuningUpdate_(n, X, B);
+	break;
+      }
+      case KURTOSIS + 2: {
+	arma::mat X_sub;
+	size_t num_selected = RandomSubMatrix(n, percent_cut_, X, X_sub);
+	SymmetricKurtosisUpdate_(num_selected, X_sub, B);
+	break;
+      }
+      case KURTOSIS + 3: {
+	arma::mat X_sub;
+	size_t num_selected = RandomSubMatrix(n, percent_cut_, X, X_sub);
+	SymmetricKurtosisFineTuningUpdate_(num_selected, X_sub, B);
+	break;
+      }
+      case SKEW: {
+	SymmetricSkewUpdate_(n, X, B);
+	break;
+      }
+      case SKEW + 1: {
+	SymmetricSkewFineTuningUpdate_(n, X, B);
+	break;
+      }
+      case SKEW + 2: {
+	arma::mat X_sub;
+	size_t num_selected = RandomSubMatrix(n, percent_cut_, X, X_sub);
+	SymmetricSkewUpdate_(num_selected, X_sub, B);
+	break;
+      }
+      case SKEW + 3: {
+	arma::mat X_sub;
+	size_t num_selected = RandomSubMatrix(n, percent_cut_, X, X_sub);
+	SymmetricSkewFineTuningUpdate_(num_selected, X_sub, B);
+	break;
+      }
+      default:
+        mlpack::Log::Fatal << "Invalid contrast function: used_nonlinearity = "
+            << used_nonlinearity << "." << std::endl;
+	exit(false);
+      }
+    }
+    mlpack::Log::Warn << "No convergence after " << max_num_iterations_
+        << " steps." << std::endl;
+    // orthogonalize B via: newB = B * (B' * B) ^ -.5;
+    Orthogonalize(B);
+    W = trans(whitening_matrix) * B;
+    return true;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Run FastICA using Deflation approach
+   */
+  size_t DeflationFixedPointICA(bool stabilization_enabled,
+ 			     bool fine_tuning_enabled,
+			     double mu_orig, double mu_k, size_t failure_limit,
+			     size_t used_nonlinearity, size_t g_orig, size_t g_fine,
+			     double stroke, bool not_fine, bool taking_long,
+			     size_t initial_state_mode,
+			     const arma::mat& X, arma::mat& B, arma::mat& W,
+			     arma::mat& whitening_matrix) {
+    B.zeros(d, d);
+    size_t round = 0;
+    size_t num_failures = 0;
+    while(round < num_of_IC_) {
+      mlpack::Log::Info << "Estimating IC " << (round + 1) << std::endl;
+      mu_ = mu_orig;
+      used_nonlinearity = g_orig;
+      stroke = 0;
+      not_fine = true;
+      taking_long = false;
+      size_t end_fine_tuning = 0;
+      arma::vec w(d);
+      if(initial_state_mode == 0)
+	RandVector(w);
+      for(size_t i = 0; i < round; i++)
+        w -= dot(B.col(i), w) * B.col(i);
+      w /= sqrt(dot(w, w)); // normalize
+      arma::vec w_old, w_old2;
+      w_old.zeros(d);
+      w_old2.zeros(d);
+      size_t i = 1;
+      size_t gabba = 1;
+      while(i <= max_num_iterations_ + gabba) {
+	for(size_t j = 0; j < round; j++)
+          w -= dot(B.col(j), w) * B.col(j);
+	w /= sqrt(dot(w, w)); // normalize
+	if(not_fine) {
+	  if(i == (max_num_iterations_ + 1)) {
+	    round++;
+	    num_failures++;
+	    if(num_failures > failure_limit) {
+              mlpack::Log::Warn << "Too many failures to converge (" << num_failures <<
+                  ").  Giving up." << std::endl;
+	      return false;
+	    }
+	    break;
+	  }
+	}
+	else {
+	  if(i >= end_fine_tuning) {
+	    w_old = w;
+	  }
+	}
+	// check for convergence
+	bool converged = false;
+	arma::vec w_diff = w_old - w;
+	double delta1 = dot(w_diff, w_diff);
+	double delta2 = DBL_MAX;
+	if(delta1 < epsilon_) {
+	  converged = true;
+	} else {
+          w_diff = w_old + w;
+	  delta2 = dot(w_diff, w_diff);
+	  if(delta2 < epsilon_)
+	    converged = true;
+	}
+        mlpack::Log::Debug << "delta = " << std::min(delta1, delta2) << std::endl;
+	if(converged) {
+	  if(fine_tuning_enabled & not_fine) {
+	    not_fine = false;
+	    gabba = max_fine_tune_;
+	    w_old.zeros();
+	    w_old2.zeros();
+	    used_nonlinearity = g_fine;
+	    mu_ = mu_k * mu_orig;
+	    end_fine_tuning = max_fine_tune_ + i;
+	  }
+	  else {
+	    num_failures = 0;
+	    B.col(round) = w;
+            W.col(round) = trans(whitening_matrix) * w;
+	    break; // this line is intended to take us to the next IC
+	  }
+	}
+	else if(stabilization_enabled) {
+	  converged = false;
+          w_diff = w_old2 - w;
+	  if(dot(w_diff, w_diff) < epsilon_) {
+	    converged = true;
+	  } else {
+            w_diff = w_old2 + w;
+	    if(dot(w_diff, w_diff) < epsilon_) {
+	      converged = true;
+	    }
+	  }
+	  if((stroke == 0) && converged) {
+	    stroke = mu_;
+	    mu_ *= .5;
+	    if((used_nonlinearity % 2) == 0) {
+	      used_nonlinearity++;
+	    }
+	  }
+	  else if(stroke != 0) {
+	    mu_ = stroke;
+	    stroke = 0;
+	    if((mu_ == 1) && ((used_nonlinearity % 2) != 0)) {
+	      used_nonlinearity--;
+	    }
+	  }
+	  else if(not_fine && (!taking_long) &&
+		  (i > ((double) max_num_iterations_ / 2))) {
+	    taking_long = true;
+	    mu_ *= .5;
+	    if((used_nonlinearity % 2) == 0) {
+	      used_nonlinearity++;
+	    }
+	  }
+	}
+	w_old2 = w_old;
+	w_old = w;
+	switch(used_nonlinearity) {
+	case LOGCOSH: {
+	  DeflationLogCoshUpdate_(n, X, w);
+	  break;
+	}
+	case LOGCOSH + 1: {
+	  DeflationLogCoshFineTuningUpdate_(n, X, w);
+	  break;
+	}
+	case LOGCOSH + 2: {
+	  arma::mat X_sub;
+	  size_t num_selected = RandomSubMatrix(n, percent_cut_, X, X_sub);
+	  DeflationLogCoshUpdate_(num_selected, X_sub, w);
+	  break;
+	}
+	case LOGCOSH + 3: {
+	  arma::mat X_sub;
+	  size_t num_selected = RandomSubMatrix(n, percent_cut_, X, X_sub);
+	  DeflationLogCoshFineTuningUpdate_(num_selected, X_sub, w);
+	  break;
+	}
+	case GAUSS: {
+	  DeflationGaussUpdate_(n, X, w);
+	  break;
+	}
+	case GAUSS + 1: {
+	  DeflationGaussFineTuningUpdate_(n, X, w);
+	  break;
+	}
+	case GAUSS + 2: {
+	  arma::mat X_sub;
+	  size_t num_selected = RandomSubMatrix(n, percent_cut_, X, X_sub);
+	  DeflationGaussUpdate_(num_selected, X_sub, w);
+	  break;
+	}
+	case GAUSS + 3: {
+	  arma::mat X_sub;
+	  size_t num_selected = RandomSubMatrix(n, percent_cut_, X, X_sub);
+	  DeflationGaussFineTuningUpdate_(num_selected, X_sub, w);
+	  break;
+	}
+	case KURTOSIS: {
+	  DeflationKurtosisUpdate_(n, X, w);
+	  break;
+	}
+	case KURTOSIS + 1: {
+	  DeflationKurtosisFineTuningUpdate_(n, X, w);
+	  break;
+	}
+	case KURTOSIS + 2: {
+	  arma::mat X_sub;
+	  size_t num_selected = RandomSubMatrix(n, percent_cut_, X, X_sub);
+	  DeflationKurtosisUpdate_(num_selected, X_sub, w);
+	  break;
+	}
+	case KURTOSIS + 3: {
+	  arma::mat X_sub;
+	  size_t num_selected = RandomSubMatrix(n, percent_cut_, X, X_sub);
+	  DeflationKurtosisFineTuningUpdate_(num_selected, X_sub, w);
+	  break;
+	}
+	case SKEW: {
+	  DeflationSkewUpdate_(n, X, w);
+	  break;
+	}
+	case SKEW + 1: {
+	  DeflationSkewFineTuningUpdate_(n, X, w);
+	  break;
+	}
+	case SKEW + 2: {
+	  arma::mat X_sub;
+	  size_t num_selected = RandomSubMatrix(n, percent_cut_, X, X_sub);
+	  DeflationSkewUpdate_(num_selected, X_sub, w);
+	  break;
+	}
+	case SKEW + 3: {
+	  arma::mat X_sub;
+	  size_t num_selected = RandomSubMatrix(n, percent_cut_, X, X_sub);
+	  DeflationSkewFineTuningUpdate_(num_selected, X_sub, w);
+	  break;
+	}
+	default:
+          mlpack::Log::Fatal << "Invalid contrast function: used_nonlinearity = " <<
+              used_nonlinearity << "." << std::endl;
+	}
+        w /= sqrt(dot(w, w)); // normalize
+	i++;
+      }
+      round++;
+    }
+    return true;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Verify the validity of some settings, set some parameters needed by
+   * the algorithm, and run the fixed-point FastICA algorithm using either
+   * the specified approach
+   * @pre{ X is a d by n data matrix, for d dimensions and n samples}
+   */
+  size_t FixedPointICA(const arma::mat& X, arma::mat& whitening_matrix, arma::mat& W) {
+    // ensure default values are passed into this function if the user doesn't care about certain parameters
+    if(d < num_of_IC_) {
+      mlpack::Log::Warn << "Must have num_of_IC <= dimension!" << std::endl;
+      W.set_size(0);
+      return false;
+    }
+    W.set_size(d, num_of_IC_);
+    if((percent_cut_ > 1) || (percent_cut_ < 0)) {
+      percent_cut_ = 1;
+      mlpack::Log::Info << "Setting percent_cut to 1." << std::endl;
+    }
+    else if(percent_cut_ < 1) {
+      if((percent_cut_ * n) < 1000) {
+	percent_cut_ = std::min(1000 / (double) n, (double) 1);
+        mlpack::Log::Warn << "Setting percent_cut to " << std::setw(4) << percent_cut_
+            << " (" << (size_t) floor(percent_cut_ * n) << " samples)."
+            << std::endl;
+      }
+    }
+    size_t g_orig = nonlinearity_;
+    if(percent_cut_ != 1) {
+      g_orig += 2;
+    }
+    if(mu_ != 1) {
+      g_orig += 1;
+    }
+    bool fine_tuning_enabled = true;
+    size_t g_fine;
+    if(fine_tune_) {
+      g_fine = nonlinearity_ + 1;
+    } else {
+      if(mu_ != 1)
+	g_fine = g_orig;
+      else
+	g_fine = g_orig + 1;
+      fine_tuning_enabled = false;
+    }
+    bool stabilization_enabled;
+    if(stabilization_) {
+      stabilization_enabled = true;
+    } else {
+      if(mu_ != 1)
+	stabilization_enabled = true;
+      else
+	stabilization_enabled = false;
+    }
+    double mu_orig = mu_;
+    double mu_k = 0.01;
+    size_t failure_limit = 5;
+    size_t used_nonlinearity = g_orig;
+    double stroke = 0;
+    bool not_fine = true;
+    bool taking_long = false;
+    // currently we don't allow for guesses for the initial unmixing matrix B
+    size_t initial_state_mode = 0;
+    arma::mat B;
+    size_t ret_val = false;
+    if(approach_ == SYMMETRIC) {
+      ret_val =
+	SymmetricFixedPointICA(stabilization_enabled, fine_tuning_enabled,
+			       mu_orig, mu_k, failure_limit,
+			       used_nonlinearity, g_fine, stroke,
+			       not_fine, taking_long, initial_state_mode,
+			       X, B, W,
+			       whitening_matrix);
+    }
+    else if(approach_ == DEFLATCLIN) {
+      ret_val =
+	DeflationFixedPointICA(stabilization_enabled, fine_tuning_enabled,
+			       mu_orig, mu_k, failure_limit,
+			       used_nonlinearity, g_orig, g_fine,
+			       stroke, not_fine, taking_long, initial_state_mode,
+			       X, B, W,
+			       whitening_matrix);
+    }
+    return ret_val;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Runs FastICA Algorithm on matrix X and sets W to unmixing matrix and Y to
+   * independent components matrix, such that \f$ X = W * Y \f$
+   */
+  size_t DoFastICA(arma::mat& W, arma::mat& Y) {
+    arma::mat X_centered, X_whitened, whitening_matrix;
+    Center(X, X_centered);
+    WhitenUsingEig(X_centered, X_whitened, whitening_matrix);
+    // X_whitened is equal to the original implementation, but the rows are
+    // permuted (apparently somewhat randomly) likely to due the ordering of
+    // eigenvalues.  Signs may be different too (whitening_matrix reflects these
+    // changes also).
+    // by-hand changes to emulate old version's matrix ordering
+    // row 4 = -row 1
+    // row 5 = -row 2
+    // row 3 = row 3
+    // row 2 = row 4
+    // row 1 = row 5
+    /*arma::mat tmp(X_whitened.n_rows, X_whitened.n_cols);
+    tmp.row(0) = X_whitened.row(4);
+    tmp.row(1) = X_whitened.row(3);
+    tmp.row(2) = X_whitened.row(2);
+    tmp.row(3) = -X_whitened.row(0);
+    tmp.row(4) = -X_whitened.row(1);
+    X_whitened = tmp;
+    arma::mat tmpw(whitening_matrix.n_rows, whitening_matrix.n_cols);
+    tmpw.row(0) = whitening_matrix.row(4);
+    tmpw.row(1) = whitening_matrix.row(3);
+    tmpw.row(2) = whitening_matrix.row(2);
+    tmpw.row(3) = -whitening_matrix.row(0);
+    tmpw.row(4) = -whitening_matrix.row(1);
+    whitening_matrix = tmpw;*/
+    size_t ret_val =
+      FixedPointICA(X_whitened, whitening_matrix, W);
+    if(ret_val == true) {
+      Y = trans(W) * X;
+    }
+    else {
+      Y.set_size(0);
+    }
+    return ret_val;
+  }
+}; /* class FastICA */
+}; // namespace fastica
+}; // namespace mlpack

Deleted: mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/methods/fastica/fastica_main.cc
--- mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/methods/fastica/fastica_main.cc	2011-10-26 16:48:06 UTC (rev 10040)
+++ mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/methods/fastica/fastica_main.cc	2011-10-26 16:48:26 UTC (rev 10041)
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
- * @file fastica_main.cc
- *
- * Demonstrates usage of fastica.h
- *
- * @see fastica.h
- *
- * @author Nishant Mehta
- */
-#include "fastica.h"
- * Here are usage instructions for this implementation of FastICA. Default values are given
- * to the right in parentheses.
- *
- * Parameters specific to this driver:
- *
- *   @param data = data file with each row being one sample (REQUIRED PARAMETER)
- *   @param ic_filename = independent components results filename (ic.dat)
- *   @param unmixing_filename = unmixing matrix results filename (unmixing.dat)
- *
- * Parameters specific to fastica.h (should be preceded by 'fastica/' on the command line):
- *
- *   @param seed = (long) seed to the random number generator (clock() + time(0))
- *   @param approach = {deflation, symmetric} (deflation)
- *   @param nonlinearity = {logcosh, gauss, kurtosis, skew} (logcosh)
- *   @param num_of_IC = integer constant for number of independent components to find (dimensionality of data)
- *   @param fine_tune = {true, false} (false)
- *   @param a1 = numeric constant for logcosh nonlinearity (1)
- *   @param a2 = numeric constant for gauss nonlinearity (1)
- *   @param mu = numeric constant for fine-tuning Newton-Raphson method (1)
- *   @param stabilization = {true, false} (false)
- *   @param epsilon = threshold for convergence (0.0001)
- *   @param max_num_iterations = maximum number of fixed-point iterations
- *   @param max_fine_tune = maximum number of fine-tuning iterations
- *   @param percent_cut = number in [0,1] indicating percent data to use in stabilization updates (1)
- *
- * Example use:
- *
- * @code
- * ./fastica --data=X_t.dat --ic_filename=ic.dat --unmixing_filename=W.dat
- * --fastica/approach=symmetric --fastica/nonlinearity=gauss
- * --fastica/stabilization=true --fastica/epsilon=0.0000001 --percent_cut=0.5
- * @endcode
- *
- * Note: Compile with verbose mode to display convergence-related values
- */
-PARAM_STRING_REQ("input_file", "File containing input data.", "fastica");
-PARAM_STRING("ic_file", "File containing IC data.", "fastica", "ic.dat");
-PARAM_STRING("unmixing_file", "File containing unmixing data.", "fastica", "unmixing.dat");
-int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
-  arma::mat X;
-  using namespace mlpack;
-  using namespace fastica;
-  CLI::ParseCommandLine(argc, argv);
-  const char* data = CLI::GetParam<std::string>("fastica/input_file").c_str();
-  data::Load(data, X);
-  const char* ic_filename = CLI::GetParam<std::string>("fastica/ic_file").c_str();
-  const char* unmixing_filename =
-    CLI::GetParam<std::string>("fastica/unmixing_file").c_str();
-  FastICA fastica;
-  int success_status = false;
-  if(fastica.Init(X) == true) {
-    arma::mat W, Y;
-    if(fastica.DoFastICA(W, Y) == true) {
-      data::Save(unmixing_filename, trans(W));
-      data::Save(ic_filename, Y);
-      success_status = true;
-      mlpack::Log::Debug << W << std::endl;
-    }
-  }
-  if(success_status == false) {
-    mlpack::Log::Debug << "FAILED!" << std::endl;
-  }
-  return success_status;

Copied: mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/methods/fastica/fastica_main.cpp (from rev 10030, mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/methods/fastica/fastica_main.cc)
--- mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/methods/fastica/fastica_main.cpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/methods/fastica/fastica_main.cpp	2011-10-26 16:48:26 UTC (rev 10041)
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+ * @file fastica_main.cc
+ *
+ * Demonstrates usage of fastica.h
+ *
+ * @see fastica.h
+ *
+ * @author Nishant Mehta
+ */
+#include "fastica.hpp"
+ * Here are usage instructions for this implementation of FastICA. Default values are given
+ * to the right in parentheses.
+ *
+ * Parameters specific to this driver:
+ *
+ *   @param data = data file with each row being one sample (REQUIRED PARAMETER)
+ *   @param ic_filename = independent components results filename (ic.dat)
+ *   @param unmixing_filename = unmixing matrix results filename (unmixing.dat)
+ *
+ * Parameters specific to fastica.h (should be preceded by 'fastica/' on the command line):
+ *
+ *   @param seed = (long) seed to the random number generator (clock() + time(0))
+ *   @param approach = {deflation, symmetric} (deflation)
+ *   @param nonlinearity = {logcosh, gauss, kurtosis, skew} (logcosh)
+ *   @param num_of_IC = integer constant for number of independent components to find (dimensionality of data)
+ *   @param fine_tune = {true, false} (false)
+ *   @param a1 = numeric constant for logcosh nonlinearity (1)
+ *   @param a2 = numeric constant for gauss nonlinearity (1)
+ *   @param mu = numeric constant for fine-tuning Newton-Raphson method (1)
+ *   @param stabilization = {true, false} (false)
+ *   @param epsilon = threshold for convergence (0.0001)
+ *   @param max_num_iterations = maximum number of fixed-point iterations
+ *   @param max_fine_tune = maximum number of fine-tuning iterations
+ *   @param percent_cut = number in [0,1] indicating percent data to use in stabilization updates (1)
+ *
+ * Example use:
+ *
+ * @code
+ * ./fastica --data=X_t.dat --ic_filename=ic.dat --unmixing_filename=W.dat
+ * --fastica/approach=symmetric --fastica/nonlinearity=gauss
+ * --fastica/stabilization=true --fastica/epsilon=0.0000001 --percent_cut=0.5
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * Note: Compile with verbose mode to display convergence-related values
+ */
+PARAM_STRING_REQ("input_file", "File containing input data.", "fastica");
+PARAM_STRING("ic_file", "File containing IC data.", "fastica", "ic.dat");
+PARAM_STRING("unmixing_file", "File containing unmixing data.", "fastica", "unmixing.dat");
+int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
+  arma::mat X;
+  using namespace mlpack;
+  using namespace fastica;
+  CLI::ParseCommandLine(argc, argv);
+  const char* data = CLI::GetParam<std::string>("fastica/input_file").c_str();
+  data::Load(data, X);
+  const char* ic_filename = CLI::GetParam<std::string>("fastica/ic_file").c_str();
+  const char* unmixing_filename =
+    CLI::GetParam<std::string>("fastica/unmixing_file").c_str();
+  FastICA fastica;
+  int success_status = false;
+  if(fastica.Init(X) == true) {
+    arma::mat W, Y;
+    if(fastica.DoFastICA(W, Y) == true) {
+      data::Save(unmixing_filename, trans(W));
+      data::Save(ic_filename, Y);
+      success_status = true;
+      mlpack::Log::Debug << W << std::endl;
+    }
+  }
+  if(success_status == false) {
+    mlpack::Log::Debug << "FAILED!" << std::endl;
+  }
+  return success_status;

Deleted: mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/methods/fastica/lin_alg.h
--- mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/methods/fastica/lin_alg.h	2011-10-26 16:48:06 UTC (rev 10040)
+++ mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/methods/fastica/lin_alg.h	2011-10-26 16:48:26 UTC (rev 10041)
@@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
- * @file lin_alg.h
- *
- * Linear algebra utilities
- *
- * @author Nishant Mehta
- */
-#ifndef LIN_ALG_H
-#define LIN_ALG_H
-#include <mlpack/core.h>
-#define max_rand_i 100000
- * Linear algebra utilities.
- *
- * This includes, among other things, Map, Sum, Addition, Subtraction,
- * Multiplication, Hadamard product (entry-wise multiplication), Whitening,
- * Random vectors on the unit sphere, Random uniform matrices, Random
- * normal matrices, creating a Submatrix that is a slice of selected columns of
- * a matrix, Block matrix construction from a base matrix
- * Note that the __private is temporary until this code is merged into a larger
- * namespace of linear algebra utilities
- */
-namespace mlpack {
-namespace fastica {
-namespace linalg__private {
-  /**
-   * Save the matrix to a file so that rows in the matrix correspond to rows in
-   * the file: This just means call data::Save() on the transpose of the matrix
-   */
-//  void SaveCorrectly(const char *filename, Matrix a) {
-//    Matrix a_transpose;
-//    la::TransposeInit(a, &a_transpose);
-//    arma::mat tmp_a;
-//    arma_compat::matrixToArma(a_transpose, tmp_a);
-//    data::Save(filename, tmp_a);
-//  }
-  /***
-   * Auxiliary function to raise vector elements to a specific power.  The sign is
-   * ignored in the power operation and then re-added.  Useful for eigenvalues.
-   */
-  void VectorPower(arma::vec& vec, double power) {
-    for(size_t i = 0; i < vec.n_elem; i++) {
-        if(std::abs(vec(i)) > 1e-12)
-          vec(i) = (vec(i) > 0) ? std::pow(vec(i), (double) power) : -std::pow(-vec(i), (double) power);
-        else
-          vec(i) = 0;
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Creates a centered matrix, where centering is done by subtracting
-   * the sum over the columns (a column vector) from each column of the matrix.
-   *
-   * @param X Input matrix
-   * @param X_centered Matrix to write centered output into
-   */
-  void Center(const arma::mat& X, arma::mat& X_centered) {
-    // sum matrix along dimension 0 (that is, sum elements in each row)
-    arma::vec row_vector_sum = arma::sum(X, 1);
-    row_vector_sum /= X.n_cols; // scale
-    X_centered.set_size(X.n_rows, X.n_cols);
-    for(size_t i = 0; i < X.n_rows; i++)
-      X_centered.row(i) = X.row(i) - row_vector_sum(i);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Whitens a matrix using the singular value decomposition of the covariance
-   * matrix. Whitening means the covariance matrix of the result is
-   * the identity matrix
-   */
-  void WhitenUsingSVD(const arma::mat& X, arma::mat& X_whitened, arma::mat& whitening_matrix) {
-    arma::mat cov_X, U, V, inv_S_matrix, temp1;
-    arma::vec S_vector;
-    cov_X = ccov(X);
-    svd(U, S_vector, V, cov_X);
-    size_t d = S_vector.n_elem;
-    inv_S_matrix.zeros(d, d);
-    inv_S_matrix.diag() = 1 / sqrt(S_vector);
-    whitening_matrix = V * inv_S_matrix * trans(U);
-    X_whitened = whitening_matrix * X;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Whitens a matrix using the eigendecomposition of the covariance
-   * matrix. Whitening means the covariance matrix of the result is
-   * the identity matrix
-   */
-  void WhitenUsingEig(const arma::mat& X, arma::mat& X_whitened, arma::mat& whitening_matrix) {
-    arma::mat diag, eigenvectors;
-    arma::vec eigenvalues;
-    // get eigenvectors of covariance of input matrix
-    eig_sym(eigenvalues, eigenvectors, ccov(X));
-    // generate diagonal matrix using 1 / sqrt(eigenvalues) for each value
-    VectorPower(eigenvalues, -0.5);
-    diag.zeros(eigenvalues.n_elem, eigenvalues.n_elem);
-    diag.diag() = eigenvalues;
-    // our whitening matrix is diag(1 / sqrt(eigenvectors)) * eigenvalues
-    whitening_matrix = diag * trans(eigenvectors);
-    // now apply the whitening matrix
-    X_whitened = whitening_matrix * X;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Overwrites a dimension-N vector to a random vector on the unit sphere in R^N
-   */
-  void RandVector(arma::vec &v) {
-    v.zeros();
-    for(size_t i = 0; i + 1 < v.n_elem; i+=2) {
-      double a = drand48();
-      double b = drand48();
-      double first_term = sqrt(-2 * log(a));
-      double second_term = 2 * M_PI * b;
-      v[i]     =   first_term * cos(second_term);
-      v[i + 1] = first_term * sin(second_term);
-    }
-    if((v.n_elem % 2) == 1) {
-      v[v.n_elem - 1] = sqrt(-2 * log(drand48())) * cos(2 * M_PI * drand48());
-    }
-    v /= sqrt(dot(v, v));
-  }
-  /**
-   * Inits a matrix to random normally distributed entries from N(0,1)
-   */
-  void RandNormalInit(size_t d, size_t n, arma::mat& A) {
-    size_t num_elements = d * n;
-    for(size_t i = 0; i + 1 < num_elements; i += 2) {
-      double a = drand48();
-      double b = drand48();
-      double first_term = sqrt(-2 * log(a));
-      double second_term = 2 * M_PI * b;
-      A[i] =   first_term * cos(second_term);
-      A[i + 1] = first_term * sin(second_term);
-    }
-    if((d % 2) == 1) {
-      A[d - 1] = sqrt(-2 * log(drand48())) * cos(2 * M_PI * drand48());
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Orthogonalize X and return the result in W, using eigendecomposition.
-   * We will be using the formula \f$ W = X (X^T X)^{-0.5} \f$.
-   */
-  void Orthogonalize(const arma::mat& X, arma::mat& W) {
-    // For a matrix A, A^N = V * D^N * V', where VDV' is the
-    // eigendecomposition of the matrix A.
-    arma::mat eigenvalues, eigenvectors;
-    arma::vec egval;
-    eig_sym(egval, eigenvectors, ccov(X));
-    VectorPower(egval, -0.5);
-    eigenvalues.zeros(egval.n_elem, egval.n_elem);
-    eigenvalues.diag() = egval;
-    arma::mat at = (eigenvectors * eigenvalues * trans(eigenvectors));
-    W = at * X;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Orthogonalize X in-place.  This could be sped up by a custom
-   * implementation.
-   */
-  void Orthogonalize(arma::mat& X) { Orthogonalize(X, X); }
-}; // namespace linalg__private 
-}; // fastica
-}; // mlpack
-#endif /* LIN_ALG_H */

Copied: mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/methods/fastica/lin_alg.hpp (from rev 10030, mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/methods/fastica/lin_alg.h)
--- mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/methods/fastica/lin_alg.hpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/methods/fastica/lin_alg.hpp	2011-10-26 16:48:26 UTC (rev 10041)
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+ * @file lin_alg.h
+ *
+ * Linear algebra utilities
+ *
+ * @author Nishant Mehta
+ */
+#include <mlpack/core.h>
+#define max_rand_i 100000
+ * Linear algebra utilities.
+ *
+ * This includes, among other things, Map, Sum, Addition, Subtraction,
+ * Multiplication, Hadamard product (entry-wise multiplication), Whitening,
+ * Random vectors on the unit sphere, Random uniform matrices, Random
+ * normal matrices, creating a Submatrix that is a slice of selected columns of
+ * a matrix, Block matrix construction from a base matrix
+ * Note that the __private is temporary until this code is merged into a larger
+ * namespace of linear algebra utilities
+ */
+namespace mlpack {
+namespace fastica {
+namespace linalg__private {
+  /**
+   * Save the matrix to a file so that rows in the matrix correspond to rows in
+   * the file: This just means call data::Save() on the transpose of the matrix
+   */
+//  void SaveCorrectly(const char *filename, Matrix a) {
+//    Matrix a_transpose;
+//    la::TransposeInit(a, &a_transpose);
+//    arma::mat tmp_a;
+//    arma_compat::matrixToArma(a_transpose, tmp_a);
+//    data::Save(filename, tmp_a);
+//  }
+  /***
+   * Auxiliary function to raise vector elements to a specific power.  The sign is
+   * ignored in the power operation and then re-added.  Useful for eigenvalues.
+   */
+  void VectorPower(arma::vec& vec, double power) {
+    for(size_t i = 0; i < vec.n_elem; i++) {
+        if(std::abs(vec(i)) > 1e-12)
+          vec(i) = (vec(i) > 0) ? std::pow(vec(i), (double) power) : -std::pow(-vec(i), (double) power);
+        else
+          vec(i) = 0;
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Creates a centered matrix, where centering is done by subtracting
+   * the sum over the columns (a column vector) from each column of the matrix.
+   *
+   * @param X Input matrix
+   * @param X_centered Matrix to write centered output into
+   */
+  void Center(const arma::mat& X, arma::mat& X_centered) {
+    // sum matrix along dimension 0 (that is, sum elements in each row)
+    arma::vec row_vector_sum = arma::sum(X, 1);
+    row_vector_sum /= X.n_cols; // scale
+    X_centered.set_size(X.n_rows, X.n_cols);
+    for(size_t i = 0; i < X.n_rows; i++)
+      X_centered.row(i) = X.row(i) - row_vector_sum(i);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Whitens a matrix using the singular value decomposition of the covariance
+   * matrix. Whitening means the covariance matrix of the result is
+   * the identity matrix
+   */
+  void WhitenUsingSVD(const arma::mat& X, arma::mat& X_whitened, arma::mat& whitening_matrix) {
+    arma::mat cov_X, U, V, inv_S_matrix, temp1;
+    arma::vec S_vector;
+    cov_X = ccov(X);
+    svd(U, S_vector, V, cov_X);
+    size_t d = S_vector.n_elem;
+    inv_S_matrix.zeros(d, d);
+    inv_S_matrix.diag() = 1 / sqrt(S_vector);
+    whitening_matrix = V * inv_S_matrix * trans(U);
+    X_whitened = whitening_matrix * X;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Whitens a matrix using the eigendecomposition of the covariance
+   * matrix. Whitening means the covariance matrix of the result is
+   * the identity matrix
+   */
+  void WhitenUsingEig(const arma::mat& X, arma::mat& X_whitened, arma::mat& whitening_matrix) {
+    arma::mat diag, eigenvectors;
+    arma::vec eigenvalues;
+    // get eigenvectors of covariance of input matrix
+    eig_sym(eigenvalues, eigenvectors, ccov(X));
+    // generate diagonal matrix using 1 / sqrt(eigenvalues) for each value
+    VectorPower(eigenvalues, -0.5);
+    diag.zeros(eigenvalues.n_elem, eigenvalues.n_elem);
+    diag.diag() = eigenvalues;
+    // our whitening matrix is diag(1 / sqrt(eigenvectors)) * eigenvalues
+    whitening_matrix = diag * trans(eigenvectors);
+    // now apply the whitening matrix
+    X_whitened = whitening_matrix * X;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Overwrites a dimension-N vector to a random vector on the unit sphere in R^N
+   */
+  void RandVector(arma::vec &v) {
+    v.zeros();
+    for(size_t i = 0; i + 1 < v.n_elem; i+=2) {
+      double a = drand48();
+      double b = drand48();
+      double first_term = sqrt(-2 * log(a));
+      double second_term = 2 * M_PI * b;
+      v[i]     =   first_term * cos(second_term);
+      v[i + 1] = first_term * sin(second_term);
+    }
+    if((v.n_elem % 2) == 1) {
+      v[v.n_elem - 1] = sqrt(-2 * log(drand48())) * cos(2 * M_PI * drand48());
+    }
+    v /= sqrt(dot(v, v));
+  }
+  /**
+   * Inits a matrix to random normally distributed entries from N(0,1)
+   */
+  void RandNormalInit(size_t d, size_t n, arma::mat& A) {
+    size_t num_elements = d * n;
+    for(size_t i = 0; i + 1 < num_elements; i += 2) {
+      double a = drand48();
+      double b = drand48();
+      double first_term = sqrt(-2 * log(a));
+      double second_term = 2 * M_PI * b;
+      A[i] =   first_term * cos(second_term);
+      A[i + 1] = first_term * sin(second_term);
+    }
+    if((d % 2) == 1) {
+      A[d - 1] = sqrt(-2 * log(drand48())) * cos(2 * M_PI * drand48());
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Orthogonalize X and return the result in W, using eigendecomposition.
+   * We will be using the formula \f$ W = X (X^T X)^{-0.5} \f$.
+   */
+  void Orthogonalize(const arma::mat& X, arma::mat& W) {
+    // For a matrix A, A^N = V * D^N * V', where VDV' is the
+    // eigendecomposition of the matrix A.
+    arma::mat eigenvalues, eigenvectors;
+    arma::vec egval;
+    eig_sym(egval, eigenvectors, ccov(X));
+    VectorPower(egval, -0.5);
+    eigenvalues.zeros(egval.n_elem, egval.n_elem);
+    eigenvalues.diag() = egval;
+    arma::mat at = (eigenvectors * eigenvalues * trans(eigenvectors));
+    W = at * X;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Orthogonalize X in-place.  This could be sped up by a custom
+   * implementation.
+   */
+  void Orthogonalize(arma::mat& X) { Orthogonalize(X, X); }
+}; // namespace linalg__private 
+}; // fastica
+}; // mlpack

Deleted: mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/methods/fastica/lin_alg_test.cc
--- mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/methods/fastica/lin_alg_test.cc	2011-10-26 16:48:06 UTC (rev 10040)
+++ mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/methods/fastica/lin_alg_test.cc	2011-10-26 16:48:26 UTC (rev 10041)
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
- * lin_alg_test.cc
- *
- * Simple tests for things in the linalg__private namespace.
- * Partly so I can be sure that my changes are working.
- * Move to boost unit testing framework at some point.
- *
- * @author Ryan Curtin
- */
-#include <mlpack/core.h>
-#include "lin_alg.h"
-using namespace arma;
-using namespace mlpack;
-using namespace fastica;
-using namespace linalg__private;
-#define BOOST_TEST_MODULE linAlgTest
-#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
- * Test for linalg__private::Center().  There are no edge cases here, so we'll
- * just try it once for now.
- */
-  mat tmp(5, 5);
-  // [[0  0  0  0  0]
-  //  [1  2  3  4  5]
-  //  [2  4  6  8  10]
-  //  [3  6  9  12 15]
-  //  [4  8  12 16 20]]
-  for (int row = 0; row < 5; row++) {
-    for (int col = 0; col < 5; col++)
-      tmp(row, col) = row * (col + 1);
-  }
-  mat tmp_out;
-  Center(tmp, tmp_out);
-  // average should be
-  // [[0 3 6 9 12]]'
-  // so result should be
-  // [[ 0  0  0  0  0]
-  //  [-2 -1  0  1  2 ]
-  //  [-4 -2  0  2  4 ]
-  //  [-6 -3  0  3  6 ]
-  //  [-8 -4  0  4  8]]
-  for (int row = 0; row < 5; row++) {
-    for (int col = 0; col < 5; col++) {
-      BOOST_REQUIRE_CLOSE(tmp_out(row, col), (double) (col - 2) * row, 1e-5);
-    }
-  }
-  mat tmp(5, 6);
-  for (int row = 0; row < 5; row++) {
-    for (int col = 0; col < 6; col++)
-      tmp(row, col) = row * (col + 1);
-  }
-  mat tmp_out;
-  Center(tmp, tmp_out);
-  // average should be
-  // [[0 3.5 7 10.5 14]]'
-  // so result should be
-  // [[ 0    0    0   0   0   0  ]
-  //  [-2.5 -1.5 -0.5 0.5 1.5 2.5]
-  //  [-5   -3   -1   1   3   5  ]
-  //  [-7.5 -4.5 -1.5 1.5 1.5 4.5]
-  //  [-10  -6   -2   2   6   10 ]]
-  for (int row = 0; row < 5; row++) {
-    for (int col = 0; col < 6; col++) {
-      BOOST_REQUIRE_CLOSE(tmp_out(row, col), (double) (col - 2.5) * row, 1e-5);
-    }
-  }
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(TestWhitenUsingEig) {
-  // After whitening using eigendecomposition, the covariance of
-  // our matrix will be I (or something very close to that).
-  // We are loading a matrix from an external file... bad choice.
-  mat tmp, tmp_centered, whitened, whitening_matrix;
-  data::Load("fake.arff", tmp);
-  Center(tmp, tmp_centered);
-  WhitenUsingEig(tmp_centered, whitened, whitening_matrix);
-  mat newcov = ccov(whitened);
-  for (int row = 0; row < 5; row++) {
-    for (int col = 0; col < 5; col++) {
-      if (row == col) {
-        // diagonal will be 0 in the case of any zero-valued eigenvalues
-        // (rank-deficient covariance case)
-        if (std::abs(newcov(row, col)) > 1e-10)
-          BOOST_REQUIRE_CLOSE(newcov(row, col), 1.0, 1e-10);
-      } else {
-        BOOST_REQUIRE_SMALL(newcov(row, col), 1e-10);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(TestOrthogonalize) {
-  // Generate a random matrix; then, orthogonalize it and test if it's
-  // orthogonal.
-  mat tmp, orth;
-  data::Load("fake.arff", tmp);
-  Orthogonalize(tmp, orth);
-  // test orthogonality
-  mat test = ccov(orth);
-  double ival = test(0, 0);
-  for (size_t row = 0; row < test.n_rows; row++) {
-    for (size_t col = 0; col < test.n_cols; col++) {
-      if (row == col) {
-        if (std::abs(test(row, col)) > 1e-10)
-          BOOST_REQUIRE_CLOSE(test(row, col), ival, 1e-10);
-      } else {
-        BOOST_REQUIRE_SMALL(test(row, col), 1e-10);
-      }
-    }
-  }

Copied: mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/methods/fastica/lin_alg_test.cpp (from rev 10030, mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/methods/fastica/lin_alg_test.cc)
--- mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/methods/fastica/lin_alg_test.cpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ mlpack/trunk/src/mlpack/methods/fastica/lin_alg_test.cpp	2011-10-26 16:48:26 UTC (rev 10041)
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+ * lin_alg_test.cc
+ *
+ * Simple tests for things in the linalg__private namespace.
+ * Partly so I can be sure that my changes are working.
+ * Move to boost unit testing framework at some point.
+ *
+ * @author Ryan Curtin
+ */
+#include <mlpack/core.h>
+#include "lin_alg.hpp"
+using namespace arma;
+using namespace mlpack;
+using namespace fastica;
+using namespace linalg__private;
+#define BOOST_TEST_MODULE linAlgTest
+#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
+ * Test for linalg__private::Center().  There are no edge cases here, so we'll
+ * just try it once for now.
+ */
+  mat tmp(5, 5);
+  // [[0  0  0  0  0]
+  //  [1  2  3  4  5]
+  //  [2  4  6  8  10]
+  //  [3  6  9  12 15]
+  //  [4  8  12 16 20]]
+  for (int row = 0; row < 5; row++) {
+    for (int col = 0; col < 5; col++)
+      tmp(row, col) = row * (col + 1);
+  }
+  mat tmp_out;
+  Center(tmp, tmp_out);
+  // average should be
+  // [[0 3 6 9 12]]'
+  // so result should be
+  // [[ 0  0  0  0  0]
+  //  [-2 -1  0  1  2 ]
+  //  [-4 -2  0  2  4 ]
+  //  [-6 -3  0  3  6 ]
+  //  [-8 -4  0  4  8]]
+  for (int row = 0; row < 5; row++) {
+    for (int col = 0; col < 5; col++) {
+      BOOST_REQUIRE_CLOSE(tmp_out(row, col), (double) (col - 2) * row, 1e-5);
+    }
+  }
+  mat tmp(5, 6);
+  for (int row = 0; row < 5; row++) {
+    for (int col = 0; col < 6; col++)
+      tmp(row, col) = row * (col + 1);
+  }
+  mat tmp_out;
+  Center(tmp, tmp_out);
+  // average should be
+  // [[0 3.5 7 10.5 14]]'
+  // so result should be
+  // [[ 0    0    0   0   0   0  ]
+  //  [-2.5 -1.5 -0.5 0.5 1.5 2.5]
+  //  [-5   -3   -1   1   3   5  ]
+  //  [-7.5 -4.5 -1.5 1.5 1.5 4.5]
+  //  [-10  -6   -2   2   6   10 ]]
+  for (int row = 0; row < 5; row++) {
+    for (int col = 0; col < 6; col++) {
+      BOOST_REQUIRE_CLOSE(tmp_out(row, col), (double) (col - 2.5) * row, 1e-5);
+    }
+  }
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(TestWhitenUsingEig) {
+  // After whitening using eigendecomposition, the covariance of
+  // our matrix will be I (or something very close to that).
+  // We are loading a matrix from an external file... bad choice.
+  mat tmp, tmp_centered, whitened, whitening_matrix;
+  data::Load("fake.arff", tmp);
+  Center(tmp, tmp_centered);
+  WhitenUsingEig(tmp_centered, whitened, whitening_matrix);
+  mat newcov = ccov(whitened);
+  for (int row = 0; row < 5; row++) {
+    for (int col = 0; col < 5; col++) {
+      if (row == col) {
+        // diagonal will be 0 in the case of any zero-valued eigenvalues
+        // (rank-deficient covariance case)
+        if (std::abs(newcov(row, col)) > 1e-10)
+          BOOST_REQUIRE_CLOSE(newcov(row, col), 1.0, 1e-10);
+      } else {
+        BOOST_REQUIRE_SMALL(newcov(row, col), 1e-10);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(TestOrthogonalize) {
+  // Generate a random matrix; then, orthogonalize it and test if it's
+  // orthogonal.
+  mat tmp, orth;
+  data::Load("fake.arff", tmp);
+  Orthogonalize(tmp, orth);
+  // test orthogonality
+  mat test = ccov(orth);
+  double ival = test(0, 0);
+  for (size_t row = 0; row < test.n_rows; row++) {
+    for (size_t col = 0; col < test.n_cols; col++) {
+      if (row == col) {
+        if (std::abs(test(row, col)) > 1e-10)
+          BOOST_REQUIRE_CLOSE(test(row, col), ival, 1e-10);
+      } else {
+        BOOST_REQUIRE_SMALL(test(row, col), 1e-10);
+      }
+    }
+  }

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